\documentclass[fleqn]{baskerville} % Focal Image Ltd---fix/fudges please remove for final processing \def\dings{\par\hrule\par} \let\Dings\dings \def\pounds{{\char163}} \def\PS{{P}{\footnotesize\uppercase{ost}}S{\footnotesize\uppercase{cript}}} \usepackage{pdfmark} \pdfoutput %\def\link#1#2{#2} % End of Focal Image fix/fudges --------------------------------- \BASKvol{7} \BASKno{1} \BASKed*{Kaveh Bazargan}% * for Guest editor \BASKyear{1996} \BASKmonth{November} % Things this paper definitely needs %\usepackage{xspace} \usepackage{fancyvrb} %\newcommand\ftp{\textsf{ftp}\xspace} %\DeclareRobustCommand\cs[1]{\texttt{\char`\\#1}} % \def\url#1{\texttt{#1}} \begin{document} \begin{frontmatter} \section{Editorial} We had fun trying to output this issue together. Because of the very nature of Baskerville, being written by the {\TeX}perts, and pushing {\TeX} to its limits, it is not the simplest publication to handle. Now we all like to do things in the most elegant way possible but, having run a production environment for a few years, we have learned to use the quick and dirty method when it works. I thought some notes on the production of this issue might be of interest. The work was done using Textures on a Power Computing Macintosh clone. The initial problem came from (of all places) fonts. Textures uses a system of font management different to other machines (in itself no bad thing). A version of the Baskerville class file had to be chosen from the several that were offered/located (actually a \verb|diff| was performed on them and the most likely looking candiates were pinched into one big, mutated, class file---it worked, so who are we to complain). Things went smoothly until Seb's MetaPost article where the use of \verb|%*Font|, dvips specific, commands meant that the \verb|.eps| files needed to be modified to run under Textures. The following lines where added. (This is not a general solution and can be quite dangerous, but it was quick.) \begin{verbatim} /cmsy10 /CMSY10 def /cmr10 /CMR10 def /cmmi10 /CMMI10 def /fshow {exch findfont exch scalefont setfont show}bind def \end{verbatim} What it does is to make the text \verb|cmr10|, etc active (so no phrases like `this figure uses cmr10' are allowed) and defines the \verb|fshow| command. Unfortunately you must have access to \emph{all} the fonts locally on your machine as they aren't embedded into the PostScript. Obviously we could have run MetaPost on the original source codes, but adding a \verb|prologues := 1;| command of course, but as both methods require us to change all the files and the latter requires an extra processing step from {\MP} so the first method was deemed acceptable. Good luck to the next editor! \end{frontmatter} \Dings \input{lout} \Dings \input{dtd} \Dings \input{ltour3} \Dings \def\textdegree{$^{\circ}$} \input{rahtz} % \input{lyx-intro} % \input{lyx} \Dings \input{regul} \end{document}