%% Submission for Baskerville %% \author[Andrew Lack]{Andrew F. Lack\\City University} \title{Newsletters with \LaTeX} \begin{Article} %% \begin{abstract} I have typeset newsletters for 4 different organisations over the past three years using \LaTeX. This article outlines some of my experiences of using \LaTeX{} to produce them. \end{abstract} \LaTeX\ and \TeX\ were never designed to produce artwork for newsletters. And yet their flexibility, together with some clever minor style files, means that a very acceptable product can be produced. Just take a look at \textit{Baskerville} to see this. For the last three years I have typeset the newsletter of City University's Computing Services department. Prior to my involvement the usual mixture of software---and consequent styles---were tried. Packages like MicroSoft Word and Ventura Publisher were used. I was convinced that, despite its rather formal page layout, \LaTeX\ could be used to produce a good newsletter and after eight issues I'm still convinced. Besides, when I took the newsletter on I was \textit{only} going to use \LaTeX. \section{Text Columns} A newsletter, particularly one printed on A4 paper, is going to require multiple columns---probably 2 or~3. Because of the necessity to mix multi and single columnar styles on a page (single column for article headings), the minor style file \textsf{multicol} is more-or-less an essential starting point. However, the \textsf{multicol} style does have some limitations, most notable only allowing full textwidth floats. This complicates the placement of items such as tables and illustrations which are column-width, and these must be defined in the document at a fixed position. With \acro{DTP} packages, boxes or frames are defined where illustrations are to appear on the page, the text automagically flowing around them. This design not only simplifies the placement of illustrations, but also allows illustrations to be placed \textit{between} columns---a popular way of including a photograph of the author, for example, at the start of an article. This isn't possible with \LaTeX. However, given these limitations typesetting articles with column-width illustrations is quite straight forward. The placement of these is probably best left to near the end of the typesetting process, adding them to the file starting at the beginning and working towards the end, checking page breaks as you go. \section{Short Articles} Using the rather formal full-width heading above a short article (perhaps using only one quarter of the page depth) looks rather odd. For short articles consider setting them in a box of width 0.75 or 0.8 of the full text width. Using box styles from the minor style file \textsf{fancybox} adds emphasis to the design. Another useful technique is to place a 5\% or 10\% gray tint behind the box using the \textsf{psboxit} minor style. If you do this avoid the fancy box styles and stick to the good old plain \texttt{fbox}, as the background PostScript shading extends beyond the box boundaries for \texttt{shadowbox} and \texttt{doublebox} and this look rather odd. \section{Graphics} Despite the fact that I produce final artwork using PostScript, I prefer working with graphics using the \textsf{bm2font} system, which converts graphics to \TeX\ fonts. This has the advantage of producing images which are viewable using standard \texttt{dvi} previewers and they print much faster than encapsulated PostScript versions do. \textsf{Bm2font} handles a wide variety of popular (\acro{PC}) bitmap formats, including \acro{PCX} and \acro{GIF}. If you are looking for copyright-free clip art, then take a look at the publications of \textit{The Dover Press}. These US publications are available from stockists in the UK and are priced at around \pounds 5--6 per book. \section{Starting Articles} With ideal copy new articles will start at the top of a new page, with minimal wastage on the previous. However this rarely happens. The heading for an article is a key part of the typographic design of the newsletter. When the reader reaches the bottom of a column, below which a new article begins, the typography must make it clear that the reader should move up to the top of the page to continue. A clear break under the previous article is required, together with a device which extends across the page. I leave a gap of 3em before printing the new article's heading. Under the heading I like to use textwidth \textit{shaded face rule} (a rule of 0.2pt, gap of 2pt and a rule of 1pt) underneath the new article's title. Deciding where to start a new article can be tricky. Luckily the \textsf{multicols} environment takes some optional arguments, one of which allows you to specify the minimum space which must remain on the page before starting the new environment. The other optional argument is text which is set full-width. This is where the article's heading can be set. A typographic embellishment for the start of the article is common. Two are often employed; a large initial capital, possibly a dropcap, or setting the first three of four words in small caps. I like using dropcaps (which can be typeset using \TeX's \verb+\hangindent+ and \verb+\hangafter+). However, this has the disadvantage of making the entire first paragraph an unbreakable box, so only use this technique if you have sufficient vertical space on the page. \section{Page Breaks} This is without doubt the most difficult aspect of newsletter construction. Due to the rather `lumpy' nature of the copy, (particularly if your articles have many illustrations), \LaTeX\ will occasionally have problems finding good page breaks. \LaTeX2e's \verb+\enlargethispage+ helps a little here. [Well, being a 2.09 user I assume so.] Sometimes bad page breaks can be avoided by making the copy slightly longer. This can be neatly achieved by the command \verb+\looseness=1+ within a longish paragraph. It'll cause \TeX\ to increase the length of the paragraph by one line by loosening the glue. Do this a couple of times in an article and this may just be enough. Of course you could even do some copy-editing. \section{Typefaces} Computer Modern for a newsletter? No. Computer Modern has too much of a technical look about it and here in Britain we tend not to like Modern book faces, preferring the Oldstyle instead\Dash faces like, well Baskerville and Garamond. However for City University's newsletter I use \textit{Lucida Bright}. I find it renders well on a 300dpi \acro{HP}3\acro{S}i laser printer, giving a clean black copy which our Print Room can work with. Computer Modern is too spidery on the 3\acro{S}i. For display work (such as the article titles) I like New Century Schoolbook italic, and Bookman bold italic makes a good mast-head face. \end{Article}