%% BEGIN gradient.tex/gradient.sty %% %% Defines the gradient fillstyle for PSTricks. %% \def\fileversion{0.93a} \def\filedate{93/03/12} %% %% COPYRIGHT 1993, by Timothy Van Zandt, tvz@Princeton.EDU %% See pstricks.tex or pstricks.doc for copying restrictions. %% %% See the PSTricks User's Guide for description. %% %% This uses the header file gradient.ps. %% %% Based on some EPS files by leeweyr!bill@nuchat.sccsi.com (W. R. Lee). % % This defines a new fill style, "gradient", for use with PSTricks, % which has gradiated color. The following parameters are used: % % gradbegin=color : Beginning color. % gradend=color : Final color. % gradlines=int : Number of lines to use. The higher the number, % the slower the rendering. % gradmidpoint=num : Gradient color goes from gradbegin to gradend, % and then back to beginning. Midpoint (point % where "gradend" color appears, is gradmidpoint % from the top. (0 <= Gmidpoint <= 1). % gradangle=angle : Rotate image by angle. \message{ v\fileversion, \filedate} \csname GradientLoaded\endcsname \let\GradientLoaded\endinput \ifx\PSTricksLoaded\endinput\else \def\next{\input pstricks.tex }\expandafter\next \fi \pstheader{gradient.pro} \newrgbcolor{gradbegin}{0 .1 .95} \def\psset@gradbegin#1{\pst@getcolor{#1}\psgradbegin} \psset@gradbegin{gradbegin} \newrgbcolor{gradend}{0 1 1} \def\psset@gradend#1{\pst@getcolor{#1}\psgradend} \psset@gradend{gradend} \def\psset@gradlines#1{% \pst@getint{#1}\psgradlines \ifnum\psgradlines<2 \@pstrickserr{gradlines must be at least 2}\@epha \def\psgradlines{2 }% \fi} \psset@gradlines{300} \def\psset@gradmidpoint#1{\pst@checknum{#1}\psgradmidpoint} \psset@gradmidpoint{.9} \def\psset@gradangle#1{\pst@getangle{#1}\psk@gradangle} \psset@gradangle{0} \def\psfs@gradient{% %\pst@fill{% \addto@pscode{gsave gsave \pst@usecolor\psgradbegin currentrgbcolor grestore gsave \pst@usecolor\psgradend currentrgbcolor grestore \psgradlines \psgradmidpoint \psk@gradangle tx@GradientDict begin GradientFill end grestore}} \endinput %% END gradient.tex