\title{Production Problems} \author{Robin Fairbairns} \begin{Article} I had to apologise for the late production of \BV{} 5.6, which arose from my continuing distraction from the (several) jobs I had in hand; even when it had been printed, there was a delay before I was able to organise its posting. Because of that delay, we had to send you a separate mailing of the notice of Portable Documents (reprise) meeting. \BV{} 6.1, produced by David Carlisle, arrived on time, and I was able to get discs to the printer in reasonable time. However, the next day I had to leave Cambridge, and spent only one day here for the next week and a half. Fortunately, I was able to alert the committee to the need to send out a special mailing for the \TeX{} and the Internet meeting. Since they had been printed, I decided to include `my' fliers for the meeting with the mailing which is now, finally (4 March) in the post. (I'm \emph{sure} the green paper the fliers were printed on didn't look quite so violent when I chose it; I shan't select that colour again!) One hopes such alarums and diversions won't happen again; I apologise to the membership for any inconvenience. \end{Article}