\title{Editorial} \begin{article} \section{Cathy Booth memorial} As explained in the last issue of \BV, the committee of \ukt\ has been working to honour the memory of Cathy Booth in its various activities and donations to good causes. Continuing an occasional tradition started by Malcolm Clark, we decided to award a prize in Cathy's name at this year's \TeX\ User Group conference. At the meeting a poll of delegates was arranged, and Donald Knuth was also asked to nominate his favourite papers. The first choice was overwhelmingly for the work of T.~V.~Raman, who presented a paper, and demonstrated his audio `views' of \TeX\ documents. For anyone who has met Raman, or experienced his work, this will come as no surprise --- his system for speaking mathematical formulae (and any other \TeX\ construct!) is an incredible achievement, recognized by the national award for his doctoral thesis last year. Raman (and his guide-dog Aster) received a remarkable standing ovation when the Cathy Booth prize was awarded at TUG95, for what one voter aptly described as his `contribution to humanity'. We are very pleased to be allowed to reprint his paper from the conference preprints in this issue of \BV. \section{Looking for a new captain of \BV} At the 1995 meeting of the \TeX\ User's Group, I was elected as Secretary of the group by the Board of Directors. \ukt\ members who are also members of TUG will be aware that the group has been going through rough times recently, with its publication program adrift, and its relationship with other groups being questioned. Since I want to give my best effort to getting TUG back on its feet, and working for the good of all \TeX\ users, I have very reluctantly decided that I will have to give up work for the \UKTUG, including the editorship of \BV. A replacement is being sought --- if you think you can do it, let's hear from you. The most important criterion is that you be able to garner 24 pages of interesting material every other month --- all sorts of people can help with the typesetting, proofing, production etc, but it is the firm overall control that we want. \section{Corrigendum} In \BV~5.3 Rosemary Bailey gave a list of the members of the committee of \ukt\ in 1991--1992. Unfortunately, she omitted the names of two members: Angus Duggan and David Osborne. She has asked the \BV\ editor to pass on her apologies. \section{Words from the Treasurer} Peter Abbott asks me to remind/inform members of the following points: \subsection{Book discounts} Any book from the Addison-Wesley Complete Computer Science catalogue may be ordered from \uktug. The published price should be discounted by 10\% rounded to the nearest 5p. If you are unsure please let me know the ISBN and I will quote a price. A-W books are delivered direct so I would appreciate notification of delivery. Books from O'Reilly are as listed on the sheet included in \BV\ from time to time. O'Reilly books are forwarded by me so again I would appreciate notification of receipt. Cheques should be made payable to `UKTUG' and sent to Peter Abbott (see banner for address, phone etc). \subsection{4allTeX CD-ROM 3rd edition} This newly released CD is available for \pounds 25. It now has \emph{two} CDs, the latest em\TeX, and more goodies than you can imagine. A few copies of the 2nd edition are on sale for \pounds5. \subsection{Em\TeX\ new release} By the time you read this you should have received the update mentioned in the last edition of \BV. Please contact me if you paid the \pounds 30 in 1995 or the \pounds 5 for the update service, and have not received your disks. \end{article} \endinput \section{Overload} Any editor of a publication about \TeX\ meets the problems of conflicting macros more than most people; curiously enough, no issue of \BV\ has yet proved impossible to run in one go. But this time it came close; for Haverkort's packages alone, it took me several hours to work out which packages to omit (like \LaTeX\ color), and where to cheat. At the last moment, Rowley's article needed \texttt{amsmath}, which then fought with Bailey's work\ldots The fact that \LaTeXe\ did not trivially permit me to load \texttt{amsmath} for the duration of one paper only (it used to be easy in the days of \LaTeX209) is a cause of irritation. Recalling observations in the last \BV, and this, about the direction \LaTeX{} is taking, I take the opportunity to commend to \ukt\ members a paper by Matt Swift on `Modularity in \LaTeX' which will appear in TUGboat 16.3 --- whatever you think of his suggestions, it is way past time to stop relying on just hope and goodwill as methods of preventing macro clashes.