\title{Letters to the editor 1: Maths in \protect\LaTeX, Part 3} \author{Philip Taylor} \setcounter{figure}{0}% \setcounter{table}{0}% \begin{multicols}{2}[\Section{Letters to the editor 1: Maths in \protect\LaTeX, Part 3 }]% I am delighted to see the esteemed Professor Bailey so wholeheartedly deprecate the re-definition of a Plain \TeX\ command by an adjunct package (\AMSTeX); what is less clear is why she does not vent the same spleen on the author(s) of \LaTeX, who have pre-empted many more fundamental commands than just \verb|\emptyset|. Yours etc, \makeatletter \@signature \makeatother \begin{quote} \emph{The author replies:} I think that there is some confusion here, as well as a difference of opinion. I was complaining about a redefinition in the file {\tt amstex.sty}, which is a package explicitly for use with the \LaTeX\ format. That is a different matter from a redefinition in a format file, such as \AMSTeX. In my opinion there is a world of difference between changing the definition of the name of a glyph, which any author may want to use, and changing the definition of a programming command. The former should absolutely not happen, because it affects people who have no idea how to get round it. I am agnostic about the latter, but would not be surprised if it were necessary in a format file. \rightline{R.~A.~Bailey, QMW} \end{quote} \end{multicols}%