%\newenvironment{meeting}{\begin{trivlist}\item[]$\bullet$}{\end{trivlist}} %\newcommand{\squad}{\hspace{10pt plus1pt minus1pt}} \begin{multicols}{2} \title{The UK \TeX\ Users Group} \author{} \begin{article} \section{Group aims and activities} The \ukt\ was founded in 1989; its activities and benefits include: \begin{itemize} \item Regular meetings covering both \TeX{}nical matters and general typographic subjects; \item Visits to publishers, font suppliers and book producers; \item In-depth workshops, with hands-on computer sessions where appropriate; \item Negotiation of discounts on \TeX\ relevant books with publishers. \item Distribution of public domain \TeX\ implementations (in cooperation with the international \TeX\ archives); \item Discount on joint UK \TeX\ Users Group/TUG membership; \item Reduction in conference fees for the TUG annual meeting and the annual European meetings; \item The publication and distribution of \BV\ (the annals of the UK \TeX\ Users Group). \end{itemize} \section{Programme of meetings for 1995} \begin{description} \item[June 7th, 1995:] A meeting of interest to Mathematicians and Computer Scientists, to be held at Queen Mary and Westfield College. Speakers include Michael Downes from the American Mathematical Society. \item[July, 1995] (\TeX\ Users Group Annual Meeting in Florida) \item[August, 1995:] Oz\TeX\ in depth: a training meeting on Macintosh \TeX, with Andrew Trevorrow. To be organised by Sebastian Rahtz. Location: Oxford. \item[September, 1995] (Euro\TeX\ meeting in the Netherlands) \item[October 1995:] AGM, at Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London, with sessions on `non-traditional' \TeX. \end{description} \noindent All members of \ukt{} will be provided with more details of these meetings as they become available. Reports of the meetings will appear in \BV, the organ of the group. \end{article} \end{multicols}