\title{The \TeX\ Users' Group goes to Florida!} \author{} \begin{Article} The \TeX\ Users' Group is proud to announce that the sixteenth annual meeting will be held at the TradeWinds Hotel, in St.Petersburg Beach Florida, July 24-28, 1995. We would like to extend a warm invitation to \TeX\ users around the world -- come join us at one of the largest and most beautiful resort beaches in Florida, as we explore where \TeX\ is to be found and how its users are going far beyond--or are diverging from--its initial mathematical context. The theme of the meeting will be ``Real World \TeX{}'' and this year we plan to have demonstrations of pre- and post-processors, and the active participation of developers and vendors, in hopes that you, the user, may discover ``hands-on'' just what can be done with \TeX{} and other utilities! Commercial users of \TeX{} are particularly encouraged to attend. The meeting will feature papers of interest to publishers and \TeX{} vendors, a panel discussion addressing commercial users' needs and wants, and a gallery for displaying samples of \TeX{} work. There will be the usual courses associated with the meeting: Intensive Courses in \TeX{}, La\TeX{}2e, PostScript, Graphics, and perhaps other topics. The meeting itself will have excellent speakers, panel discussions, workshops, poster displays, BoFs and technical demonstrations. A preliminary schedule will be forthcoming in February of 1995, so be sure to look for updates in TTN, TUGboat and on the WWW, at \URL|http://www.ucc.ie/info/tex/tug/tug95sched.html|, and on the CTAN archives in \FTP|tex-archive/usergrps/tug| Nearer the time of the conference, there will be an online registration form located on the WWW at \URL|http://www.ucc.ie/info/tex/tug/tug95form.html| The TUG95 committee will be working with individuals who wish to share accomodations, as a way of helping defray expenses. The Bursary Fund is also available to assist users who demonstrate need. All members are encouraged to consider contributing to the fund. To obtain more information about contributing to or applying for the Bursary Fund, please contact the TUG office by email to tug@tug.org or by post to the address to \begin{quote} \TeX{} Users Group,\\ P.O. Box 869,\\ Santa Barbara, CA 93102-0869 USA.\\ \Email|tug@tug.org| \end{quote} \centerline{Deadlines} \begin{tabular}{ll} Submission of Abstracts & January 31, 1995\\ Preliminary Papers Due & March 31, 1995\\ Other Proposals\dag & April 30, 1995\\ Preprint Deadline & June 23, 1995\\ Meeting Date & July 24 -- July 28, 1995\\ Camera Ready Deadline & August 25, 1995\\ \end{tabular} \dag Workshops, panels, posters, demonstrations, etc Do you have suggestions or requests for topics to be covered? Then, please send email to \Email|tug95c@scri.fsu.edu|, because this is your conference and we want to make it the ``best ever''! \end{Article}