\documentclass{baskrep} \def\HT{Hyper\-\TeX} \def\XHDVI{\textsf{Xhdvi}} \BASKvol{4} \BASKno{5} \begin{document} \vspace*{-1cm} \begin{multicols}{2}[\makeBSKtitle] \begin{raggedright} \tableofcontents \end{raggedright} \title{Editorial} \begin{article} \def\fortex{\leavevmode\lower.5ex\hbox{4}\kern-.1667em\TeX} \subsection{New CD supplies for \TeX\ junkies} The NTG \fortex\ CD ROM has been issued in a second edition, due to popular demand! \ukt\ can now supply copies at \pounds25 each, including postage and packing. We remind you (and those who have already purchased the CD) that you must pay the \pounds50 shareware fee for 4DOS if you use the \fortex\ shell for more than a few weeks. We can also obtain the Prime Time Freeware CD `\TeX cetera' if members have problems finding it. Contrary to Malcolm `Grizzler' Clark's remarks in this issue, its remarkably easy to use \emph{both} these CDs, so don't be put off\ldots \section{\BV\ articles needed} Now it's time to write \BV\ articles for 1995. Get your writing hats on, please, to `delight fellow \TeX\ users with your words of wisdom'. \emph{Please note the following copy deadlines}: \def\Thead#1{\makebox[1.7cm][c]{\rotatebox{35}{{\raggedright \parbox{2.2cm}{#1}}}}} \begin{quote} \begin{tabular}{llll} \em \rotatebox{35}{Issue}& \em \Thead{Submit material for publication}& \em \Thead{Submit last-minute notices}& \em \Thead{Anticipated posting date}\\ 4.6&Dec 2&Dec 2 &Dec 9\\ 5.1&Feb 13&Feb 17&Mar 3\\ 5.2&Apr 10&Apr 14&May 5\\ 5.3&Jun 5 &Jun 9 &Jun 23\\ \end{tabular} \end{quote} Each issue of \BV\ has a special theme, although articles on any \TeX-related subject are always welcome. The last issue of 1994 will be a bumper Christmas special, containing a totally revised and enriched `\TeX\ Frequently-Asked Questions'. Contributions on the themes for 1995 are eagerly solicited: \begin{Pilist}{pzd}{30} \item \BV\ 5.1 will (as part of a new policy) contain the group's AGM report, list of activities, introduction to \TeX, resource directory etc; introductory articles are welcomed; \item \BV\ 5.2 will have more on SGML, Acrobat etc \end{Pilist} \subsection{Colophon} \BV\ is set in Monotype Baskerville and Gill Sans, with Computer Modern Typewriter for literal text, and printed on a Hewlett Packard LaserJet~4. Production and distribution is undertaken in Cambridge by Robin Fairbairns and Jonathan Fine. \end{article} \end{multicols} \input{letter} \input{uj} \Dings \input{reese} \Dings \input{asmith} \Dings \input{clark2} \Dings \input{fine} \Dings \input{rowley} \Dings \input{eurotex} \Dings \input{clark1} \newpage \DeleteShortVerb{\|} \input{bailey} \Dings \input{reese2} \hrule \input{meet} \hrule \input{tei} \end{document}