\title{Register of UK \protect\TeX\ consultants} \author[Sebastian Rahtz]{} \begin{Article} \noindent The \ukt\ committee members, and the UK \TeX\ Archive, are often asked for help on \TeX-related matters, but they neither have the time nor the expertise to answer all of them. It is therefore proposed to establish a register of consultants in the UK willing to tackle \TeX\ problems, give courses, prepare designs, write macros etc. The \ukt\ will maintain this register, publish a summary in \BV, and send it out to enquirers; we will not, of course, be able either to fix fees, or to guarentee quality. Those interested in having their names on the register should send an entry to Sebastian Rahtz (contact details, area of expertise, charging basis etc), and a summary list will appear in the next \BV. \end{Article} \endinput