\title[]{First announcement of the Annual General Meeting} \author[R. A. Bailey]{R. A. Bailey\\ Honorary Secretary} \newcommand{\NL}{\\[0.7\baselineskip]} \begin{Article} %\newcommand{\FullLine}[1]{% % \makebox[\columnwidth][l]{#1\hrulefill}\NL} %\newcommand{\HalfLine}[1]{% % \makebox[0.5\columnwidth][l]{#1\hrulefill}} \noindent The Annual General Meeting of the \ukt\ will be held on the morning of Wednesday 19~October 1994 at the University of Warwick, in the Staff Club `Quiet Room' in Rootes Building. The preliminary announcement appears now to ensure that Clause~17 (below) is fulfilled even if \BV~4.4 is delivered later than scheduled. The Constitution contains the following clauses: \begin{quote} 17. \ The annual general meeting of the \ukt\ shall be held in the United Kingdom not later than the last day of November in each year on a date and at a time to be fixed by the Committee and notified to members at least 35 days in advance for the following purposes--- \begin{enumerate} \item to receive from the Committee a report balance sheet and statement of accounts for the preceding financial year \item to fill the vacancies in the Committee and to appoint auditors for the ensuing year \item to decide on any motion which may be proposed to the meeting in the manner provided below \item to fix the entrance fee (if any) and annual subscription \end{enumerate} 18. \ Any member desirous of proposing any motion at the annual general meeting shall give notice in writing to the secretary not later than 14 days before the date of such meeting 23. \ No amendment (other than a motion for adjournment) shall be moved to any motion proposed at any annual or special general meeting unless written notice of the amendment shall have been sent to the secretary prior to the meeting \end{quote} I think that Clauses 17(3), 18 and 23 are self-explanatory. A draft agenda, covering items~(3) and~(4) will appear in \BV~4.4. In the meantime, anyone wishing to propose any motion to the AGM must send me, in writing, the text of the proposed motion and their own name and address, to reach me by 5~October 1994. If there are any changes to the draft agenda, the final agenda will be sent to members in the 14 days before the AGM. %Anyone wishing, at that stage, to move %any amendment to any motion, must send me, in writing, the % text of the proposed amendment and their own name and % address, to reach me by 19 October 1993. %The chair's term of office ends at this AGM. The following clause %from the constitution describes the procedure which should be followed. %\begin{quote} %11. \ (1) The chair of the group shall be the chair of %the committee % %(2) The chair of the group shall retire after completion of two %consecutive years but shall be eligible for re-election % %(3) Any two members who are individuals may %nominate any member of the group who is an individual %to be the chair in writing to the %secretary not less than two months before the date of retirement % %(4) If there are two or more nominations then the chair %will be decided by a postal ballot by single transferable vote %in which %every member of The UK \TeX\ Users' Group who is an individual %shall be entitled but not obliged to vote %\end{quote} % % Nominations for the chair should be made in writing % and sent to me, to reach me by 20 August 1993. There % is no official nomination form. However, what you send % me should contain, clearly and legibly, %\begin{verse} % ---name and address of nominee\\ % ---declaration that (s)he is willing to stand for this % office, signed by the nominee\\ % ---name and address of the nominator\\ % ---statement nominating the nominee, signed by the % nominator\\ % ---name and address of seconder\\ % ---statement in support of the nomination, signed by % the seconder. %\end{verse} % The nominee, nominator and seconder should all be members % of the UK \TeX\ Users' Group, %and the last two should be different from each % other. %The present incumbent has indicated that he does not wish to be %nominated. Two nominations have been received but the committee felt that, %since many members may not have been aware of the situation and of the %constitutional closing date for nominations, that this date should be %extended until 23 September. As for vacancies on the Committee, C.~A.~Rowley will continue as Chair in 1994--94 and P.~Abbott as Treasurer and Membership Secretary. Clause~10 of the Constitution implies that at most~3 other members of the present Committee may continue without being re-elected. Thus Clause~9 implies that there are up to 7~vacancies to be filled. The following parts of Clause~10 describe the procedure for filling these vacancies: \begin{quote} (3) Any two members who are individuals may nominate any member or members of the group who are individuals to fill any of the vacancies by giving at least 7~days notice in writing to the secretary (4) If there are more nominations than vacancies then the membership will be decided by an election by single transferable vote in which every member of the \ukt\ who is an individual and is present at the annual general meeting shall be entitled but not obliged to vote. \end{quote} Nominations for committee members in accordance with the above sub-clauses are thus being sought. Written nominations for new committee members should be sent to me, to reach me by 12~October 1994. There is no official nomination form. If you like, you may use the forms provided at the end of this notice. Otherwise, what you send me should contain, clearly and legibly, \begin{verse} ---name and address of nominee\\ ---declaration that (s)he is willing to stand for this office, signed by the nominee\\ ---name and address of the nominator\\ ---statement nominating the nominee, signed by the nominator\\ ---name and address of seconder\\ ---statement in support of the nomination, signed by the seconder. \end{verse} The nominee, nominator and seconder should all be members of the \ukt, and the last two should be different from each other. Once elected, the Committee appoints officers from its membership. Your present secretary is retiring (forced to under Clause~10~(1)) and there is at present no Publicity person. Anyone with talents for either of these jobs is strongly encouraged to stand for election to the Committee. In all the above, `in writing' means `on paper', not email. Please put `UKTUG' on the outside of the envelope when you send me any of the above. Otherwise, people may find themselves elected to the wrong committee. My address is \begin{verse} Department of Mathematical Studies\\ Goldsmiths' College\\ New Cross\\ London SE14 6NW \end{verse} until 31~August 1994; and \begin{verse} School of Mathematical Sciences\\ Queen Mary and Westfield College\\ Mile End Road\\ London E1 4NS \end{verse} from 1~September 1994. \end{Article} \newpage \noindent \FullLine{Name of Nominee:} \FullLine{Address:} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} I declare that I am a member of \ukt\ and am willing to stand for election to the Committee of \ukt\ for 1994--95. \NL \HalfLine{Signature:}\hspace{2em}Date: \hrulefill\NL \FullLine{Name of Nominator:} \FullLine{Address:} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} I declare that I am a member of \ukt\ and that I nominate the above-named person for election to the Committee of \ukt\ for 1994--95. \NL \HalfLine{Signature:}\hspace{2em}Date: \hrulefill\NL \FullLine{Name of Seconder:} \FullLine{Address:} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} \FullLine{\phantom{Address:}} I declare that I am a member of \ukt\ and that I second the nomination of the above-named person for election to the Committee of \ukt\ for 1994--95. \NL \HalfLine{Signature:}\hspace{2em}Date: \hrulefill\NL \Dings \begin{multicols}{2} \section*{\LaTeX{} fonts and graphics tutorial: a reminder} Two of the most important new features of \LaTeXe{} are its support for fonts and graphics: no longer does \LaTeX{} have to mean Computer Modern with {\tt picture} mode. In this intensive one-day course, two of the authors of \LaTeXe{} will provide a tutorial in \LaTeXe's fonts and graphics. Topics will include: \begin{itemize} \item processing \LaTeXe{} documents; \item selecting new fonts; \item installing new fonts; \item including graphics; and \item using colour. \end{itemize} The tutorial will be aimed at: \emph{authors} who wish to learn the new LaTeX document commands; \emph{designers} who wish to write document classes or packages using fonts, graphics and colour; and \emph{system administrators} who wish to install and maintain the new \LaTeX\ features. It will include sessions hands-on at a keyboard, and each attendee will have access to a Unix workstation. The cost includes handouts, lunch and refreshments. The tutorial will be given on 11 July 1994, from 1100 (registration and coffee from 1030) to 1700, at the Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge. The tutors will be David Carlisle and Alan Jeffrey of the \LaTeX3 project. The cost (to \UKTUG{} members) is \pounds50, or \pounds40 if you register by 11 June. Those who register will be sent an information pack that will help guide them through Cambridge's notorious streets, and will suggest (relatively) cheap parking places with no danger of towing-away. For more details, please contact: \begin{quote} Jonathan Fine {\tt j.fine@pmms.cam.ac.uk},\\ 203 Coldhams Lane,\\ Cambridge CB1 3HY; \\ or (by email only) {\tt robin.fairbairns@cl.cam.ac.uk}.\\ \end{quote} \end{multicols} \endinput