\documentclass{baskrep} \usepackage{varioref} \usepackage{verbatim} \let\foo\scalebox \DeleteShortVerb{\|} \usepackage{pstcol} \let\scalebox\foo \usepackage{crayola} \BASKvol{4} \BASKno{3} \def\fortex{\leavevmode\lower.5ex\hbox{4}\kern-.1667em\TeX} \def\editor{Sebastian Rahtz\\ArchaeoInformatica, York} \def\fontinst{\texttt{fontinst}} \renewcommand\bs{{\ttfamily\upshape\char'134}} \begin{document} \vspace*{-1cm} \begin{multicols}{2}[\makeBSKtitle] \begin{raggedright} \tableofcontents \end{raggedright} \title{Editorial} \begin{article} \def\fortex{\leavevmode\lower.5ex\hbox{4}\kern-.1667em\TeX} \section{\BV\ articles needed} \BV\ really needs material from its readers! Please send your interesting articles to the editor, and delight fellow \TeX\ users. \emph{Please note the following schedule of copy deadlines}: \def\Thead#1{\makebox[1.7cm][c]{\rotatebox{45}{{\raggedright \parbox{2.4cm}{#1}}}}} \begin{quote} \begin{tabular}{llll} \em \rotatebox{45}{Issue}& \em \Thead{Submit material for publication}& \em \Thead{Submit last-minute notices}& \em \Thead{Anticipated posting date}\\ 4.4&Aug 15&Aug 22&Sep 8\\ 4.5&Oct 17&Oct 24&Nov 10\\ 4.6&Dec 19&Dec 22&Jan 9\\ \end{tabular} \end{quote} Each issue of \BV\ will have a special theme, although articles on any \TeX-related subject are always welcome. Contributions on the themes for the remainder of 1994 are eagerly solicited: \begin{Pilist}{pzd}{43} \item \BV\ 4.4 will be a back to basics special issue on mathematical and tabular typesetting; \item \BV\ 4.5 will try and go beyond \TeX, to see what is on the horizon. \item \BV\ 4.6 will be about font-encoding if past history is anything to go by \ldots \end{Pilist} \section{A pox on logos} Does anyone else share my hatred of \TeX-related logos? When Knuth did it with \TeX, it was funny; when Lamport invented \LaTeX, it was mildly amusing; since then, downhill all the way. These ghastly creatures often don't translate well from CM, they cause problems with indexes, running heads and so on, we can never remember the name of the macros, and they hold \TeX\ up to ridicule by outsiders. So \TeX\ can do kerning --- far out. If I had my way, I'd ban them all except \TeX\ itself, and that goes for \Metafont\ too\ldots. \section{CD-ROM \protect\fortex: a \TeX\ workbench for DOS PCs} At the end of 1993 the NTG (the Dutch language oriented \TeX\ user group) released the package \fortex. It consists of a set of 31 diskettes, on which the most important \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ related packages are assembled in well structured modules. \fortex\ is an attempt to integrate all major \TeX\ related programs in a shell that shields you from the tedious and frustrating job of setting environment variables and program parameters. In \fortex\ all functions are available through simple menus, so profound knowledge of all underlying programs is no longer required (the article in this issue of \BV\ discusses this integration in the area of graphics). To simplify the distribution of \fortex, a CD-ROM will be released in at the beginning of June. This CD-ROM should enable you to set up a \fortex\ system with minimal effort. The CD-ROM will contain at least: \begin{itemize} \item a fully installed \fortex\ 3.10 workbench, ready for use; \item the complete \fortex\ distribution set; \item the MAPS (NTG's \emph{Minutes and APpendiceS}) articles on \TeX\ related topics, mostly in English, of recent years in \PS\ format; \item all TEX-NL and UK-TEX mailing list discussions of recent years; \item extra documentation, such as: \begin{itemize} \item `The \TeX book' and `The \MF book' in \TeX\ code, \item \TeX, \LaTeX\ and \Metafont\ introductions, \item very extensive bibliographies on miscellaneous \TeX\ related topics in \BibTeX\ format, \item indexes to \TeX\ macros and to files on CTAN (Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network); \end{itemize} \item extra programs, such as: \begin{itemize} \item GNUplot, \item GhostScript, \item dvi utilities, \item \PS\ utilities, \item Polish and Cyrillic \TeX\ packages, \item WEB: literate programming. \end{itemize} \end{itemize} The CD-ROM will include the updated documentation on \fortex, an A5 sized booklet of approx.\ 120 pages, that explains how \fortex\ works in depth. The price of the CD plus booklet is set at US \$35. It will be available to \ukt\ members from mid-June from Peter Abbott; enquiries and reservations may be made to Sebastian Rahtz (\texttt{spqr@ftp.tex.ac.uk}). \section{Macro name markup in \BV\ submissions} We are sometimes asked what markup to use articles submitted to \BV. Following plain \LaTeX\ `article' style covers almost all needs, but additional time can be saved by using the following macros in your text, which define common names: \begin{tabbing} \tt\bs MakeIndex \= \MakeIndex \kill \tt\bs AmSTeX \> \AmSTeX\\ \tt\bs BV \> \BV\\ \tt\bs BibTeX \> \BibTeX\\ \tt\bs MakeIndex \= \MakeIndex \kill %\tt\bs MF \> \MF\\ \tt\bs MakeIndex \> \MakeIndex\\ \tt\bs PS \> \PS\\ \tt\bs PiCTeX \> \PiCTeX\\ \tt\bs SLiTeX \> \SLiTeX\\ \tt\bs TUB \> \TUB\\ \tt\bs UKTUG \> \UKTUG\\ \tt\bs ukt \> \ukt\\ \end{tabbing} \subsection{Colophon} This issue of the journal was created entirely with the test distribution of \LaTeXe\ and printed on a Hewlett Packard LaserJet~4. \BV\ is set in ITC New Baskerville Roman and Gill Sans, with Computer Modern Typewriter for literal text. Production and distribution was undertaken in Cambridge by Robin Fairbairns and Jonathan Fine. \end{article} \end{multicols} \input eurotex \input dol \input graphics \input keyval \input robin \input reviews \input truetype \input fine \input clark \input register \end{document}