\newenvironment{smalltabular}[1]{\begin{flushleft}\footnotesize \begin{tabular}{#1}}{\end{tabular}\end{flushleft}} \title{\ukt\ Business Reports} \author{} \begin{article} %\begin{flushright} %Rosemary Bailey\\Honorary Secretary\\ %Peter Abbott\\Honorary Treasurer and Membership Secretary %\end{flushright} \section{Membership of UK \TeX\ Users Group (1994)} This issue of \BV\ is being posted to 1993 members. Below I present the details of the 1992/3 Income and Expenditure and Balance sheet. The cost of distributing each issue of \BV\ is quite considerable and the group's funds, whilst reasonably healthy, cannot stand avoidable expenditure. Please renew your membership as soon as possible. I am grateful to those who have already paid, as it helps the committee to plan its expenditure for the year. 1994 memberships have been acknowledged by email (or paper mail if no email is available). Please contact me if you have renewed and {\bf not} received an acknowledgement. \subsection{Membership Data} \begin{smalltabular}{lll} & \bf 1993 & \bf 1994 \\ UKTUG & 31 & 11\\ TUG & 11\\ TUG and UKTUG &136 & 47\\ TUG and UKTUG (student) & 3 & 3\\ \end{smalltabular} \raisebox{-8pt}[0pt][0pt]{\noindent (as at 7th January 1994)} \newpage \section{\ukt\ accounts 1 October 1992 to 19 August 1993} \subsection{Statement of Income and Expenditure} \begin{smalltabular}{lrr} INCOME & & \\ Membership (see separate table) & & \pounds{}6,248.80 \\ \LaTeX{}3.0 contributions & & \pounds{}402.50 \\ UK Book sales & & \pounds{}43.30 \\ Sale of mailing labels & & \pounds{}45.00 \\ Income from meetings & & \\ \ \ October 1992 & \pounds{}230.00 & \\ \ \ January 1993 & \pounds{}982.50 & \\ \ \ April 1993 & \pounds{}1,878.89 & \\ \cline{2-2} Subtotal & \pounds{}3,091.39 & \pounds{}3,091.79 \\ & & \\ TUG'93 Conference fees & \pounds{}35,640.79 & \pounds 35,640.79 \\ & & \\ \cline{3-3} Total income & & \pounds{}45,472.09 \\ \cline{3-3} & & \\ & & \\ EXPENDITURE & & \\ Postage, copying, stationery & \pounds{}400.92 & \\ Committee Expenses & \pounds{}429.20 & \\ \TeX{} and TUG News Printing & \pounds{}4,053.06 & \\ Books & \pounds{}59.88 & \\ Meeting costs: EPS & \pounds{}191.24 & \\ \ \ October 1992 & \pounds{}304.60 & \\ \ \ January 1993 & \pounds{}509.23 & \\ \ \ April 1993 & \pounds{}3,400.94 & \\ Bank charges & \pounds{}30.00 & \\ Bounced cheque & \pounds{}10.00 & \\ \LaTeX{}3.0 fund & \pounds{}263.00 & \\ TUG'93 conference & \pounds{}28,197.58 & \\ \cline{2-2} Subtotal & \pounds 37,849.65 & \\ & & \\ Total expenditure & & \pounds 37,849.65 \\ \cline{3-3} & & \\ SURPLUS & & \pounds 7,622.44 \\ \cline{3-3} & & \\[-6pt] \cline{3-3} \end{smalltabular} \subsection{Balance sheet} \begin{smalltabular}{lrr} CURRENT ASSETS & & \\ Debtors: TTN & \pounds 4,053.06 & \\ \ \ TUG(\TeX{}hax) & \pounds{}3,338.90 & \\ Cash in hand & \pounds 0.00 & \\ Cash in bank & \pounds{}13,494.35 & \\ \cline{2-2} Total assets & \pounds{}20,886.31 & \pounds 20,886.31 \\ & & \\ CURRENT LIABILITIES & & \\ Creditors: TUG'93 & (\pounds{}7,443.21) & \\ \ \ TUG memb.~fees & (\pounds{}4,549.00) & \\ \ \ Donation to TUG'93 travel fund & (\pounds{}500.00) & \\ \ \ \LaTeX{}3.0 fund & (\pounds{}389.50) & \\ \cline{2-2} Total liabilities & (\pounds{}12,881.71) & (\pounds{}12,881.71) \\ \cline{3-3} & & \\ BALANCE & & \pounds{}8,004.60 \\ \cline{3-3} & & \\[-6pt] \cline{3-3} \end{smalltabular} \subsection{Position with regard to opening balance} \begin{smalltabular}{lrr} OPENING BALANCE & \pounds{}5,872.22 & \\ SURPLUS & \pounds{}7,622.44 & \\ \cline{2-2} CLOSING BALANCE & \pounds{}13,494.66 & \end{smalltabular} \subsection{Table of membership income 1992--1993} \begin{smalltabular}{lrrr} & Total & UK TUG & TUG \\ \ \ 1 @ \pounds{}7.50 & \pounds{}7.50 & \pounds{}7.50 & --- \\ \ 17 @ \pounds{}15.00 & \pounds{}255.00 & \pounds{}255.00 & --- \\ \ \ 2 @ \pounds{}27.50 & \pounds{}55.00 & \pounds{}15.00 & \pounds{}40.00 \\ \ \ 9 @ \pounds{}40.00 & \pounds{}360.00 & --- & \pounds{}360.00 \\ \ \ 1 @ \pounds{}45.00 & \pounds{}45.00 & --- & \pounds{}45.00 \\ 100 @ \pounds{}49.50 & \pounds{}4,950.00 & \pounds{}1350.00 & \pounds{}3,600.00 \\ \ \ 2 @ \pounds{}54.50 & \pounds{}109.00 & \pounds{}37.00 & \pounds{}72.00 \\ \cline{2-2} \cline{3-3} \cline{4-4} Subtotals & \pounds{}5,781.50 & \pounds{}1,664.50 & \pounds{}4,117.00 \\ \end{smalltabular} \subsection{Notes to the accounts} \begin{itemize} \item The membership shown in the INCOME is at variance with the figure shown in the table. This is due to delays in clearing cheques. \item The balance sheet is shown below in a revised form to show clearly our assets: \begin{smalltabular}{lrr} & 30/9/92 & 31/8/93 \\ Cash in bank & 5,872.22 & 13,494.35 \\ Represented by & & \\ TUG funds & 3,376.80 & 7,493.80 \\ UKTUG funds & 3,967.14 & 5,059.80 \\ TTN (chargeable to TUG) & (1,471.72) & (4,053.06) \\ TeXhax (chargeable to TUG) & & (3,338.90) \\ TUG93 & & 7,443.21 \\ TUG93 Travel fund & & 500.00 \\ \LaTeX 3 Fund & & 389.50 \\ & 5,872.22 & 13,494.35 \\ \end{smalltabular} \item These accounts were prepared by Ian Hall and presented to the AGM on 20th October 1993. \end{itemize} \section{The \ukt\ committee} \begin{tabular}{lp{2in}} C.~A.~Rowley & Chair\\ P.~Abbott & Treasurer \& Membership Secretary\\ R.~A.~Bailey & Committee Secretary\\ M.~Clark & Meetings Secretary\\ S.~P.~Q.~Rahtz & \BV\ editor\\ R. Fairbairns\\ J.~Fine\\ C.~Hewlett\\ A.J.A.~Jeffrey\\ A.~Nimmo\\ \end{tabular} \section{How to contact the \ukt} To enquire about joining the \ukt, or about forthcoming meetings, either \begin{itemize} \item write (including your full postal address) to \begin{verse} J.~Fine,\\ 203~Coldhams Lane,\\ Cambridge CB1~3HY, \end{verse} or \item send an email message to \[\mbox{\ttfamily uktug-enquiries@ftp.tex.ac.uk}.\] \end{itemize} Please note that the group does not have a fax number. \end{article} \endinput