\documentclass{baskrep} \usepackage{shapepar} \BASKvol{3} \BASKno{1} \def\editor{Sebastian Rahtz\\ArchaeoInformatica, York} \begin{document} \makeBSKtitle \tableofcontents \title{Editorial} \author[\mbox{}]{Sebastian Rahtz \\ ArchaeoInformatica\\York} \begin{article} This issue of \BV\ was largely developed by Sue Brooks, but pressure of work forced her to hand over the final production to the current editor. Many thanks to Sue for her work over the last year on this project. The \ukt\ committee is very aware of the fact that \BV\ has not been issued as regularly or frequently as the members deserve, and from this autumn it is planned to produce \BV\ six times a year on fixed dates. It is also planned to regularly publish articles on common \TeX\ questions in \BV, and make these available as technical notes to new members in the future. Members are urged to contribute short (one side of A4) `topical tips' from which we can start to build a library to answer the many queries from those who do not participate in academic electronic network discussions. This isssue of the journal was created entirely with \LaTeX\ and printed on a Linotronic 300 at Aston University. It was set in ITC New Baskerville Roman, with Computer Modern Typewriter for literal text. \end{article} \input{latex2e} \input{tug93} \input{reviews} \input{a-fine} \input{a-murphy} \input{mfbeg} \input{shape} \input{a-soas} \input{a-agm} \input{facts} \input{archive} \end{document}