% !TEX program = LuaLaTeX+se % Simple template for using Gregorio scores in a LuaLaTeX document. \documentclass{scrartcl} % set document class: manual at https://ctan.org/pkg/koma-script % Load packages: \usepackage[osf,p]{libertine} % set font \usepackage{gregoriotex} % enable Gregorio score inclusion \usepackage[latin]{babel} % set language \setkomafont{section}{\normalfont\centering\huge\scshape} % section heading style \setcounter{secnumdepth}{-\maxdimen} % remove section numbering % Set the space around the initial: % See http://gregorio-project.github.io/gregoriotex/details.html for more details and options \grechangedim{beforeinitialshift}{2.2mm}{scalable} \grechangedim{afterinitialshift}{2.2mm}{scalable} % Set the initial font (change 43 for a larger size): \grechangestyle{initial}{\fontsize{43}{43}\selectfont}% % Make staff lines red; remove for black: \gresetlinecolor{gregoriocolor} % Use the "commentary" field of the score in the top right corner: \gresetheadercapture{commentary}{grecommentary}{string} % Format annotation above initial \grechangestyle{annotation}{\small\bfseries} \begin{document} \section{Populus Sion} % Add VII above the initial manually: \greannotation{Intr.} % first line \greannotation{\textsc{vii}} % second line % Include the score; the file must be in the same directory: \gregorioscore[a]{PopulusSion} \section{Factus est} \gregorioscore[a]{FactusEst} \end{document}