\documentstyle[margin,line]{res} % Logos % ===== \font\attand=cmr7 %\font\MetafontLogoFont=logo10 \def\PS{{\tt P\small OST\tt S\small CRIPT}} \def\ATT{{AT{\attand \&}T}} \def\MF{{METAFONT}} \def\Cplusplus{{\rm C\raise.5ex\hbox{\small ++}}} \def\AmSTeX{{$\cal A\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{$\cal M$}\kern-.125em S$-\TeX}} \begin{document} \name{Michael R. DeCorte} \address{2300 Naudain St\\ Phily, PA\\ (215) 546-0497\ {\tt mrd@sun.soe.clarkson.edu}} \begin{resume} \section{Objective:} Gee, why can't I put ``To play with cool toys and have fun''? \section{Education:} {\bf Major:} Bachelor of Science, Computer Science, Clarkson University May 1989\\ \section{Publications:} My picture was in my HS newpaper onc. Does that count? \section{Projects:} {\tt Eclipse}\\ During a lunar eclipse the moon projects its shadow over the earth. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % I put the experience stuff here %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{format} \title{l}\dates{r}\\ \body\\ \end{format} \title{Unix Wizard} \dates{September 1986 to Present} \section{Experience:} \begin{position} {\it Math and Computer Science},Clarkson University--- Well, people keep asking me all these nifty questions about Unix so that makes me a Wizard right? \end{position} \title{\TeX{} Wizard} \dates{September 1986 to Present} \begin{position} {\it Math and Computer Science},Clarkson University--- See Unix Wizard for a description and substitue \TeX{} for Unix. \end{position} \section{Systems:} \begin{ncolumn}{4} $\bullet$ Unix 4.x &$\bullet$ Unix V &$\bullet$ Sun OS &$\bullet$ VMS\\ \end{ncolumn} \section{References:} Call me I will see if I can dig someone up. I hope my old room mate counts. \end{resume} \end{document}