% %% %% Template for the class vxulicentiate by Robert Nyqvist, 2007. %% %% For more information see http://www.vxu.se/msi/utb/exarb/lic-xml % % The class is build on book, with some options exculded. % Defualt option is 10pt, onecolumn, openanny and twoside. \documentclass{vxulicentiate} % The following packages is loaded by vxulicentiate: % % color, fancyhdr, geometry, graphicx och ifpdf. \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[swedish,english]{babel} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \author{} \title{} \subtitle{} \publyear{} \discipline{} \ISRN{}{} % Syntax: \ISRN{}{} where the is one of % the following: % % DV = datavetenskap % MA = matematik/tillämpad matematik % MDI = matematikdidaktik % TeoF = teoretisk fysik % TekF = teknisk fysik % % and where is the number of the report. % The following commands are definied in vxulicentiate. You can % change them with \renewcommand. % % \wexio = V\"{a}xj\"{o} % \university = University % \department = School of Mathematics and System Engineering % \publication = Reports from MSI % \thesistype = Licentiate Thesis % \information = A thesis for the Degree of Licentiate of Philosophy % in \@discipline. % \address = SE-351 95 \wexio, Sweden % \homepage = http://www.vxu.se/msi % \ISSN = 1650-2647 % \telephone = +46\,(0)470\,70\,80\,00 % \fax = +46\,(0)470\,840\,04 \begin{document} \frontcover \frontmatter \maketitle \makecopyright \dedication{} \begin{abstract} % % \end{abstract} \begin{keywords} % % \end{keywords} \begin{otherlanguage}{swedish}% \begin{abstract}[Sammanfattning] % % \end{abstract} \begin{keywords}[Nyckelord] % % \end{keywords} \end{otherlanguage} \begin{abstract}[Acknowledgments] % % \end{abstract} \tableofcontents \mainmatter \appendix \backcover \end{document}