% Demo-Input-File for TAPEDEMO.TEX and MEGADEMO.TEX % shows the difference between TAPE.STY and MEGATAPE.STY % % \renewcommand{\globaltapeid}{\footnotesize\sf Hope You\\ like it} \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{0.5} % % % --------------------------------------------------------- Side A \album{brecht.1} % ---------------------------------------- Album-ID {% -------------------------------------------------------- Stuff for the side \begin{flushleft}{\bf Side A}\end{flushleft} \begin{enumerate} {\scriptsize \item Intro (Prckner) \item Moritate von Mackie Messer \\ (Sting) \item Die Seer\"auber-Jenny (Nannini) \item Der Kanonensong (Bruce) \item Das Liebesduett (Sting/Nannini) \item Die Ballade von der sexuellen \\ H\"origkeit (Sting) \item Lieder aus Mahagoni (instr.) \item Alabama-Song (Nannini) \item Ach bedenken Sie, Herr Jakob \\ Schmidt (Nannini) \item Wie man sich bettet... (Nannini) \item Lost in the stars (Bruce) \item Bilbao-Song (Bruce) \item Surabaya Johnny (Nannini) }% \end{enumerate} }% % ---------------------------------------------------------- Title {\footnotesize\sf STING,\\ GIANNA NANNINI,\\ JACK BRUCE\\ \& EBERHARD SCHOENER}% % ---------------------------------------------------------- Backflap {\footnotesize {\it Recorded live 1.5.1987 at \\ Deutsches Schauspielhaus, \\ Hamburg}\\[1mm] DOLBY B} % % % % % --------------------------------------------------------- Side B \album{brecht.2} % ---------------------------------------- Album-ID {% -------------------------------------------------------- Stuff for the side \begin{flushright}{\bf Side B}\end{flushright} \begin{enumerate} {\scriptsize \item Surabaya Johnny (Nannini) \item Lonely house (Sting) \item September-Song (Bruce) \item Lullaby (instr.) \item Soldato in amorato (Nannini) \item 12-Ton-Serie aus Lost in the stars \\ (Schoener) \item Wie der Wind weht (Sting) \item An meinem kleinen Radio- \\ Apparat (Sting) \item Ballad of Mac The Knife (Sting) * \item Ballad of the soldier's wife \\ (Marianne Faithfull) * }% \end{enumerate} }% % ---------------------------------------------------------- Title {\normalsize\sf ... machen \\[1mm] BRECHT / WEILL} % ---------------------------------------------------------- Backflap {\footnotesize {\it except * taken from the album\\ "Lost in the Stars", \\ The Music of Kurt Weill \\ (c) (p) 1985 A\&M Records }} %----------------------------------------------------------- Make the Cassette % Optional explicit title % Try out and delete the '%' \maketape[\sf from \\ TV]{brecht.1}{brecht.2}%[{\bf Sting, G. Nannini, J. Bruce, E. Schoener}\\machen {\large\sc Brecht/Weill}]