% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- \documentclass[oneside,12pt]{article} \usepackage[a4paper,margin=2cm]{geometry} \newcommand*{\myversion}{2024A} \newcommand*{\mydate}{Version \myversion\ (\the\year-\mylpad\month-\mylpad\day)} \newcommand*{\mylpad}[1]{\ifnum#1<10 0\the#1\else\the#1\fi} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \setlength{\parskip}{4pt plus 1pt minus 1pt} \usepackage{freealign} \usepackage{codehigh} \usepackage{hyperref} \hypersetup{ colorlinks=true, urlcolor=blue3, linkcolor=green3, } \begin{document} \title{\textsf{\color{green3}FreeAlign: Align math formulas in different lines}} \author{Jianrui Lyu (tolvjr@163.com)} \date{\mydate} \maketitle This package provides several commands for aligning math formulas in different lines. Here is the first example: \vskip1em\hrule We have $(a+b)^2 \? = (a+b)(a+b)$ \\ \+$= a^2+2ab+b^2$\hfill$\cdots\cdots$2 points \vskip0.6em\hrule\vskip0.5em \begin{codehigh} We have $(a+b)^2 \? = (a+b)(a+b)$ \\ \+$= a^2+2ab+b^2$\hfill$\cdots\cdots$2 points \end{codehigh} The \verb!\?! command \underline{inside} the first formula saves current horizontal position, and the \verb!\+! command \underline{before} the second formula jumps to previously saved position. Here is another example: \vskip1em\hrule We have \? $(a+b)^2 = (a+b)(a+b)$ \\ \< $= a^2+2ab+b^2$ \hfill$\cdots\cdots$2 points \vskip0.6em\hrule\vskip0.5em \begin{codehigh} We have \? $(a+b)^2 = (a+b)(a+b)$ \\ \< $= a^2+2ab+b^2$ \hfill$\cdots\cdots$2 points \end{codehigh} The \verb!\?! command \underline{before} the first formula saves current horizontal position, and the \verb!\