\SbSSCT{Les Matrices de n\oe uds}{Mathematicals and graphs} \psset{fillcolor=yellow,fillstyle=solid} \SbSbSSCT{Création de la matrice de noeuds}{Creation of the diagram} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline \psmatrix A & B \\ C & D\\ \endpsmatrix & \parbox[b]{5cm}{ \BSS{psmatrix} \BSI{psmatrix}{pst-node} A \& B \textbackslash{}\textbackslash{} C \& D \textbackslash{}\textbackslash{} \BSS{endpsmatrix} \BSI{endpsmatrix}{pst-node}} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \SbSbSSCT{Les 10 types de noeuds}{10 types of nodes} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|} \hline \psmatrix [mnode= R] R \\ \endpsmatrix & \psmatrix [mnode= r] r \\ \endpsmatrix & \psmatrix [mnode= C] \\ \endpsmatrix & \psmatrix [mnode= f] \\ \endpsmatrix & \psmatrix [mnode= p] p \\ \endpsmatrix \\\hline [\RDD{mnode}{\red = R}] R \RDI{mnode}{pst-node} & [{\red mnode= r}] r & [{\red mnode= C}] C & [{\red mnode= f}] f & [{\red mnode= p}] p \\ \hline \psmatrix [mnode= circle] circle \\ \endpsmatrix & \psmatrix [mnode= oval] oval \\ \endpsmatrix & \psmatrix [mnode=dia] dia \\ \endpsmatrix & \psmatrix [mnode= tri] tri \\ \endpsmatrix & \psmatrix [mnode= dot] dot \\ \endpsmatrix \\\hline [{\red mnode= circle}] circle & [{\red mnode= oval}] oval & [{\red mnode=dia}] dia & [{\red mnode= tri}] tri & [{\red mnode= dot}] dot \\\hline \end{tabular} \bigskip \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline \BS{psmatrix}[\RDD{mnode}=tri] & \BS{psmatrix}[\RDD{emnode}=tri] \RDI{emnode}{pst-node}\\ A \& B \& \& D \BS{}\BS{} & A \& B \& \& D \BS{}\BS{}\\ \& \& C \& E \BS{}\BS{} & \& \& C \& E \BS{}\BS{} \\ \BS{endpsmatrix} & \BS{endpsmatrix} \\ \hline \psmatrix[mnode=tri] A & B & & D\\ & & C & E\\ \endpsmatrix & \psmatrix[emnode=tri] A & B & & D\\ & & C & E\\ \endpsmatrix \\ \hline \end{tabular} %----------------------------------------------------- \SbSbSSCT{Liaison des noeuds}{Connection of the nodes} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|} \hline \psmatrix[rowsep=.2cm] %mnode= R & mnode= r & mnode= C & mnode= f & mnode= p \\ [mnode= R] R & [mnode= r] r &[mnode= C] C & [mnode= f] f & [mnode= p] p \\ %\hline %mnode= circle & mnode= oval & mnode=dia & mnode= tri & mnode= dot \\ [mnode= circle] circle & [mnode= oval] oval & [mnode=dia] dia & [mnode= tri] tri & [mnode= dot] dot \\ \ncline[linecolor=red]{1,2}{2,1} \ncline[linestyle=dotted]{1,3}{2,2} \ncline[linestyle=dotted]{1,4}{2,3} \ncline[linestyle=dotted]{1,5}{2,4} %\ncline[linecolor=red]{1,6}{2,5} \ncline[linecolor=blue]{1,1}{2,1} \ncline[linestyle=dotted]{1,2}{2,2} \ncline[linestyle=dotted]{1,3}{2,3} \ncline[linestyle=dotted]{1,4}{2,4} \ncline[linestyle=dotted]{1,5}{2,5} \ncline[linecolor=cyan]{1,1}{2,2} \ncline[linestyle=dotted]{1,2}{2,3} \ncline[linestyle=dotted]{1,3}{2,4} \ncline[linestyle=dotted]{1,4}{2,5} \endpsmatrix \\ \hline \parbox[b]{8cm}{ \BS{}ncline[linecolor=red]\AC{1,2}\AC{2,1} \BS{}ncline[linecolor=blue]\AC{1,1}\AC{2,1} \BS{}ncline[linecolor=cyan]\AC{1,1}\AC{2,2} } \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} %\newpage %-------------------------------------------------------------- \SbSbSSCT{\'Etiquettes sur les liaisons}{Labels on connections} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|} \hline & & & \\ \psmatrix[rowsep=1cm] [mnode= dot] R & [mnode= dot] r \\ [mnode= dot] circle & [mnode= dot] oval \\ \ncline[linecolor=red]{1,2}{2,1} <{\red A} \ncline[linecolor=blue]{1,2}{2,2}<{\blue B} \ncline[linecolor=green]{2,1}{2,2}<{\green C} \endpsmatrix & \psmatrix[rowsep=1cm] [mnode= dot] R & [mnode= dot] r \\ [mnode= dot] circle & [mnode= dot] oval \\ \ncline[linecolor=red]{1,2}{2,1}_{\red A} \ncline[linecolor=blue]{1,2}{2,2}_{\blue B} \ncline[linecolor=green]{2,1}{2,2}_{\green C} \endpsmatrix & \psmatrix[rowsep=1cm] [mnode= dot] R & [mnode= dot] r \\ [mnode= dot] circle & [mnode= dot] oval \\ \ncline[linecolor=red]{1,2}{2,1}>{\red A} \ncline[linecolor=blue]{1,2}{2,2}>{\blue B} \ncline[linecolor=green]{2,1}{2,2}>{\green C} %\ncline[linecolor=red]{1,2}{2,1}>{C} \endpsmatrix & \psmatrix[rowsep=1cm] [mnode= dot] R & [mnode= dot] r \\ [mnode= dot] circle & [mnode= dot] oval \\ \ncline[linecolor=red]{1,2}{2,1}^{\red A} \ncline[linecolor=blue]{1,2}{2,2}^{\blue B} \ncline[linecolor=green]{2,1}{2,2}^{\green C} %\ncline[linecolor=red]{1,2}{2,1}^{D} \endpsmatrix\\ \hline \BS{}ncline\AC{1,2}\AC{2,1}<\AC{A} & \BS{}ncline\AC{1,2}\AC{2,1}\_\AC{A} & \BS{}ncline\AC{1,2}\AC{2,1}>\AC{A} & \BS{}ncline\AC{1,2}\AC{2,1}$\wedge$\AC{A}\\ \BS{}ncline\AC{1,2}\AC{2,2}<\AC{B} & \BS{}ncline\AC{1,2}\AC{2,2}\_\AC{B} & \BS{}ncline\AC{1,2}\AC{2,2}>\AC{B} & \BS{}ncline\AC{1,2}\AC{2,2}$\wedge$\AC{B}\\ \BS{}ncline\AC{2,1}\AC{2,2}<\AC{C} & \BS{}ncline\AC{2,1}\AC{2,2}\_\AC{C}& \BS{}ncline\AC{2,1}\AC{2,2}>\AC{C} & \BS{}ncline\AC{2,1}\AC{2,2}$\wedge$\AC{C}\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \SbSbSSCT{Les autres paramètres}{Other parameters } %\psset{fillcolor=green} \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{name}\\ \hline \psmatrix[mnode= oval] [name=A] A & [name=B] B\\ [name=C] C & [name=D] D\\ \endpsmatrix \ncline[linecolor=red]{A}{D} \pcline[linecolor=blue](B)(C) & \parbox[b]{8cm}{ \BS{}psmatrix[mnode= oval] [{\red \RDD{name}=A}] A \& [{\red name=B}] B \BS{}\BS{} %\textbackslash{}\textbackslash{} \\ \RDI{name}{pst-node} [{\red name=C}] C \& [{\red name=D}] D \textbackslash{}\textbackslash{} \BS{}endpsmatrix \BS{}ncline[linecolor=red]{\red \AC{A}\AC{D}} \BS{}pcline[linecolor=blue]{\red (B)(C)}} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} %------------------------------------------------------------------- \bigskip \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|}\hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{mcol \hspace{1cm} {\blue \dft{}: mcol=c } }\\ \hline \psmatrix[rowsep=.2cm,colsep=.2cm] paramètres & Position du noeud \\ mcol=l & [mnode= oval,mcol=l] A \\ mcol=c & [mnode= oval,mcol=c] B \\ mcol=r & [mnode= oval,mcol=r] C \\ \endpsmatrix & \parbox[b]{6cm}{ \BS{}psmatrix[rowsep=.2cm,colsep=.2cm] paramètres \& Position du noeud \textbackslash{}\textbackslash{} mcol=l \& [mnode= oval,\RDD{mcol}{\red =l}] A \textbackslash{}\textbackslash{} \RDI{mcol}{pst-node} mcol=c \& [mnode= oval,{\red mcol=c}] B \textbackslash{}\textbackslash{} mcol=r \& [mnode= oval,{\red mcol=r}] C \textbackslash{}\textbackslash{} \BS{}endpsmatrix } \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} %========================================================= \bigskip \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|} \hline \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{radius }\\ \hline \psmatrix [mnode=C] A & [mnode=C, radius=1cm] B \endpsmatrix \\ \hline \BS{}psmatrix [mnode=C] \& [mnode=C, \RDD{radius}{\red =1cm}] \RDI{radius}{pst-node} \BS{}endpsmatrix \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} %------------------------------------------------------------------------- \bigskip \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|} \hline \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{mnodesize \hspace{1cm} {\blue \dft{} : mnodesize= -1pt } } \\ \hline \psmatrix[mnode=oval,rowsep=.2cm,colsep=.2cm] A & B & [mnodesize=4cm] C & D & E\\ \endpsmatrix \\ \hline \parbox[b]{10cm}{ \BS{}psmatrix[mnode=oval,rowsep=.2cm,colsep=.2cm] A \& B \& [ \RDD{mnodesize}{\red =4cm}] C \& D \& E \RDI{mnodesize}{pst-node} \BS{}endpsmatrix } \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} %------------------------------------------------------------- \bigskip \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|} \hline colsep \hspace{1cm} {\blue \dft{} : colsep= 1.5cm} \\ \hline \psmatrix[mnode=oval] A & [colsep=0cm] B & [colsep=4cm] C & D & E\\ \endpsmatrix \\ \hline A \& [ \RDD{colsep}{\red =0cm}] B \& [{\red colsep=4cm}] C \& D \& E \textbackslash{}\textbackslash{} \RDI{colsep}{pst-node} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} %------------------------------------------------------- \bigskip \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{rowsep \hspace{.5cm} {\blue \dft{} : rowsep= 1.5cm } } \\ \hline \psmatrix[mnode=oval] A \\ B \\ C \\ \endpsmatrix & \psmatrix[mnode=oval,rowsep=0cm] A \\ B \\ C \\ \endpsmatrix & \psmatrix[mnode=oval,rowsep=1cm] A \\ B \\ C \\ \endpsmatrix \\ \hline \RDD{rowsep}{\red =0cm} \RDI{rowsep}{pst-node} & {\red rowsep=1cm} & \dft{} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} %------------------------------------------------------- \bigskip \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{\BSS{psspan} \BSI{pspan}{pst-node} }\\ \hline \psmatrix[mnode=oval,rowsep=.2cm,colsep=.2cm] A & B & C & D & E\\ A & B & C \psspan{2} & D\\ \endpsmatrix & \parbox[b]{6cm}{ A \& B \& C \& D \& E \BS{} \BS{} A \& B \& C {\red \BS{}psspan\AC{2}} \& D \BS{} \BS{} } \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \psset{fillcolor=yellow}