\label{anim} \SbSSCT{Animation à partir de fichiers d'image }{Animation from picture files} %\begin{verbatim}\animategraphics[]{}{}{}{} \end{verbatim} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline \TFRGB{première image}{first frame} & \TFRGB{second et dernière image}{second and last frame} \\ \hline \includegraphics{XXX1.ps} & \includegraphics{XXX2.ps} \\ \hline \BS{includegraphics}\AC{XXX1.ps} & \BS{includegraphics}\AC{XXX2.ps}\\ \hline \end{tabular} % \begin{minipage}{7cm} \animategraphics[controls,loop,autoplay]{4}{XXX}{1}{2} \end{minipage}\hfill \begin{minipage}{7cm} \begin{tabular}{|l@{:}l|} \hline \BSS{animategraphics} & \\ \hline [ controls, & \TFRGB{boutons de contrôle}{Inserts control buttons} \\ \hline loop & \TFRGB{en boucle}{animation restarts automatically}\\ \hline autoplay ] & \TFRGB{auto demarrage}{Start animation automatically } \\ \hline \AC{4} & \TFRGB{4 fois par seconde}{4 frame per second}\\ \hline \AC{XXX} & \TFRGB{base du nom fichier}{file base name} \\ \hline \AC{1} & \TFRGB{numero de debut}{number of the first frame} \\ \hline \AC{2} & \TFRGB{numeo de fin}{number of the last frame} \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{minipage} %-------------------------------------------------------------- \subsection{Animateinline} \begin{minipage}{7cm} \begin{center} \begin{animateinline}[ controls,loop,autoplay]{5}% \begin{pspicture}(6,6) \psdiamond*[gangle=45](3,3)(2,.5) \psdiamond*[gangle=135](3,3)(2,.5) \end{pspicture} \newframe% \begin{pspicture}(6,6) \psdiamond*[gangle=0](3,3)(2,.5) \psdiamond*[gangle=90](3,3)(2,.5) \end{pspicture} \end{animateinline}% \end{center} \end{minipage}\hfill \begin{minipage}{7cm} \BSS{begin\AC{animateinline}}[controls,loop,autoplay]\AC{5} \\ \emph{\% \TFRGB{première image}{first frame }}\\ \BS{begin}\AC{pspicture}(6,6) \\ \BS{psdiamond*}[gangle=45](3,3)(2,.5) \\ \BS{psdiamond*}[gangle=135](3,3)(2,.5) \\ \BS{end}\AC{pspicture} \\ \emph{\% \TFRGB{deuxième}{second frame }}\\ \BSS{newframe} \\ \BS{begin}\AC{pspicture}(6,6) \\ \BS{psdiamond*}[gangle=0](3,3)(2,.5) \\ \BS{psdiamond*}[gangle=90](3,3)(2,.5) \\ \BS{end}\AC{pspicture} \\ \\ \BSS{end\AC{animateinline}} \\ \end{minipage} % %%------------------------------------------------------------------------ %\newpage \subsection{Multiframe} \begin{minipage}{7cm} \begin{center} \begin{animateinline}[poster=first, controls, palindrome,autoplay]{12}% \multiframe{29}{iAngle=80+10,Rdim=2.0+-0.2}{\begin{pspicture}(6,6) \psdiamond*[gangle=\iAngle](3,3)(\Rdim,.5) \rput(1,1){\iAngle} \rput(5,1){\Rdim} \end{pspicture} }% \end{animateinline}% \end{center} \end{minipage}\hfill \begin{minipage}{7cm} \BS{begin}\AC{animateinline}[poster=first,controls, palindrome]\AC{12} \\ \BSS{multiframe}\AC{29}\AC{{\red iAngle}=80+10, {\red Rdim}=2.0+-0.2}\AC{ \\ \BS{begin}\AC{pspicture}(6,6) \\ \BS{psdiamond*}[gangle={\red \BS{iAngle}}](3,3)({\red \BS{Rdim}},.5)\\ \BS{rput}(1,1)\AC{{\red \BS{iAngle}}} \\ \BS{rput}(5,1)\AC{{\red \BS{Rdim}}} \\ \BS{end}\AC{pspicture} } \\ \BS{end}\AC{animateinline}% \end{minipage} \bigskip \TFRGB{L'initiale de la variable définit son type}{The first letter of the variable name determines his type } \begin{tabular}{|c|l|} \hline entier & initiale : i ou I \\ \hline réelles & initiale : n, N, r ou R \\ \hline longueurs & initiale : d ou D \\ \hline \end{tabular} %%--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \newpage \subsection{Timeline} \begin{minipage}{6.5cm} \begin{animateinline}[controls,autoplay,timeline=xxx.txt]{5}% \begin{pspicture}(6,6) \pscircle[fillcolor=yellow,fillstyle=solid](3,3){2.5} \end{pspicture} \newframe% \begin{pspicture}(6,6) \pscircle[linecolor=red,fillcolor=green,fillstyle=solid](3,3){2.5} \end{pspicture} \newframe \multiframe{10}{iAngle=60+10}{\begin{pspicture}(6,6) \psdiamond*[gangle=\iAngle](3,3)(2,.5) \end{pspicture} }% \end{animateinline}% \end{minipage}\hfill \begin{minipage}{8cm} \BS{begin}\AC{animateinline} [controls,autoplay,\RDD{timeline}=xxx.txt]\AC{5} \\ \emph{\% \TFRGB{1 image de fond}{}first background image (image \No 0)} \\ \BS{begin}\AC{pspicture}(6,6) \\ \BS{pscircle}[fillcolor=yellow,fillstyle=solid](3,3)\AC{2.5} \\ \BS{end}\AC{pspicture} \\ \textbf{\BS{newframe}} \emph{\% \TFRGB{2 page de fond}{second background image } (image \No 1)} \\ \BS{begin}\AC{pspicture}(6,6) \\ \BS{pscircle}[linecolor=red,fillcolor=green,fillstyle=solid](3,3)\AC{2.5} \\ \BS{end}\AC{pspicture} \\ \textbf{\BS{newframe}} \emph{\% \TFRGB{animation}{animation frames} (images \No 2 - 11) } \\ \BS{multiframe}\AC{10}\AC{iAngle=60+10}\AC{ \\ \BS{begin}\AC{pspicture}(6,6) \\ \BS{psdiamond*}[gangle=\BS{iAngle}](3,3)(2,.5) \\ \BS{end}\AC{pspicture} } \\ \BS{end}\AC{animateinline} \\ \end{minipage} \bigskip \SbSbSSCT{Création du fichier pour timeline}{ Creation of the file for timeline} \TFRGB{Pour créer le fichier xxx.txt , en insérant le code suivant avant}{to create the file xxx.txt, insert the following code before } \BS{begin\AC{document}} \bigskip \begin{minipage}{7cm} \BSS{begin\AC{filecontents}}\AC{xxx.txt} \\ ::\Rnode{A}{0x0,8} \\ ::2 \\ ::7 \\ ::3 \\ ::6 \\ ::\Rnode{B}{c,1x3,5} \\ ::4 \\ ::11 \\ ::5 \\ ::7 \\ ::9 \\ \BSS{end\AC{filecontents}} \end{minipage}\hfill \begin{minipage}{7cm} \rnode{AA}{0x0 : image \No 0 \TFRGB{sert de fond tout le temps}{= background image for all frame}} \\ \vspace{.5cm} \Rnode{BB}{c : \TFRGB{efface les images précédentes}{clear the background image} } \\ \vspace{.5cm} \Rnode{CC}{1x3 : image \No 1 \TFRGB{sert de fond 3 fois}{= background image for 3 frames}} \\ \vspace{.5cm} \TFRGB{Ordre de passage des images}{ Order of frames} : 8,2,7,3,6,5,4,11,5,7,9 \end{minipage} \ncline[linecolor=blue]{A}{AA} \ncline[linecolor=blue]{B}{BB} \ncline[linecolor=blue]{B}{CC} \SbSbSSCT{option pour le fichier xxx.txt}{option for the file xxx.txt} \begin{tabular}{|c|l|} \hline * : : 3 & \TFRGB{pause à l'image}{pause at frame } \No 3 \\ \hline : 10 : 3 & \TFRGB{vitesse 10 par seconde à l'image}{10 frames per second at frame} \No 3 \\ \hline : : 3 : code & \TFRGB{code java possible à l'image}{java code at frame} \No 3 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \newpage \SbSSCT{Animation d'un graphe}{Graph animation} \readdata{\dat}{mesdata.dat} \begin{animateinline}[poster=last,controls]{5}% \multiframe{70}{ifin=10+10}{ \begin{psgraph}[axesstyle=frame,xticksize=0 4cm,yticksize=0 9cm,subticks=0,Dx=100,Dy=.02](0,0)(750,.12){9cm}{4cm} \listplot[xEnd=\ifin,linecolor=blue,linewidth=5pt]{\dat} \end{psgraph} }% \end{animateinline} \bigskip \noindent \BS{readdata}\AC{\BS{dat}}\AC{mesdata.dat} \\ \BS{begin}\AC{animateinline}[poster=last,controls]\AC{5} \\ \BS{multiframe}\AC{70}\AC{{\red ifin}=10+10}\AC{ \\ \BS{begin}\AC{psgraph}[axesstyle=frame,xticksize=0 4cm,yticksize=0 9cm,subticks=0,Dx=100,Dy=.02](0,0)(750,.12)\AC{9cm}\AC{4cm} \\ \BS{listplot}[xEnd={\red \BS{ifin}},linecolor=blue,linewidth=5pt]\AC{\BS{dat}} \\ \BS{end}\AC{psgraph} } \\ \BS{end}\AC{animateinline} % %\newpage %\subsection{Command options} % % %\begin{tabular}{|c|c|} \hline %poster[=first | none | last] & \\ \hline %every= & Build animation from every th frame only \\ % autopause & \TFRGB{animation en pause à la fermeture de la page}{Pause animation when the page is closed } \\ \hline % autoplay & Start animation after the page has opened.\\ \hline % autoresume & Resume previously paused animation \\ \hline % loop & The animation restarts immediately after reaching the end. \\ \hline % palindrome & The animation continuously plays forwards and backwards. \\ \hline % step & Step through the animation one frame at a time per mouse-click. \\ \hline % width= & \TFRGB{redimensionne la largeur }{Resize the width of the animation widget} \\ \hline % height= & \TFRGB{redimensionne la hauteur}{Resize the height of the animation widget} \\ \hline % depth= & Resize the animation widget \\ \hline % scale= & Scales the animation widget \\ \hline % bb= & \\ \hline % viewport= & \\ \hline % trim= & \\ \hline % controls & Inserts control buttons \\ \hline % buttonsize= & Changes the control button \\ \hline % buttonbg= & strokes on transparent background \\ \hline % buttonfg= & specifies the stroke colour \\ \hline % draft & animation is not embedded.Instead, a box with the exact % dimensions \\ \hline % final & \\ \hline % useocg & alternative animation method based on Optional Content Groups \\ \hline % measure & Measures the frame rate during one cycle of the animation. \\ \hline %\end{tabular}