The choice lists can be initialized using JavaScript instead of writing the choices in the \textit{\textbackslash{}ChoiceMenu[]\{\}\{\}} macro.\\ This provides a better overview. Choices are specified in an array. Each array element is an array again, consisting of two entries: the full text shown on screen and an abbreviation: \begin{lstlisting} var softwareAuswahl = [ [ "", ""], [ "Betriebssystem", "os" ], [ "Textverarbeitung", "tp" ], [ "Tabellenkalkulation", "sc" ], [ "Präsentationsprogramm", "pp" ], [ "E-Mail-Client", "mc" ], [ "Web browser", "wb" ], [ "Mathematik-Software", "ms" ], [ "PDF-Anzeigeprogramm", "pv" ] ]; \end{lstlisting} The \textit{setItems()\/} method sets the choices for a choice list: \begin{lstlisting} this.getField("sw01").setItems(softwareAuswahl); \end{lstlisting} \lstinputlisting{../examples/ex0101.tex}