\subsubsection{Document class} The usual document classes -- i.\,e. scrartcl or article -- can be used to create forms. \subsubsection{Fonts} The \textsc{pdf} standard requires each \textsc{pdf} viewer to render 14 fonts even if the font is not embedded into the \textsc{pdf} file, especially the font families Times, Helvetica and Courier. JavaScript code can be used to change form field fonts to these fonts. We want to use JavaScript to change fonts, so we load the font setup packages using \begin{lstlisting} \usepackage{mathptmx} \usepackage[scaled=.92]{helvet} \usepackage{courier} \end{lstlisting} Additionally we use \begin{lstlisting} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \end{lstlisting} to change the font encoding from OT1 (\LaTeX{} default) to T1.\\ The default family is switched to Helvetica using \begin{lstlisting} \renewcommand*{\familydefault}{\phv} \end{lstlisting} because sans-serif fonts are better readable on screen than serifed fonts. \subsubsection{Page layout} The page margins are set up by: \begin{lstlisting} \usepackage[left=25mm,top=25mm,bottom=10mm,right=10mm]{geometry} \end{lstlisting} Page header and footer are set up by: \begin{lstlisting} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \lhead{Firma ABC}\chead{}\rhead{Abteilung XYZ} \lfoot{}\cfoot{}\rfoot{} \pagestyle{fancy} \end{lstlisting} \subsubsection{Graphics and colors} The packages \begin{lstlisting} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{color} \end{lstlisting} can be used to add graphics (i.\,e. logos) and colors. \subsubsection{hyperref-package} The hyperref package is used: \begin{lstlisting} \usepackage[ pdftex,a4paper=true,colorlinks=true, pdftitle={Key form}, pdfsubject={Key}, pdfauthor={Front of House Manager}, pdfpagemode=UseNone,pdfstartview=FitH,pdfhighlight={/N} ]{hyperref} \end{lstlisting}