typebook \documentclass[ letterpaper 12pt,a4paper a4paper ,twoside]{report} \usepackage{ } \begin{document} \end{document} \title{ } \subtitle{ } \author{ } \date{v. } \legal{% } \maketitle \par\vfill \par\vfill \\ \textit{ } \subsubsection*{Acknowledgments} \par \par\vspace*{2pc}\noindent\ignorespaces \subsubsection*{Technical~note} \tableofcontents \listofexercises \listoftables \renewcommand{\contentsname}{ } \prelim{ } \label{ } \subsection*{ }\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{ } \label{ } \subsubsection*{ }\addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{ } \label{ } \noindent {\raggedleft \label{ }% \par} \product [ ] { } \emph{ } \index{ |textbf } @ @ { } ! @ |see{ } \clearpage \begin{itemize} \label{ } \renewcommand{\labelitemi}{\raisebox{-.25ex}{ }} \end{itemize} \item \label{ } ( ) \index{ @ |textbf}\index{ Acronyms@ \string \textbf{Acronyms}, defined! @ |textbf} % no definition for this acronym (maybe OK) \index{ @ } \ddag\marginal{\ddag~Acronym with no content or reference} \emph{\textbf{ }} \textbf{ } \emph{ } ` ` ' ' \thinspace \emph{ } the ` ' in \citeauthoryear{ } \authorof{ } 's \citeyear{ } \titleof{ } \titleof{ \titlecite{ } ~(\citeyear{ }) \textsl{ } + \url \protect \verb \begin{center} \end{center} \begin{minipage}{ } \end{minipage} \tablefootnote { } { } {TF- } \footnote { \label{ } } \begin{sidebar} \label{ } \end{sidebar} \subsection*{ } \person{ } \appendix \end{multicols} \chapter [ ] { \\\LARGE\itshape } \label{ } \pagenumbering{arabic} \begin{multicols}{2}\small\gfdl \begin{note} \end{note} \subsubsection*{ } p p .\thinspace\pageref{ } ~\ref{ } Table s ~ Figure s ~ Exercise s ~ the table s on p p .\thinspace\pageref{ } --\pageref{ } the panel s ` ' \testpage[ below above ]{ } step s ~\ref{ } in the procedure on p.\thinspace\pageref{ } the first paragraph of the last paragraph of the on p.\thinspace\pageref{ } item s ~\ref{ } the list on p.\thinspace\pageref{ } the list s on p p .\thinspace\pageref{ } in \S\thinspace the first paragraph of the last paragraph of \S s \thinspace \chaptername~ Appendi ces x ~ p p .\thinspace\pageref{ } in \S\thinspace \ref{ } to \ref{ } \begin{warning} \label{ } \end{warning} \subsubsection*{ } \setcounter{section}{ } \section{ } \label{ } \subsection{ } \label{ } \subsubsection{ } \label{ } ` ' \textbf{\textit{ }}\label{ }\index{ @\textbf{\textit{ }}} \index{ } + \texttt{ } \url \protect \verb \begin{ shifted sourcecode} [-\leftmargin] [-.3\columnwidth] \label{ } \fontencoding{T1}\fontfamily{ }\selectfont\renewcommand{\ttdefault}{ } \begin{Verbatim}[fontsize=\ small , ] \end{Verbatim} \end{ shifted sourcecode} \vspace*{-\baselineskip}\begin{quote}\fontencoding{T1}\fontfamily{cmr}\selectfont\def\sfdefault{cmss}\def\bfdefault{bf}\noindent \begin{exercise} \label{ } \addcontentsline{loe}{section}{\numberline{ } } \end{exercise} \subsubsection*{ } \begin{example} \end{quote} \end{example} \begingroup\small \label{ } \par\medskip\moveleft\itemindent\vbox{ } \endgroup \subsubsection*{ } \label{ } \addcontentsline{lot}{subsubsection}{ } @{} >{ } >{\pbs{\raggedright}} >{\pbs{\raggedleft}} >{\pbs{\centering}} p { \columnwidth \columnwidth } <{ } | @{} } \hline \vrule height width0pt \caption{\small } \label{ } \begin{center} \label{ } \setlength{\tabcolsep}{ } \setlength{\tabcolsep}{ } \setlength{\tabcolsep}{ } \setlength{\arrayrulewidth}{ } \begin{tabular}{ | \hline \end{tabular} \renewcommand{\theenumi}{\textit{\alph{enumi}}} \footnotesize \begin{enumerate*} \item \label{ } \label{TF- } \end{enumerate*} \par\smallskip\footnotesize \end{center} \begin{itemize*} \end{itemize*} \begin{itemize*} \end{itemize*} \cline{ - 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