%% %% This is file `M-Series.tex' %% %% Copyright 2017 American Mathematical Society. %% %% This file is part of the collection comprising the AMS Author Handbooks. %% For details and license information, see the file README-AH.txt. %% %% The Current Maintainer of this work is the American Mathematical %% Society. %% %% ======================================================================== %% \begin{table}[h!] \caption{The AMS monograph series}\label{tbl:series} {\small \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{.98} \begin{tabular}{@{}lp{.75\textwidth}} Code & \hspace*{.75in}Full Series Name\\[.5pc] \verb+cbms+& CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics (Monograph)\\ \verb+cmim+& Clay Mathematics Monographs\\ \verb+coll+& Colloquium Publications\\ \verb+crmm+& CRM Monograph Series\\ \verb+gsm+& Graduate Studies in Mathematics\\ \verb+hmath+& History of Mathematics\\ \verb+surv+& Mathematical Surveys and Monographs\\ \verb+mawrld+& Mathematical World\\ \verb+amstext+& Pure and Applied Undergraduate Texts\\ \verb+smf+& SMF/AMS Texts and Monographs\\ \verb+stml+& Student Mathematical Library\\ \verb+mmono+& Translations of Mathematical Monographs\\ \verb+mmono-s+& Translations of Mathematical Monographs (Iwanami Series)\\ \verb+ulect+& University Lecture Series\\ \end{tabular} } \end{table}% \endinput