%% %% This is file `J-Series.tex' %% %% Copyright 2017 American Mathematical Society. %% %% This file is part of the collection comprising the AMS Author Handbooks. %% For details and license information, see the file README-AH.txt. %% %% The Current Maintainer of this work is the American Mathematical %% Society. %% %% ======================================================================== %% \begin{table}[h!] \small \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{.98} \caption{The AMS Journal series.}\label{tbl:series} \begin{tabular}{@{}ll} %Code & \multicolumn{1}{c}{Full Series Name}\\[.5pc] Code & \hspace*{.75in}Full Journal Name\\[.5pc] \verb+bull+& Bulletin (New Series) of the American Mathematical Society\\ \verb+ecgd+& Conformal Geometry and Dynamics\\ %\verb+era+& Electronic Research Announcements of the American % Mathematical Society\\ \verb+jag+& Journal of Algebraic Geometry\\ \verb+jams+& Journal of the American Mathematical Society\\ \verb+mcom+& Mathematics of Computation\\ %\verb+memo+& Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society$\,^1$\\ %\verb+noti+& Notices of the American Mathematical Society$\,^2$\\ \verb+qam+& Quarterly of Applied Mathematics\\ \verb+proc+& Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society\\ \verb+ert+& Representation Theory\\ \verb+spmj+& St.\ Petersburg Mathematical Journal\\ \verb+suga+& Sugaku Expositions\\ \verb+tpms+& Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics\\ \verb+tran+& Transactions of the American Mathematical Society\\ \verb+mosc+& Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society \end{tabular} \end{table} \endinput