% Converted from PostScript(TM) to MetaPost by pstoedit % MetaPost backend contributed by Scott Pakin % pstoedit is Copyright (C) 1993 - 2009 Wolfgang Glunz % Generate structured PostScript prologues := 1; % Display a given string with its *baseline* at a given location % and with a given rotation angle vardef showtext(expr origin)(expr angle)(expr string) = draw string infont defaultfont scaled defaultscale rotated angle shifted origin; enddef; outputtemplate:="%j.mps"; beginfig(1); linecap := butt; fill (10.371100,82.296898)..controls (2.140630,82.296898) and (10.371100,41.148399)..(2.140630,41.148399) ..controls (10.371100,41.148399) and (2.140630,0.000000)..(10.371100,0.000000) ..controls (2.140630,0.000000) and (16.042999,41.148399)..(2.140630,41.148399) ..controls (16.042999,41.148399) and (2.140630,82.296898)..(10.371100,82.296898) --cycle; pickup pencircle scaled 0.100000bp; draw (10.371100,82.296898)..controls (2.140630,82.296898) and (10.371100,41.148399)..(2.140630,41.148399) ..controls (10.371100,41.148399) and (2.140630,0.000000)..(10.371100,0.000000) ..controls (2.140630,0.000000) and (16.042999,41.148399)..(2.140630,41.148399) ..controls (16.042999,41.148399) and (2.140630,82.296898)..(10.371100,82.296898); endfig; end