\documentclass[11pt,a4paper,english]{article} \usepackage{babel} \usepackage[margin=25mm]{geometry} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[helvratio=0.9]{newpxtext} \usepackage[upint]{newpxmath} \usepackage[nonpxmath]{../tex/eulerpx} \def\hmmax{0} \def\bmmax{0} \usepackage{bm} \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage[hidelinks,breaklinks=true]{hyperref} \usepackage{bookmark} \usepackage{biblatex} \usepackage{fonttable} \newcommand*\pkg[1]{{\sf #1}} \newcommand*\cs[1]{{\tt\textbackslash #1}} \newcommand*\printdef[2]{{\tt\cs{def}\cs{#1}\{#2\}}} %\urlstyle{tt} \frenchspacing \title{The \pkg{eulerpx} font package} \author{% Luuk T\ij ssen\thanks{% The intial versions of this package were written by Jabir Ali Ouassou. }\\ \nolinkurl{ltijssen2502@gmail.com}% } \begin{document} \maketitle \section*{Getting started} You can start using \pkg{eulerpx} in your document right away by adding \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{newpxtext} \usepackage{eulerpx} \end{verbatim} to your document preamble. Euler Fraktur can be accessed through the \cs{mathfrak}-macro, likewise Euler Script through \cs{mathscr}. The bold math font (Euler) can be accessed through \cs{boldsymbol}, and the bold text font through \cs{mathbf}. Alternative versions of various math symbols and alphabets from \pkg{newpx} are provided by \cs{varmathfrak}, \cs{varmathscr}, \cs{varsum} and \cs{varaleph}. %In case you get the error %\begin{verbatim} % $! LaTeX Error: Too many math alphabets used in version normal. %\end{verbatim} %with this package, try using %\begin{verbatim} % \let\mathfrak=\varmathfrak % \let\mathscr=\varmathscr %\end{verbatim} %and do \emph{not} use the \pkg{amssymb} package with \pkg{eulerpx}! \section{Introduction} \AmS{} Euler (from here on simply referred to as `Euler') is a typeface created by Hermann Zapf (1918-2015) in 1983. Unfortunately, Zapf wasn't able to complete the font during his lifetime, meaning that many frequently-used math symbols are missing from it. In order to make Euler usable, these symbols have to be substituted from other fonts. Other \LaTeX{} implementations of Euler, such as the \pkg{euler} and \pkg{eulervm} packages, use the default Computer Modern typeface for these substitutions. The big issue with using Computer Modern for substituting math symbols in Euler, is that these two fonts generally don't go well together. The \pkg{eulerpx} package tries to alleviate this issue by allowing the user to choose different math fonts for its substitutions. The obvious and default choice for this font is the Palatino typeface, another typeface created by Zapf. This font is conveniently provided by the package \pkg{newpx}, and hence the name `eulerpx.' %\subsection{Further reading} %Test \section{Options} In initial versions of this package, \pkg{newpx} was the only font option. But, since version 1{.}0, you can load your own math font \emph{before} \pkg{eulerpx}, if you use the \verb|nonpxmath|-option. We additionally provide the key-value option \verb|scale| (for instance, \verb|scale=0.9|, for a fractional scale of 0{.}9). This allows you to scale the Euler symbols to match the size of the symbols from the other font. Not all font combinations are guaranteed to look good, so exercise some caution in your font choice. Additionally, you should try to stick to math fonts that include upright integrals (for instance, through an \verb|upint|-option), and slanted versions of the inequality symbols, which are selected automatically by \pkg{eulerpx}, if available. If you prefer the non-slanted inequality symbols, this behaviour can be inhibited using the \verb|noslant|-option. \subsection{Example} For instance, in order to use the Times typeface (package \pkg{newtx}) with Euler, you can add \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{newtxtext} \usepackage[upint]{newtxmath} \usepackage[nonpxmath,scale=0.95]{eulerpx} \end{verbatim} to your document preamble. The scale factor of 0{.}95 was derived empirically by trying to match the height of the text and math `x;' \verb|x$x$|. \section{Deprecated options} Some of the options that were previously offered by this package are now deprecated. These options were not correctly implemented and could cause visual artifacts. If you would still like to use some of these options, alternatives that mimic their original behaviour are provided below. \subsection{The {\tt sansmath}-option} If you want to use the sans-serif text font for operators (as opposed to the default serif text font), you can add the following to your document preamble: \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{newpxtext} \let\oldrmdefault=\rmdefault \let\rmdefault=\sfdefault \usepackage{eulerpx} \let\rmdefault=\oldrmdefault \end{verbatim} \subsection{The {\tt unicode}-option} If you want to write mathematics in Unicode in {\tt pdflatex}, you can add this to your document preamble:\footnote{Credit: David Carlisle on Stack Exchange, \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/601583}.} \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{newpxtext} \usepackage{eulerpx} \let\rmdefault=\oldrmdefault \def\z"{} \def\UnicodeMathSymbol#1#2#3#4{% \ifnum#1>"A0 \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{\z#1}{#2}% \fi } \input unicode-math-table \end{verbatim} Though, in that case, you may also want to switch to Xe\LaTeX, in which case you can use the \pkg{unicode-math} package. \pagebreak \appendix \section{Font sample}\label{sec:sample} The following excerpt is taken from Michael Sharpe's \pkg{stickstoo} package documentation (page 4), who in turn sourced it from the \TeX Book and Karl Berry's torture test. \input sample.tex \newpage \section{Font tables}\label{sec:tables} \subsection{euf} \fonttable{eufm10} \newpage \subsection{zeur} \fonttable{zeurm10} \newpage \subsection{zeus} \fonttable{zeusm10} \newpage \subsection{zeuex} \fonttable{zeuex10} \end{document}