\magnification\magstep1 \def\Afour{\hsize=6.25truein\vsize=9.5truein}%A4 page dimensions \Afour \def\quid{{\it\$}} \def\PS{PostScript} \def\dvi{{\tt dvi}} \def\tfm{{\tt tfm}} \def\vfilll{\vskip0pt plus 1filll} \def\boxit#1{\vbox{\hrule\hbox{\vrule\kern3pt \vbox{\kern3pt#1\kern3pt}\kern3pt\vrule}\hrule}} \newbox\boxx\newbox\me \nopagenumbers \input verbatim.tex \font\mf=logo10 \font\mfb=logobf10 \def\MF{{\mf META}\-{\mf FONT}} \def\MFb{{\mfb META}\-{\mfb FONT}} \def\LaTeX{L\kern-.3em\raise.5ex \hbox{$\scriptstyle\rm A$}\kern-.1em\TeX} \baselineskip12pt \parskip0pt \parindent2em \hfuzz1.5pt \tolerance3000 \raggedbottom \overfullrule0pt \def\istar{\item{$\star$}} \def\iistar{\itemitem{$\star$}} \headline={\sl First Circular \hss Autumn 1987} \centerline{\bf \TeX eter} \bigskip\noindent \TeX88, the Third European \TeX\ Conference will take place at Exeter University, UK, from Monday, July 18th to Wednesday, July 20th, 1988. This conference seeks to maintain the high standard set by the previous European \TeX\ conferences. In view of the rate at which \TeX\ is expanding its areas of application, and the developments which will have taken place by next summer, papers are welcome from all areas of \TeX, \MF\ and related subjects. Likely themes might include: \medskip \istar desktop and traditional publishing with \TeX \istar document structure --- \LaTeX, SGML, ODA, etc. \istar non-technical \TeX\ and \MF\ applications \hfill\break\indent (humanities, music, exotic languages) \istar other technical areas (chemistry, physics, biology) \istar parochial peculiarities (European considerations!) \istar ai and expert system approaches \istar \TeX\ and {\it wysiwyg} \istar \MF\ and fonts \istar page description languages and \dvi \istar micro inputs \istar macro inputs \istar standards: \iistar for |\special| \iistar for printer drivers \iistar for \TeX\ macros \istar \TeX\ environments \bigskip\noindent \medskip \noindent The programme will be structured to include both long and short contributions. The proceedings will be published after the conference. \bigskip \centerline{\bf Added Value}\smallskip\noindent We hope to run various workshops and participatory seminars before, during and after the conference. Specifically, we plan to organise workshops on `the design of documents', \LaTeX\ style files (and how to modify them), and on the use of \MF. Seminar rooms will be available during the conference for `birds of a feather' and other {\it ad hoc} group meetings. There will be facilities for exhibitions by the vendors of \TeX-related software, hardware and paperware. A number of micros will be available to allow the interchange of micro software, as well as demonstrations of particular packages etc. \bigskip \centerline{\bf What does it cost?} \smallskip \noindent The total cost of the conference, including accommodation (from the evening of Sunday 17th July, through to Wednesday 20th) at Lopes Hall of Residence, meals, social activities, and the conference proceedings will be around \quid150. For non-residents, the charge will be about \quid100. The workshops and seminars before or after the conference will cost about \quid50 per day, which also includes accommodation and meals. Cheap rail fares within the UK are being arranged. \vfill \eject \centerline{\bf Where is Exeter University?} \smallskip \noindent Exeter is located in the sunny south west of England, close to Dartmoor, and only 10 miles from the sea. The University is approximately one mile north of Exeter city centre. There is an excellent train service to London and the North from St Davids Station. The M5 and M4 motorways provide quick and relatively painless access to London, the Midlands and the North. There is ample car parking space on campus. The local airport has daily connections to the continent, as well as UK internal destinations. \vfilll \hbox to\hsize{\hrulefill}\bigskip \centerline{\bf Fill This in Now!} \smallskip {\obeylines\parindent0em\bf Name: Affiliation: Address: ~ ~ ~ ~ Telephone: email: } \setbox\boxx=\vtop{\noindent\hsize0pt\vrule width0pt\hrule height 0pt} \bigskip\noindent Please tick where appropriate:\smallskip\noindent \leavevmode\boxit{\copy\boxx}\ Please add my name to the \TeX88 mailing list\smallskip \noindent \leavevmode\boxit{\copy\boxx}\ I would like to present a paper\par The title will be: \par \vfilll \hbox to\hsize{\hrulefill}\bigskip \noindent Send to:\smallskip \newbox\me \setbox\me=\vtop{\halign{#\hfill\cr Malcolm Clark, \TeX88\cr Imperial College Computer Centre\cr Exhibition Road\cr London SW7 2BP\cr Janet:{\tt texline@uk.ac.ic.cc.vaxa}\cr} } \hbox to\hsize{\qquad\box\me \hss}% \vfilll \hbox to\hsize{\hrulefill} \noindent \TeX88 is pleased to acknowledge the support of ArborText, Addison-Wesley Publishers Ltd, Ellis Horwood Ltd (Publishers), Personal \TeX, {\sl\TeX\kern-0.1667em pert systems} and Uni\TeX\ Systems. \end