\centerline{\bf Excuses} \smallskip \noindent I apologise. Jost Krieger is not Dutch, he is German. Sorry. In my review of Schwarz \& Krieger's `Introduction to \TeX' in \Texline{\sl X\/} I assumed that because the volume was printed by Addison Wesley Netherlands that Jost was Dutch. I confess that the basic excellence of the translation encouraged me that only a Dutchman could be quite that comfortable in English. I fall victim to chauvinism. How embarassing. My other excuse is to all those who thought that my announcement of the availability of the \TeX88 conference proceeding meant they would see them soon. I had sent labels with the names and addresses of all the conference participants to the publisher. They sent them to their distributors. The distributors claimed never to have received them, and it took us some considerable time to realise that something had gone wrong. I have since supplied more labels, and this time they got to the distributer. So perhaps by now you have your proceedings, and we can collectively heave a sigh of relief. \author{\mwc}