\centerline{\bf Archimedes \TeX} \smallskip \noindent Archi\TeX\ (\TeX\ and \MF\ on Archimedes computers) consists of: \item{\rtr} Knuth \TeX\ 2.93 fully verified \item{\rtr} {\sc initex} \item{\rtr} plain \TeX\ (source and format file) \item{\rtr} \TFM\ files \item{\rtr} \DVI\ driver for screen previewing and various printers; runs under Arthur 1.2 and Risc-OS 2.00 using the {\sc wimp} environment and multi-tasks under Risc-OS \item{\rtr} full font set for the screen (95 pixel/inch) \item{\rtr} fonts for one printer (as described under `Printers supported') \noindent Also available are: \item{\rtr} \LaTeX\ (format and source files) \item{\rtr} \BibTeX \noindent Archi\TeX\ runs on any Archimedes with at least 1\,Mbyte of RAM and one double sided disk drive. A second drive and/or a hard disk and more memory are recommended. \smallskip \goodbreak \leftline{\sl Printers supported} \noindent The \DVI\ driver currently supports besides the screen in any resolution the following printer-types (the numbers in brackets are the horizontal/vertical resolution in pixel/inch): \item{\rtr}EPSON FX (240$\times$216, 80$\times$72) \item{\rtr}EPSON MX-80 (120$\times$144, 60$\times$72) \item{\rtr}EPSON LQ/SQ (360$\times$180, 180$\times$180) \item{\rtr}NEC P6 (360$\times$360, 360$\times$180, 180$\times$180) \item{\rtr}NEC P2 (120$\times$120) \item{\rtr} OKI uLine (288$\times$288, 144$\times$144) \item{\rtr}HP-Laserjet+ (pixel-driver) (300$\times$300, 150$\times$150) \noindent These include the following printers: FX-80, FX-100, MX-80, SR-10 (IBM), NR-15, SG-15, KXP 1092, P2, P3, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, LQ-2500, SQ-2500, OKI 293 (IBM), OKI 293 (Microline), DPL24D, DPL24I, DL3300, HP-Laserjet+. The package contains one printer font set, which you can select for one of the above. \smallskip \leftline{\sl Features} \item{\rtr}search paths for input files, paths for output files (using system variables) \item{\rtr}additional characters for other languages can be implemented if requested \item{\rtr}`Libraries' (similar to \unix-Archive for \TFM\ and font files, thus reducing space requirements and speeding up the font access time; also eliminating problems with too many files in too many directories on a hard disk \item{\rtr}one driver for the screen and printers \item{\rtr}7 different types of printers \item{\rtr}`landscape' print option \item{\rtr}screen output using one, several or no windows \item{\rtr}screen resolution can be selected, thus enabling magnified (for example, using the printer fonts) and smaller output (for example, whole page vertically with appropiate fonts) \item{\rtr}`overview' function (reduces output to display a full page on the screen) enables you to get an impression of the page layout \item{\rtr} printer parameters for adapting half compatible printers \item{\rtr}optimizes printer output (using minimal empty graphics) \item{\rtr} uses \PK\ files (\PXL\ files can also be used). \item{\rtr}the \DVI\ driver multi-tasks under Risc-OS \item{\rtr} both the format and print process can be interrupted (even in the middle of a page) \item{\rtr}pages can be printed in any sequence (`skip mode'), which can be defined in a file \item{\rtr}the unpacked \PK\ fonts are swapped, thus only the packed fonts must fit into memory \item{\rtr}a log window is used to display memory use, unpacking of fonts etc. \item{\rtr} missing scaled fonts can be substituted with unscaled fonts \item{\rtr}the page size -- the size of the bitmap buffer -- can be automatically taken from the postamble \leftline{\sl Extensions available} \noindent \LaTeX: 3 disks\hfil\break \BibTeX: 1 disk\hfil\break Additional fonts: fonts for more than one printer and/or other resolutions are available for a shipping and handling fee. \smallskip \leftline{\MFsl} \noindent Consists of: \item{\rtr}Knuth \MF\ 1.7 fully verified (includes a version using the {\sc wimp} environment for on-line graphics output and multi-tasks under Risc-OS) \item{\rtr}plain \MF\ source and base file \item{\rtr}{\sc inimf} \item{\rtr}utilities GFtoDVI, GFtype, GFtoPK, GFtoPXL, PXtoPK, PKtoPX, PLtoTF, TFtoPL, CHtoPX and PXtoCH \item{\rtr}\MF\ source files for the Computer Modern fonts of the \TeX\ system and the source files for the fonts of the \LaTeX\ system \smallskip \leftline{\sl Technical Data} \noindent Computer: Archimedes A440, A420, A410, A310, A3000\hfil\break Memory: $>=$ 1\, MByte \hfil\break Monitor: normal, multisync, high-resolution, mono\-chrome or colour \hfil\break Operating System: Risc-OS (and also Arthur 1.2 for Archi\TeX). Available from: {\parindent20pt\obeylines Tools GmbH Kessenicher Str. 108 FRG-5300 Bonn 1 e-mail: {\tt tex@tools.uucp} } \rightline{\sl Dieter Gogolin}