DescToolsAddIns 1.11 (2024-07-28) --------------------------------- NEW FUNCTIONS ADDED: * The function Arrow() has been moved here from DescTools, where it didn't make much sense. DescToolsAddIns 1.10 (2021-05-09) --------------------------------- NEW FUNCTIONS ADDED: * Insertfunction for %in% and |> has been added. * GetExcelTable() imports a table structure from XL. UPDATED FUNCTIONS: * SelectVarDlg gets an interface for characters. BUGFIXES: * options(useFancyQuotes=TRUE) x turned out to be problematic when transferring objects to Word and is now switched off. DescToolsAddIns 1.9 (2021-03-19) --------------------------------- NEW FUNCTIONS ADDED: * BookmarkDlg() displays a dialog containing the bookmarks of the current Word document. It provides buttons to select and delete the bookmarks. * Cat() will output the selection with cat(..., sep="\n") BUGFIXES: * RecreateBookmarkChunk() now correctly parses the bookmark name. DescToolsAddIns 1.8 (2020-09-10) --------------------------------- NEW FUNCTIONS ADDED: * SelectBookmark() and DeleteBookmark() to select and delete bookmarks in a Word document have been added. UPDATED FUNCTIONS: * minus operator in ModelDlg() will insert . - at the beginning of the text as long as the text field is empty. * ModelDlg() gets a combobox for models to choose. DescToolsAddIns 1.7 (2020-03-08) --------------------------------- NEW FUNCTIONS ADDED: * Shuffle() merges the selected lines in a random order. * GetExcelRangeH() imports the data from Excel using a header. UPDATED FUNCTIONS: * ModelDlg() gets some brushups. * Selecting with Select() xy or loc will start the locator and replace the selection with the coordinates. DEPRECATED: * FlipSlash() has been removed. FlipBackSlash() will now flip-flop between slashes and backslashes. The option "ReplaceDoubleSlash = TRUE/FALSE" can be used to control the replacement to either replace double slashes by simple ones or not. DescToolsAddIns 1.6 (2020-01-10) --------------------------------- NEW FUNCTIONS ADDED: * RemoveDuplicates() has been added and does what it says. * SortAsc() and SortDesc() sorts the selected text rowwise. * CreateBookmark will take the selected text and use it as name for a new bookmark to be inserted in the cursor position of a running Word instance. UPDATED FUNCTIONS: * Enquote() and EnquoteS() will retain the selection. BUGFIXES: * DescTools functions will be executed also in cases when the package has not been loaded before. DescToolsAddIns 1.5 (2019-10-27) --------------------------------- NEW FUNCTIONS ADDED: * ToWrd() sends the output of the selection directly to the current Word instance. * ToWrdWithBookmark() sends the output of the selection directly to the current Word instance and tags the output with a bookmark. * ToWrdPlotWithBookmark() sends the output of a plot code directly to the current Word instance and tags the output with a bookmark. * UpdateBookmark() evaluates the selection and updates a bookmarked output in Word. * FileBrowserOpen() opens a file browser window with the selection as current directory. DescToolsAddIns 1.4 (2019-09-26) --------------------------------- BUGFIXES: * Fixing broken link in help text causing build error on CRAN. DescToolsAddIns 1.3 (2019-07-15) --------------------------------- NEW FUNCTIONS ADDED: * FileSaveAs() is a new function for saving objects, allowing to choose the type, either binary or text for general objects or csv/xlsx for data.frames. * New functions taken over from DescTools: ModelDlg(), FileOpenDlg(), Xplore(), dir.choose(), ColorDlg(), SelectVarDlg(), ImportFileDlg(), PlotPar(), PlotPch(), PlotMar() DEPRECATED: * Save() has been replaced by FileSaveAs(). DescToolsAddIns 1.2 (2019-05-07) --------------------------------- NEW FUNCTIONS ADDED: * FlushToSource will replace the selection with its captured result from the function dput(). UPDATED FUNCTIONS: * Class will display more object properties than just the class. BUGFIXES: * All functions using rstudioapi::sendToConsole() will not set the focus to the console anymore. Thanks to Kevin Ushey for the bugfixing. DescToolsAddIns 1.1 (2018-11-14) --------------------------------- NEW FUNCTIONS ADDED: * EnquoteS() uses single quotes for enquoting text. * Selecting path uses DescTools::dir.choose() now allowing to select directories. * GetXLRange() transfers data quickly from a running Excel instance. * Class() returns the class of a selected object. DescToolsAddIns 1.0 (2018-03-10) --------------------------------- NEW FUNCTIONS ADDED: * InspectPnt() identifies points on a plot. * Unclass() runs unclass on the current selection. DescToolsAddIns 0.9.2 (2017-11-25) --------------------------------- NEW FUNCTIONS ADDED: * PlotD() will plot(Desc()) objects. UPDATED FUNCTIONS: * Plot() will now do what has been promised, namely just plot objects. * Select() can by now also be used to select point characters (pch), colors (col) and filenames/-paths (fn, path, file) based on the selection. DescToolsAddIns 0.91 (2017-06-29) --------------------------------- NEW FUNCTIONS ADDED: * Fix() for directly editing a data.frame. * NewMatrix() invokes edit() to create a matrix. DescToolsAddIns 0.9 (2017-04-19) -------------------------------- * first version published on CRAN - 2017-04-19