The Ioctl extension The idea is to have an easily extensible module for getting the value of the C Ioctl constants. The .xs file is automatically rebuilt from the Ioctl.def and xsproto file, and likewise the .pm file is generated from Ioctl.def and pmproto. Any local additions that need to be included should go in Ioctl.def (where, incidentally, they won't be wiped out if you install a new version on top of this one.) No symbols are exported by default. You need to name each symbol you want ("use Ioctl qw(TCFLSH TCXONC);".) You can also directly refer to unexported constants via "Ioctl::SymbolName". also supplies constants and preproccesor/C code. Any changes to the master distribution will be made there, but any site local changes should be made in Ioctl.def. This way, can be patched in future, while leaving your local improvements/munging alone. - Ken (, CIS:70705,126)