package Image::BMP; # Filename: Image/ # Author: David Ljung Madison # See License: # # Description: Reads a .bmp file. # Can also "draw" bmp in ascii art. Cute, eh? # # Limitations: See perlpod doc at bottom # # I couldn't find a standard spec for the format. I chose the fields using: # # # If you find a simple BMP image that this can't handle, I'd be interested # in seeing it, though I can't guarantee I'll update the code to make it work.. use strict; use IO::File; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK $LIBRARY); use Carp; use Exporter (); @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw(open_file open_pipe close load colormap xy xy_rgb xy_index set save view_ascii debug remember_image ignore_imagemagick_bug add_pixel file); $VERSION = '1.13'; $LIBRARY = __PACKAGE__; ################################################## # Object stuff ################################################## sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = bless {}, $class; return $self->init(@_); } sub init { my $self = shift; my %args = @_; # Init values $self->{debug} = 0; $self->{ascii_array} = [" ",".","-","x","X","X"]; # Get arg values map($self->{$_}=$args{$_}, keys %args); $self->open_file() if $self->{file}; $self; } END { # Cleanup code } # Access to fields sub _setget { my ($field, $self, $val) = @_; $self->{$field} = $val if defined $val; $self->{$field}; } sub debug { _setget('debug',@_); } sub remember_image { _setget('remember_image',@_); } sub ignore_imagemagick_bug { _setget('ignore_imagemagick_bug',@_); } sub add_pixel { my ($self, $val) = @_; return $self->{add_pixel} unless defined $val; if ($val) { return error("add_pixel must be set to a code reference ('0' to clear)") unless ref $val eq 'CODE'; $self->{add_pixel} = $val; } else { delete $self->{add_pixel} } } sub file { open_file(@_); } # alias ################################################## # Debugging and output ################################################## sub _debug($@) { my ($self,$lvl) = (shift,shift); return unless $lvl <= $self->{debug}; printf(@_); } sub error { carp "[$LIBRARY] ERROR: ",@_; return 0; } sub fatal { croak "[$LIBRARY] ERROR: ",@_; } ################################################## # Reading the bitmap ################################################## sub open_file($$) { my ($bmp,$file) = @_; $file = $file || $bmp->{file}; $bmp->_debug(1,"BMP: $file\n"); $bmp->{fh} = new IO::File; $bmp->{file} = $file; # Avoid using open unless we need it. Bit kludgy. Unnecessary?? $bmp->{_pipe} = ($file =~ /\|/) ? 1 : 0; if ($bmp->{_pipe}) { open($bmp->{fh},$bmp->{file}) || fatal("Couldn't open pipe: $file"); } else { sysopen($bmp->{fh},$bmp->{file},O_RDONLY) || fatal("Couldn't open file: $file"); } $bmp->read_header; $bmp->read_infoheader; $bmp->read_index; # Clear the internal keys foreach my $k ( keys %$bmp ) { delete $bmp->{$k} if $k =~ /^_/ && $k ne '_pipe'; } delete $bmp->{Image}; } sub open_pipe($$) { my ($bmp,$pipe) = @_; # Perl is just too easy. $bmp->open_file("$pipe |"); } sub close() { my ($bmp) = @_; return unless $bmp && $bmp->{fh}; close $bmp->{fh}; } sub read_bmp_str { my ($bmp,$bytes) = @_; my $str; my $num = sysread($bmp->{fh}, $str, $bytes); $bmp->{_byte}+=$num if defined $bmp->{_byte}; fatal("Wanted $bytes bytes, saw $num") unless $num==$bytes; $bmp->_debug(5,"read_bmp_str($bmp->{file},$bytes) = $str\n"); $str; } sub read_bmp { my ($bmp,$bytes) = @_; my $data = read_bmp_str($bmp,$bytes); my @data = unpack('C*',$data); my $num=0; foreach my $d ( reverse @data ) { $num = $num*256 + $d; } $bmp->_debug(4,"read_bmp($bmp->{file},$bytes) = $num\n"); $num; } sub split_bits { my ($byte) = @_; split('',substr(unpack("B32",pack('N',$byte)),24,8)); } sub read_bmp_bits { my ($bmp,$bits) = @_; # Just read bytes my $bytes = int($bits/8); return read_bmp($bmp,$bytes) if ($bytes*8 == $bits); # Otherwise pull the bits my @bits = (); while ($bits-->0) { @{$bmp->{_bits}} = split_bits(read_bmp($bmp,1)) unless $bmp->{_bits} && @{$bmp->{_bits}}; my $bit = shift(@{$bmp->{_bits}}); push(@bits,$bit); } # This code currently doesn't work... @bits; } # Read bmp to pad out to some chunksize (or 4 bytes) sub pad_bmp { my ($bmp, $chunk) = @_; $chunk = $chunk || 4; my $pad = $chunk - $bmp->{_byte}%$chunk; $pad=0 if $pad==$chunk; $pad = $bmp->{_size}-$bmp->{_byte}-1 if ($bmp->{_byte}+$pad>=$bmp->{_size}); read_bmp($bmp,$pad) if $pad>0; } # Writing files sub write_file($$) { my ($bmp,$wfile) = @_; $wfile = $wfile || $bmp->{wfile}; return unless $wfile; $bmp->{wfile} = $wfile; $bmp->{wfh} = new IO::File; sysopen($bmp->{wfh},$bmp->{wfile},O_WRONLY|O_CREAT) || fatal("Couldn't write file: $wfile"); } sub write_bmp_str { my ($bmp,$bytes, $str) = @_; my $num = syswrite($bmp->{wfh}, $str, $bytes); fatal("Wanted to write $bytes bytes, wrote $num [$str]") unless $num==$bytes; $bmp->_debug(5,"write_bmp_str($bmp->{wfile},$bytes,$str)\n"); $num; } sub write_bmp { my ($bmp,$bytes,$val) = @_; my @data; for(my $i=0; $i<$bytes; $i++) { push(@data, $val&255); $val >>= 8; } my $str = pack('C*',@data); my $num = write_bmp_str($bmp,$bytes,$str); $bmp->_debug(4,"write_bmp($bmp->{wfile},$val) <= $str\n"); $num; } ################################################## # Header ################################################## ### short int of 2 bytes, int of 4 bytes, and long int of 8 bytes. # typedef struct { # unsigned short int type; /* Magic identifier (BM) */ # unsigned int size; /* File size in bytes */ # unsigned short int reserved1, reserved2; # unsigned int offset; /* Offset to image data, bytes */ # } HEADER; sub read_header() { my ($bmp) = @_; $bmp->{Signature} = read_bmp_str($bmp,2); $bmp->{FileSize} = read_bmp($bmp,4); read_bmp($bmp,2); # reserved1 read_bmp($bmp,2); # reserved2 $bmp->{DataOffset} = read_bmp($bmp,4); fatal("Not a bitmap: [$bmp->{file}]") unless $bmp->{Signature} eq "BM"; } sub write_header() { my ($bmp) = @_; write_bmp_str($bmp,2, $bmp->{Signature}); my $fsize = $bmp->{DataOffset} + $bmp->{Width}*$bmp->{Height}*$bmp->{BitCount}/8; write_bmp($bmp,4, $fsize); write_bmp($bmp,2,0); # reserved1 write_bmp($bmp,2,0); # reserved2 # Arguably we should recalc DataOffset write_bmp($bmp,4, $bmp->{DataOffset}); fatal("Not a bitmap: [$bmp->{file}]") unless $bmp->{Signature} eq "BM"; } ################################################## # Image info data ################################################## #typedef struct { # unsigned int size; /* Header size in bytes */ # int width,height; /* Width and height of image */ # unsigned short int planes; /* Number of colour planes */ # unsigned short int bits; /* Bits per pixel */ # unsigned int compression; /* Compression type */ # unsigned int imagesize; /* Image size in bytes */ # int XpixelsPerM,YpixelsPerM; /* Pixels per meter */ # unsigned int ColorsUsed; /* Number of colours */ # unsigned int ColorsImportant; /* Important colours */ #} INFOHEADER; sub read_infoheader() { my ($bmp) = @_; $bmp->{HeaderSize} = read_bmp($bmp,4); $bmp->{Width} = read_bmp($bmp,4); $bmp->{Height} = abs(read_bmp($bmp,4)); # Can be negative?? $bmp->{Planes} = read_bmp($bmp,2); $bmp->{BitCount} = read_bmp($bmp,2); $bmp->{ColorBytes} = int(($bmp->{BitCount}+7)/8); $bmp->{Compression} = read_bmp($bmp,4); # Compression BI_RGB = 0; (no compression) # Compression BI_RLE8 = 1; # Compression BI_RLE4 = 2; # Compression BI_BITFIELDS = 3; $bmp->{ImageSize} = read_bmp($bmp,4); $bmp->{XpixelsPerM} = read_bmp($bmp,4); $bmp->{YpixelsPerM} = read_bmp($bmp,4); $bmp->{ColorsUsed} = read_bmp($bmp,4); $bmp->{ColorsImportant} = read_bmp($bmp,4); $bmp->_debug(1,"Image: $bmp->{BitCount}/$bmp->{ColorsUsed} colors. Geometry: $bmp->{Width}x$bmp->{Height} $bmp->{ImageSize} [comp: $bmp->{Compression}]\n"); fatal("Unknown bitmap format (hdr size!=40?): [$bmp->{file}]") unless $bmp->{HeaderSize}==40; $bmp->{_colors} = $bmp->{ColorsUsed} || 1<<$bmp->{BitCount}; $bmp->{_colors} = 0 if $bmp->{_colors}==(1<<24); # No truecolor map my $DataOffset = 14+40+4*$bmp->{_colors}; error("Corrupt bitmap header? [$bmp->{file}]\n (DataOffset!=14+40+4*Colors?)") unless $bmp->{DataOffset} == $DataOffset; $bmp->{DataOffset} = $DataOffset; # Do we use indexed color? $bmp->{IndexedColor} = 1; $bmp->{IndexedColor} = 0 if $bmp->{BitCount}==24; # True color $bmp->{IndexedColor} = 0 if $bmp->{BitCount}==1; # B&W $bmp->{IndexedColor} = 0 if !$bmp->{ColorsUsed}; } sub write_infoheader() { my ($bmp) = @_; write_bmp($bmp,4, $bmp->{HeaderSize}); write_bmp($bmp,4, $bmp->{Width}); write_bmp($bmp,4, $bmp->{Height}); write_bmp($bmp,2, $bmp->{Planes}); write_bmp($bmp,2, $bmp->{BitCount}); write_bmp($bmp,4, 0); # No compression on writing # Calc imagesize (width*height*bits + padding) my $line = $bmp->{Width} * $bmp->{BitCount}; my $pad = 32-$line%32; $pad=0 if $pad==32; my $size = ($line+$pad)*$bmp->{Height}; #*$bmp->{BitCount}; write_bmp($bmp,4, int($size/8)); write_bmp($bmp,4, $bmp->{XpixelsPerM}); write_bmp($bmp,4, $bmp->{YpixelsPerM}); write_bmp($bmp,4, $bmp->{ColorsUsed}); write_bmp($bmp,4, $bmp->{ColorsImportant}); } sub rgb { my ($rgb) = @_; $rgb=0 unless defined $rgb; ((($rgb>>16) & 0xff), (($rgb>>8 ) & 0xff), (($rgb>>0 ) & 0xff)); } sub read_index() { my ($bmp) = @_; unless ($bmp->{IndexedColor}) { # Sometimes when ColorsUsed is 0 they still have the # basic greyscale map, we need to skip past it. if ($bmp->{_pipe}) { read_bmp($bmp,4*$bmp->{_colors}); } else { sysseek($bmp->{fh},$bmp->{DataOffset},SEEK_SET); } return; } for(my $i=0; $i<$bmp->{ColorsUsed}; $i++) { # r,g,b my $rgb = read_bmp($bmp,4); $bmp->{Index}{rgb}[$i] = $rgb; $bmp->{Index}{back}{$rgb} = $i; } } sub write_index() { my ($bmp) = @_; unless ($bmp->{IndexedColor}) { # Sometimes when ColorsUsed is 0 they still have the # basic greyscale map, we need to get past the DataOffset we wrote # We could've recalced DataOffset above, but I'm lazy.. write_bmp($bmp,4*$bmp->{_colors},0); return; } for(my $i=0; $i<$bmp->{ColorsUsed}; $i++) { write_bmp($bmp,4, $bmp->{Index}{rgb}[$i]); } } sub colormap { my ($bmp, $index) = @_; # B&W return $index ? 0xffffff : 0x000000 if $bmp->{BitCount}==1 || !$bmp->{ColorsUsed}; # True color return $index unless $bmp->{IndexedColor}; $bmp->{Index}{rgb}[$index]; } sub decolormap { my ($bmp, $color) = @_; # B&W return $color ? 1 : 0 if $bmp->{BitCount}==1 || !$bmp->{ColorsUsed}; # True color return $color unless $bmp->{IndexedColor}; my $index = $bmp->{Index}{back}{$color}; return $index if defined $index; fatal("Color [$color] not found in orginal colormap\nCurrently the colormap is not updated with new colors\n"); } ################################################## # Image ################################################## sub next_xy { my ($bmp,$x,$y,$pad) = @_; # Padding at end of each line pad_bmp($bmp) if $pad && $x==$bmp->{Width}-1; return (undef,undef) if $bmp->{_byte}>=$bmp->{_size}; ($x,$y) = (0, $y-1) if (++$x >= $bmp->{Width}); return (undef,undef) unless defined $y && $y>=0; ($x,$y); } sub error_too_big { my ($bmp) = @_; error("Corrupt BMP - too big.\n", " (ImageMagick sometimes incorrectly places endline marker", " Set option 'ignore_imagemagick_bug' to hide this message)") unless $bmp->{ignore_imagemagick_bug}++; } sub _add_pixel { my ($bmp,$x,$y,$color) = @_; return error_too_big($bmp) unless defined $y && $y>=0; $bmp->_debug(3,"Pixel($x,$y) = %0.2x,%0.2x,%0.2x\n",rgb($color)); # Save it in our 2D array $bmp->{Image}[$x][$y] = $color if !$bmp->{add_pixel} || $bmp->{remember_image}; # add_pixel function? return unless $bmp->{add_pixel}; fatal("add_pixel must be a subroutine pointer [not ".(ref $bmp->{add_pixel})."]") unless (ref $bmp->{add_pixel} eq 'CODE'); &{$bmp->{add_pixel}}($bmp,$x,$y,rgb($color)); } sub load() { my ($bmp, $file) = @_; $bmp->file($file) if $file; return error("You haven't opened a file yet") unless $bmp->{file}; if ($bmp->{_image_loaded}) { if ($bmp->{_pipe}) { return error("You can't call load twice on a pipe.\n Use 'remember_image' option"); } elsif ($bmp->{_image_remembered} && !$bmp->{add_pixel}) { # There's no reason to do this again, unless they want # to save the image, or else call their add_pixel again. return 1; } sysseek($bmp->{fh},$bmp->{DataOffset},SEEK_SET); } # Compressed? my $rle = ($bmp->{Compression}==1 && $bmp->{BitCount}==8) ? 1 : 0; fatal("Can't handle this bitmap compression: [$bmp->{file}]\n\t(Try 'convert -compress None')") if $bmp->{Compression} && !$rle; # We need to read bits for this - which would mean buffering and shit.. fatal("Can't handle non-byte indexes - sorry [$bmp->{BitCount} bits].") unless $bmp->{BitCount}==1 || $bmp->{BitCount}==8*(int($bmp->{BitCount}/8)); # Calculate size my $line = $bmp->{Width} * $bmp->{BitCount}; # Each line is padded to 4 bytes my $pad = 32-$line%32; $pad=0 if $pad==32; $bmp->{_sizebits} = ($line+$pad)*$bmp->{Height}; #*$bmp->{BitCount}; $bmp->{_size} = $bmp->{_sizebits}/8; $bmp->{_size} = $bmp->{ImageSize} if $rle; $bmp->{ImageSize} = $bmp->{ImageSize} || $bmp->{_size}; error("Error - imagesize doesn't seem to be calculated properly:\n". " (imagesize < width+padding * height)") unless $bmp->{_size} == $bmp->{ImageSize}; $bmp->_debug(1,"Reading image data...\n"); # Image starts from bottom left and reads right then up my ($x,$y) = (0, $bmp->{Height}-1); $bmp->{_byte}=0; while ($bmp->{_byte}<$bmp->{_size}) { if ($rle) { my $n = read_bmp($bmp,1); my $c = read_bmp($bmp,1); if ($n) { # Repeat next byte 'n' times #TODO: Compression lvl 2 (4-bit color) needs to flip colors back and forth... while ($n-->0) { _add_pixel($bmp,$x,$y,colormap($bmp,$c)); ($x,$y) = next_xy($bmp,$x,$y); } last unless defined $x; } else { if ($c==0) { # End of line $x=0 if $x; #($x,$y) = (0,$y-1) if $x; } elsif ($c==1) { # End of bitmap last; # Sometimes there are bytes left in _size - I don't know why... # Oh - actually we should be 4byte aligned - that might be it. } elsif ($c==2) { # Delta. Following 2 bytes are offset x,y # Argh.. Not tested. I need an image that uses this encoding. print STDERR "Untested delta code.. Please send me a copy of this image for testing!\n"; my $dx = read_bmp($bmp,1); my $dy = read_bmp($bmp,1); $x+=$dx; $y-=$dy; } else { # Following 'c' bytes are regular colors. Pad if 'c' is odd. my $pad = $c&1; while ($c-->0) { my $index = read_bmp($bmp,1); _add_pixel($bmp,$x,$y,colormap($bmp,$index)); ($x,$y) = next_xy($bmp,$x,$y); } error("Corrupt BMP: pad byte should be zero") if ($pad && read_bmp($bmp,1)) } } } else { my ($index) = read_bmp_bits($bmp,$bmp->{BitCount}); my $color = colormap($bmp,$index); _add_pixel($bmp,$x,$y,$color); ($x,$y) = next_xy($bmp,$x,$y,1); last unless defined $x; } } $bmp->{_image_loaded} = 1; $bmp->{_image_remembered} = (!$bmp->{add_pixel} || $bmp->{remember_image}) ? 1 : 0; # Should finish at: error("Premature end of BMP file [$x,$y]") if defined $x && ($x!=$bmp->{Width}-1 || $y); 1; } # We can't do some things until we have the image read sub needs_image { my ($bmp,$do) = @_; return undef if !$bmp->{_image_loaded} && !$bmp->load; # Do we have image data? unless ($bmp->{_image_remembered}) { error("Can't $do with add_pixel functions\n (Unless you set 'remember_image')\n"); return undef; } } sub save() { my ($bmp, $file) = @_; $bmp->needs_image("save images"); $bmp->write_file($file); $bmp->write_header; $bmp->write_infoheader; $bmp->write_index; $bmp->_debug(1,"Writing image data...\n"); # Each line is padded to 4 bytes my $line = $bmp->{Width} * $bmp->{BitCount}; my $pad = 32-$line%32; $pad=0 if $pad==32; # Image starts from bottom left and reads right then up for (my $y=$bmp->{Height}-1; $y>=0; $y--) { for (my $x=0; $x<$bmp->{Width}; $x++) { my $color = xy($bmp,$x,$y); my $index = $bmp->decolormap($color); write_bmp($bmp, $bmp->{BitCount}/8, $index); } write_bmp($bmp,int($pad/8),0) if $pad>0; } 1; } # "Darkness" is distance from white (0 to 1) my $MAXDARK = sqrt(0xff*0xff*3); sub darkness { my ($r,$g,$b) = @_; ($r,$g,$b) = rgb($r) unless defined $g; my $dark = sqrt((0xff-$r)**2+(0xff-$g)**2+(0xff-$b)**2) / $MAXDARK; } # Get or set a given pixel, undef on error sub xy_index { my ($bmp,$x,$y, $index) = @_; $bmp->needs_image("use xy method"); if ($x>=$bmp->{Width} || $x<0 || $y>=$bmp->{Height} || $y<0) { error("xy_index($x,$y) is out of bounds [$bmp->{Width}x$bmp->{Height}]"); return undef; } return $bmp->{Image}[$x][$y] = $bmp->colormap($index) if defined($index); $bmp->decolormap($bmp->{Image}[$x][$y] || 0); } sub xy { my ($bmp,$x,$y, $val) = @_; $bmp->needs_image("use xy method"); if ($x>=$bmp->{Width} || $x<0 || $y>=$bmp->{Height} || $y<0) { error("xy($x,$y) is out of bounds [$bmp->{Width}x$bmp->{Height}]"); return undef; } return $bmp->{Image}[$x][$y] || 0 unless defined $val; $bmp->{Image}[$x][$y] = $val; } sub xy_rgb { my ($bmp,$x,$y, $r,$g,$b) = @_; if (defined($r)) { my $color = (($r&0xff)<<16)|(($g&0xff)<<8)|(($b&0xff)<<0); return $bmp->xy($x,$y,$color); } my $color = $bmp->xy($x,$y); return undef unless defined $color; return rgb($color); } # Simple ascii viewer sub view_ascii { my ($bmp) = @_; $bmp->needs_image("use view_ascii method"); for(my $y=0; $y<$bmp->{Height}; $y++) { for(my $x=0; $x<$bmp->{Width}; $x++) { # Go ahead. Just *try* to figure it out. print $bmp->{ascii_array}[int($#{$bmp->{ascii_array}}*darkness($bmp->{Image}[$x][$y]))]; } print "\n"; } } # View it upside-down. More immediate gratification, due to upside-down # nature of bitmaps. Useful for testing, but only works with some images. sub flipped_ascii { my ($bmp) = @_; my $saved_pixel = $bmp->{add_pixel}; $bmp->{add_pixel} = sub { my ($bmp,$x,$y,$r,$g,$b) = @_; print "\n"x ($bmp->{_lasty} - $y); $bmp->{_lastx}=0 unless $bmp->{_lasty} == $y; print " "x ($bmp->{_lastx} - $x - 1); print $bmp->{ascii_array}[int($#{$bmp->{ascii_array}}*darkness($r,$g,$b))]; ($bmp->{_lastx},$bmp->{_lasty}) = ($x,$y); }; $bmp->load; $bmp->{add_pixel} = $saved_pixel; } 1; __END__ =pod =head 1 NAME Image::BMP - Bitmap parser/viewer =head1 SYNOPSIS use Image::BMP; # Example one: my $img = new Image::BMP( file => 'some.bmp', debug => 1, ); $img->view_ascii; # Example two: my $img2 = new Image::BMP; $img2->open_file('another.bmp'); my $color = $img2->xy(100,100); # Get pixel at 100,100 my ($r,$g,$b) = $img2->xy_rgb(100,200); =head1 DESCRIPTION C objects can parse and even ascii view bitmaps of the .BMP format. It can read most of the common forms of this format. It can be used to: =over =item Just get image info, don't read the whole image: my $img = new Image::BMP(file => 'some.bmp'); print "Resolution: $img->{Width} x $img->{Height}\n"; =item View images (See C example one) =item Read images and poke at pixels (See C example two) =item Parse through all pixel data (See C below) =back It does not currently write bmap data, simply because I didn't have a use for that yet. Convince me and I'll add it. =head1 IMAGE INFO The following data/keys are read when opening an image: FileSize, DataOffset, HeaderSize, Width, Height, Planes, BitCount, ColorBytes, Compression, (compression enum: RGB, RLE8, RLE4, BITFIELDS) ImageSize, XpixelsPerM, YpixelsPerM, ColorsUsed, ColorsImportant =head1 METHODS =over =item $img = new Image::BMP(%options); Constructs a new C object: =item $img->open_file($filename); Opens a file and reads the initial image information and colormap. =item $img->open_pipe($command); Opens a pipe to a command that outputs a bitmap (and reads image info/colormap). Example: $img->open_pipe("convert some.jpg bmp:-"); =item $img->close; Close a file. =item $img->load; $img->load($file); Read the image in. Uses the file in %options if not specified. =item $color = $img->colormap($index); Lookup an index in the colormap; =item $color = $img->xy($x,$y); $img->xy($x,$y,$color); Lookup or set a pixel in the image by color. (Calls C if necessary) =item $index = $img->xy_index($x,$y); $img->xy_index($x,$y,$index); Lookup or set a pixel in the image by index. (Calls C if necessary) =item ($r,$g,$b) = $img->xy_rgb($x,$y); $img->xy_rgb($x,$y,$r,$g,$b); Lookup or set a pixel in the image by rgb values. (Calls C if necessary) =item $img->view_ascii; Do a print of the image in crude ASCII fashion. Useful for debugging of small images. For kicks, open an xterm, set the font to "unreadable" and view the output. (Calls C if necessary) =item $img->debug( [$val] ) Get/set the C setting. Values are: =over =item 0. quiet =item 1. Minimal info =item 2. Colorspace =item 3. Pixel data =back Generally only debug=0 or =1 are useful. =item $img->remember_image( [$val] ) Get/set the C setting. See C below. =item $img->add_pixel( [$code] ) Get/set the add_pixel subroutine pointer. =back =head1 ADD_PIXEL Instead of having the object read the image into memory (or in addition to), you can process all the image data yourself by supplying a callback function: sub my_add { my ($img,$x,$y,$r,$g,$b) = @_; print "add pixel $x,$y = $r,$g,$b\n"; } my $img = new Image::BMP(file => 'some.bmp', add_pixel = \&my_add); $img->load; It may be useful to note that most bitmaps are read from left to right and I (x from 0 to width, y from height to 0), though the compression can skip values. If you supply an C callback then C will I store the image data for efficiency. This means, however, that C, C and C will not work. You can use C and still save the image in memory by setting C. =head1 LIMITATIONS =over =item 4-bit RLE compression I haven't seen an image like this yet, it wouldn't be hard to add. =item bitfields compression I don't even know what that is.. =item RLE 'delta' compression This isn't tested yet - I haven't seen an image that uses this portion of RLE compression, so it currently does what I think is right and then prints a message asking you to send me the image/results. =back =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2004 David Ljung Madison. All rights reserved. See: =cut