/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* *************************************** radio.c nov/dec 1992 may 1999 - mainlus - toetsafhandeling - PREPROCES - collect meshes - spitconnected (alle vlakken met verschillende kleur en normaal) - setedgepointers (nodes wijzen naar buren) - EDITING - min-max patch en min-max elementsize - ahv bovenstaande evt patches subdividen - lampsubdivide - als er teveel lampen zijn voor de subdivide shooting: - tijdelijk patches samenvoegen - met de hand aangeven? - SUBDIVIDE SHOOTING - behalve laatste shooting bepaalt dit patch-subdivide - als gesubdivide patches nog > 2*minsize : doorgaan - op eind zoveel mogelijk elements maken - ook onthouden of lamp (nog) subdivide veroorzaakt. - REFINEMENT SHOOTING - testen op overflows (shootpatch subdividen) - testen op extreme kleur verlopen: - als nog kan: shootpatch subdividen - elements subdividen = overnieuw beginnen ? - ittereren stoppen nadat ? - DEFINITIVE SHOOTING - user geeft aan hoeveel vlakken maximaal en itteratie lengte. - nodes omzetten naar minder geheugen-intensief formaat - element- nodes weer samenvoegen waarin niets gebeurt (faces) - elements subdividen waarin veel gebeurt *************************************** */ #include "radio.h" RadGlobal RG= {0, 0}; void freeAllRad() { Base *base; extern int Ntotvert, Ntotnode, Ntotpatch; RPatch *rp, *next; /* clear flag that disables drawing the meshes */ if(G.scene) { base= FIRSTBASE; while(base) { if(base->object->type==OB_MESH) { base->flag &= ~OB_RADIO; } base= base->next; } } free_fastAll(); /* verts, nodes, patches */ RG.patchbase.first= RG.patchbase.last= 0; Ntotvert= Ntotnode= Ntotpatch= 0; closehemiwindows(); /* not real windows anymore... */ if(RG.elem) freeN(RG.elem); RG.elem= 0; if(RG.verts) freeN(RG.verts); RG.verts= 0; if(RG.topfactors) freeN(RG.topfactors); RG.topfactors= 0; if(RG.sidefactors) freeN(RG.sidefactors); RG.sidefactors= 0; if(RG.formfactors) freeN(RG.formfactors); RG.formfactors= 0; if(RG.index) freeN(RG.index); RG.index= 0; if(RG.facebase) { init_face_tab(); /* frees all tables */ freeN(RG.facebase); RG.facebase= 0; } RG.totelem= RG.totpatch= RG.totvert= RG.totface= RG.totlamp= 0; } int rad_phase() { int flag= 0; if(RG.totpatch) flag |= RAD_PHASE_PATCHES; if(RG.totface) flag |= RAD_PHASE_FACES; return flag; } void rad_status_str(char *str) { extern int totfastmem; int tot; char *phase; tot= (RG.totface*sizeof(Face))/1024; tot+= totfastmem/1024; if(RG.phase==RAD_SHOOTE) phase= "Phase: ELEMENT SUBD, "; else if(RG.phase==RAD_SHOOTP) phase= "Phase: PATCH SUBD, "; else if(RG.phase==RAD_SOLVE) phase= "Phase: SOLVE, "; else if(RG.totpatch==0) phase= "Phase: COLLECT MESHES "; else if(RG.totface) phase= "Phase: FINISHED, "; else phase= "Phase: INIT, "; if(RG.totpatch==0) strcpy(str, phase); else sprintf(str, "%s TotPatch: %d TotElem: %d Emit: %d Faces %d Mem: %d k ", phase, RG.totpatch, RG.totelem, RG.totlamp, RG.totface, tot); if(RG.phase==RAD_SOLVE) strcat(str, "(press ESC to stop)"); } void rad_printstatus() { /* actions always are started from a buttonswindow */ curarea->windraw(); screen_swapbuffers(); } void rad_setlimits() { Radio *rad= G.scene->radio; float fac; fac= 0.0005*rad->pama; RG.patchmax= RG.maxsize*fac; RG.patchmax*= RG.patchmax; fac= 0.0005*rad->pami; RG.patchmin= RG.maxsize*fac; RG.patchmin*= RG.patchmin; fac= 0.0005*rad->elma; RG.elemmax= RG.maxsize*fac; RG.elemmax*= RG.elemmax; fac= 0.0005*rad->elmi; RG.elemmin= RG.maxsize*fac; RG.elemmin*= RG.elemmin; } void set_radglobal() { /* always call before any action is performed */ Radio *rad= G.scene->radio; if(RG.radio==0) { /* firsttime and to be sure */ bzero(&RG, sizeof(RadGlobal)); } if(rad==0) return; if(rad != RG.radio) { if(RG.radio) freeAllRad(); bzero(&RG, sizeof(RadGlobal)); RG.radio= rad; } RG.hemires= rad->hemires & 0xFFF0; RG.drawtype= rad->drawtype; RG.flag= rad->flag; RG.subshootp= rad->subshootp; RG.subshoote= rad->subshoote; RG.nodelim= rad->nodelim; RG.maxsublamp= rad->maxsublamp; RG.maxnode= 2*rad->maxnode; /* in button:max elem, subdividing! */ RG.convergence= rad->convergence/1000.0; RG.radfac= rad->radfac; RG.gamma= rad->gamma; RG.maxiter= rad->maxiter; rad_setlimits(); } /* called from buttons.c */ void add_radio() { Radio *rad; if(G.scene->radio) freeN(G.scene->radio); rad= G.scene->radio= callocN(sizeof(Radio), "radio"); rad->hemires= 300; rad->convergence= 0.1; rad->radfac= 30.0; rad->gamma= 2.0; rad->drawtype= DTSOLID; rad->subshootp= 1; rad->subshoote= 2; rad->maxsublamp= 0; rad->pama= 500; rad->pami= 200; rad->elma= 100; rad->elmi= 20; rad->nodelim= 0; rad->maxnode= 10000; rad->flag= 2; set_radglobal(); } void delete_radio() { freeAllRad(); if(G.scene->radio) freeN(G.scene->radio); G.scene->radio= 0; RG.radio= 0; } int rad_go(void) /* return 0 when user escapes */ { int time, cputime, retval; /* firsttime moet vervangen worden door radphase? */ if(RG.totface) return 0; start_timer(); /* calc duration */ bgntimer(); /* for esc */ G.afbreek= 0; set_radglobal(); initradiosity(); /* LUT's */ inithemiwindows(); /* views */ maxsizePatches(); setnodelimit(RG.patchmin); RG.phase= RAD_SHOOTP; subdivideshootPatches(RG.subshootp); setnodelimit(RG.elemmin); RG.phase= RAD_SHOOTE; subdivideshootElements(RG.subshoote); setnodelimit(RG.patchmin); subdividelamps(); setnodelimit(RG.elemmin); RG.phase= RAD_SOLVE; subdiv_elements(); progressiverad(); removeEqualNodes(RG.nodelim); make_face_tab(); /* nu geankerd */ closehemiwindows(); RG.phase= 0; endtimer(); end_timer(&time, &cputime); printf("Radiosity solving time: %d\n", cputime); if(G.afbreek==1) retval= 1; else retval= 0; G.afbreek= 0; return retval; } void rad_subdivshootpatch() { if(RG.totface) return; bgntimer(); G.afbreek= 0; set_radglobal(); initradiosity(); /* LUT's */ inithemiwindows(); /* views */ subdivideshootPatches(1); removeEqualNodes(RG.nodelim); closehemiwindows(); endtimer(); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 1); } void rad_subdivshootelem() { if(RG.totface) return; bgntimer(); G.afbreek= 0; set_radglobal(); initradiosity(); /* LUT's */ inithemiwindows(); /* views */ subdivideshootElements(1); removeEqualNodes(RG.nodelim); closehemiwindows(); endtimer(); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 1); } void rad_limit_subdivide() { if(G.scene->radio==0) return; set_radglobal(); if(RG.totpatch==0) { /* printf("exit: no relevant data\n"); */ return; } maxsizePatches(); init_face_tab(); /* free faces */ }