/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* drawimasel.c juli 96 GRAPHICS * * * */ #include "blender.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "ipo.h" #include "imasel.h" #define IMALINESIZE 16 /* GLOBALS */ extern char *fsmenu; void viewgate(short sx, short sy, short ex, short ey) { short wx, wy; wx = curarea->winrct.xmin; wy = curarea->winrct.ymin; glViewport(wx+sx, wy+sy, (wx+ex )-(wx+sx)+1, (wy+ey )-(wy+sy)+1); glScissor(wx+sx, wy+sy, (wx+ex )-(wx+sx)+1, (wy+ey )-(wy+sy)+1); ortho2((float)sx , (float)ex, (float)sy, (float)ey); } void areaview (void) { short wx, wy; wx = curarea->winrct.xmin; wy = curarea->winrct.ymin; glViewport(wx, wy, (wx+curarea->winx)-(wx)+1, (wy+curarea->winy)-( wy)+1); glScissor(wx, wy, (wx+curarea->winx)-(wx)+1, (wy+curarea->winy)-( wy)+1); ortho2(0.0, (float)curarea->winx-1.0, 0.0, (float)curarea->winy-1.0); } void calc_hilite(SpaceImaSel *simasel) { OneSelectableIma *ima; ImaDir *direntry; short mx, my; int i, area_event; if (simasel->hilite > -1) { direntry = simasel->firstdir; while(direntry){ direntry->hilite = 0; direntry = direntry->next; } simasel->hilite = -1; } if (simasel->totalima){ simasel->hilite_ima = 0; ima = simasel->first_sel_ima; while (ima){ ima->selectable = 0; ima = ima->next; } } area_event = 0; mx = simasel->mx; my = simasel->my; if (simasel->desx > 0){ if ( (mx > simasel->desx) && (mx < simasel->deex) && (my > simasel->desy) && (my < simasel->deey) ) area_event = IMS_INDIR; } if (simasel->fesx > 0){ if ( (mx > simasel->fesx) && (mx < simasel->feex) && (my > simasel->fesy) && (my < simasel->feey) ) area_event = IMS_INFILE; } switch(area_event){ case IMS_INDIR: simasel->hilite = simasel->topdir + ((simasel->deey - my - 4) / IMALINESIZE); if (my >= simasel->deey) simasel->hilite = -1; if (simasel->hilite >= simasel->totaldirs) simasel->hilite = -1; if (simasel->hilite > -1){ direntry = simasel->firstdir; for (i = simasel->hilite; i>0; i--){ direntry = direntry->next; } direntry->hilite = 1; } simasel->mouse_move_redraw = 1; break; case IMS_INFILE: if (simasel->totalima){ ima = simasel->first_sel_ima; while (ima){ ima->selectable = 0; if (ima->draw_me) { if ((mx > ima->sx) && (mx < ima->sx+76) && (my > ima->sy-16) && (my < ima->sy+76)) { ima->selectable = 1; simasel->hilite_ima = ima; simasel->mouse_move_redraw = 1; } } ima = ima->next; } } break; } } void make_sima_area(SpaceImaSel *simasel) { OneSelectableIma *ima; short rh, dm, sx, sy, sc; short boxperline, boxlines, boxlinesinview, boxlinesleft; /* ima slider box */ simasel->fssx = 8; simasel->fssy = 8; simasel->fsex = 30; simasel->fsey = curarea->winy-64; /* ima entry's box */ simasel->fesx = simasel->fsex + 8; simasel->fesy = simasel->fssy; simasel->feex = curarea->winx- 8; simasel->feey = curarea->winy-64; /* ima names */ simasel->dnsx = 38; simasel->dnsy = curarea->winy - 29; simasel->dnw = curarea->winx - 8 - 38; simasel->dnh = 21; simasel->fnsx = simasel->fesx; simasel->fnsy = curarea->winy - 29 - 29; simasel->fnw = curarea->winx - 8 - simasel->fnsx; simasel->fnh = 21; if ((simasel->mode & 1)==1){ /* dir slider box */ simasel->dssx = 8; simasel->dsex = 30; simasel->dsey = curarea->winy-64; /* dir entry's box */ simasel->desx = 38; simasel->desy = 8; simasel->deex = 208; simasel->deey = curarea->winy-64; simasel->dssy = simasel->desy; if (simasel->deex > (curarea->winx -8) ) simasel->deex = curarea->winx - 8; if (simasel->deex <= simasel->desx ) simasel->dssx = 0; /* file slider & entry & name box ++ */ simasel->fssx += 216; simasel->fsex += 216; simasel->fesx += 216; simasel->fnsx += 216; simasel->fnw -= 216; }else{ simasel->desx = 0; } if ((simasel->mode & 2) == 2){ simasel->fesy += 32; simasel->infsx = simasel->fesx; simasel->infsy = 8; simasel->infex = simasel->feex; simasel->infey = 28; }else{ simasel->infsx = 0; } simasel->dsdh = simasel->deey - simasel->desy - 4; if (simasel->dsdh <= 16) { simasel->desx = 0; } if ((simasel->feex-16) <= simasel->fesx) { simasel->fesx = 0; } if ((simasel->infex-16) <= simasel->infsx) { simasel->infsx = 0; } if ((simasel->deey ) <= simasel->desy) { simasel->desx = 0; } if ((simasel->feey ) <= simasel->fesy) { simasel->fesx = 0; } if ((simasel->infey ) > simasel->feey) { simasel->infsx = 0;} /* Dir Slider */ if (simasel->desx != 0){ simasel->dirsli = 0; simasel->dirsli_lines = (simasel->dsdh / IMALINESIZE); simasel->dirsli_h = 0; if (simasel->topdir < 0) simasel->topdir = 0; if (simasel->topdir > (simasel->totaldirs - simasel->dirsli_lines) ) simasel->topdir = (simasel->totaldirs - simasel->dirsli_lines); if ( (simasel->totaldirs * IMALINESIZE) >= simasel->dsdh ){ simasel->dirsli = 1; simasel->dirsli_sx = simasel->dssx+2; simasel->dirsli_ex = simasel->dsex-2; simasel->dirsli_h = (simasel->dsdh) * (float)simasel->dirsli_lines / (float)simasel->totaldirs; simasel->dirsli_ey = simasel->dsey - 2; if (simasel->topdir) { rh = (simasel->dsdh - simasel->dirsli_h); simasel->dirsli_ey -= rh * (float)((float)simasel->topdir / (float)(simasel->totaldirs - simasel->dirsli_lines )); } if (simasel->dirsli_h < 4) simasel->dirsli_h = 4; }else{ simasel->topdir = 0; } } if (simasel->totalima){ /* there are images */ ima = simasel->first_sel_ima; boxperline = (simasel->feex - simasel->fesx) / 80; if (boxperline) boxlines = 1 + (simasel->totalima / boxperline); else boxlines = 1; boxlinesinview = (simasel->feey - simasel->fesy) / 100; boxlinesleft = boxlines - boxlinesinview; if (boxlinesleft > 0){ /* slider needed */ simasel->slider_height = boxlinesinview / (float)(boxlines+1); simasel->slider_space = 1.0 - simasel->slider_height; simasel->imasli_sx = simasel->fssx+1; simasel->imasli_ex = simasel->fsex-1; simasel->fsdh = simasel->fsey - simasel->fssy - 4; simasel->imasli_h = simasel->fsdh * simasel->slider_height; if (simasel->imasli_h < 6) simasel->imasli_h = 6; simasel->imasli_ey = simasel->fsey - 2 - (simasel->fsdh * simasel->slider_space * simasel->image_slider); simasel->imasli = 1; }else{ simasel->image_slider = 0; simasel->imasli = 0; } sc = simasel->image_slider * (boxlinesleft * 100); simasel->curimax = simasel->fesx + 8; simasel->curimay = simasel->feey - 90 + sc; dm = 1; if (simasel->curimay-2 < simasel->fesy) dm = 0; if (simasel->curimay+80 > simasel->feey) dm = 0; if (simasel->curimax+72 > simasel->feex) dm = 0; simasel->total_selected = 0; while (ima){ ima->draw_me = dm; if (ima->selected) simasel->total_selected++; ima->sx = simasel->curimax; ima->sy = simasel->curimay+16; ima->ex = ima->sx + ima->dw; ima->ey = ima->sy + ima->dh; simasel->curimax += 80; if (simasel->curimax + 72 > simasel->feex){ simasel->curimax = simasel->fesx + 8; simasel->curimay -= 100; dm = 1; if (simasel->curimay+80 > simasel->feey) dm = 0; if (simasel->curimay-8 < simasel->fesy) dm = 0; } ima = ima->next; } } } void draw_sima_area(SpaceImaSel *simasel) { OneSelectableIma *ima; ImaDir *direntry; int i, info, l; short sx, sy, ex, ey, sc; uint *rect; char naam[256], infostr[256]; extern struct ButIcon BGicon[]; glClearColor(0.4375, 0.4375, 0.4375, 0.0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); fmsetfont(G.font); sprintf(naam, "win %d", curarea->win); DefButBlock(naam, curarea->win, G.font, 10, 6, 4); SetButCol(4); if (simasel->desx > 0){ /* DIR ENTRYS */ cpack(C_DERK); glRecti(simasel->dssx, simasel->dssy, simasel->dsex, simasel->dsey); glRecti(simasel->desx, simasel->desy, simasel->deex, simasel->deey); EmbossBox2(simasel->dssx, simasel->dssy, simasel->dsex, simasel->dsey,1, C_LO, C_HI); EmbossBox2(simasel->desx, simasel->desy, simasel->deex, simasel->deey,1, C_LO, C_HI); if (simasel->dirsli == 1){ sx = simasel->dirsli_sx; sy = simasel->dirsli_ey - simasel->dirsli_h; ex = simasel->dirsli_ex; ey = simasel->dirsli_ey; glRecti(sx, sy, ex, ey); EmbossBox2(sx, sy, ex,ey,1, C_HI, C_LO); } if (simasel->totaldirs){ sx = simasel->desx+8; sy = simasel->deey-IMALINESIZE; fmsetfont(G.font); direntry = simasel->firstdir; if (simasel->topdir){ for(i = simasel->topdir; i>0; i--){ direntry = direntry->next; } } viewgate(simasel->desx, simasel->desy, simasel->deex-4, simasel->deey); i = simasel->dirsli_lines; if (i > simasel->totaldirs) i = simasel->totaldirs; for(;i > 0; i--){ strcpy(naam, direntry->name); cpack(0xFFFFFF); if (direntry->selected == 1){ cpack(0x7777CC); glRecti(simasel->desx+2, sy-4, simasel->deex-4, sy+IMALINESIZE-4); cpack(0xFFFFFF); } if (direntry->hilite == 1){ cpack(0x999999); glRecti(simasel->desx+2, sy-4, simasel->deex-4, sy+IMALINESIZE-4); cpack(0xFFFFFF); } glRasterPos2i(sx, sy);fmprstr(naam); direntry = direntry->next; sy-=IMALINESIZE; } areaview(); } /* status icons */ glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, BGicon[0].xim); sx = simasel->desx; sy = simasel->deey+6; rect= BGicon[0].rect + (5*21 + 3)*BGicon[0].xim + (6*20 + 3); if (bitset(simasel->fase, IMS_FOUND_BIP)) rect+= 20; if (bitset(simasel->fase, IMS_WRITE_NO_BIP)) rect= BGicon[0].rect + (5*21 + 3)*BGicon[0].xim + (8*20 + 3); lrectwrite(sx, sy, sx+14,sy+15, rect); sx+=16; rect= BGicon[0].rect + (5*21 + 3)*BGicon[0].xim + (2*20 + 3); if (bitset(simasel->fase, IMS_KNOW_INF)) rect+= 20; lrectwrite(sx, sy, sx+14,sy+15, rect); sx+=16; rect= BGicon[0].rect + (5*21 + 3)*BGicon[0].xim + (4*20 + 3); if (bitset(simasel->fase, IMS_KNOW_IMA)) rect+= 20; lrectwrite(sx, sy, sx+14,sy+15, rect); sx+=16; glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH, 0); } if (simasel->fesx > 0){ cpack(C_DARK); glRecti(simasel->fssx, simasel->fssy, simasel->fsex, simasel->fsey); glRecti(simasel->fesx, simasel->fesy, simasel->feex, simasel->feey); EmbossBox2(simasel->fssx-1, simasel->fssy-1, simasel->fsex+1, simasel->fsey+1,1, C_LO, C_HI); EmbossBox2(simasel->fesx-1, simasel->fesy-1, simasel->feex+1, simasel->feey+1,1, C_LO, C_HI); if (simasel->fnw > 8) DefBut(TEX, 2,"", simasel->fnsx, simasel->fnsy, simasel->fnw, simasel->fnh, simasel->file, 0.0, (float)FILE_MAXFILE-1, 0, 0); if (simasel->imasli == 1){ sx = simasel->imasli_sx; sy = simasel->imasli_ey - simasel->imasli_h; ex = simasel->imasli_ex; ey = simasel->imasli_ey; cpack(C_BACK); glRecti(sx, sy, ex, ey); EmbossBox2(sx, sy, ex,ey,1, C_HI, C_LO); } info = 0; strcpy(infostr, ""); if (simasel->totalima){ viewgate(simasel->fesx, simasel->fesy, simasel->feex, simasel->feey); fmsetfont(G.fonts); ima = simasel->first_sel_ima; while (ima){ sc = 0; sx = ima->sx- 6; sy = ima->sy-20 + sc; ex = ima->sx+71; ey = ima->sy+70 + sc; if(ima->selected == 1){ cpack(0xCC6666); glRecti(sx, sy, ex, ey); } if(ima->selectable == 1){ if (ima->selected ) cpack(0xEE8888); else cpack(0x999999); if (((simasel->mode & 8) != 8) && (simasel->hilite_ima == ima)){ glRecti(sx, sy, ex, ey); EmbossBox2(sx,sy, ex,ey, 1, C_LO, C_HI); } if (ima->disksize/1000 > 1000){ sprintf(infostr, "%s %.2fMb x%i y%i %i bits ",ima->file_name,(ima->disksize/1024)/1024.0, ima->orgx, ima->orgy, ima->orgd); }else{ sprintf(infostr, "%s %dKb x%i y%i %i bits ", ima->file_name,ima->disksize/1024, ima->orgx, ima->orgy, ima->orgd); } if (ima->anim == 1){ strcat (infostr, "movie"); }else{ str_image_type(ima->ibuf_type, naam); strcat (infostr, naam); } info = 1; } sx = ima->sx; sy = ima->sy + sc; ex = ima->ex; ey = ima->ey + sc; if (ima->anim == 0) cpack(C_DARK); else cpack(C_DERK); glRecti(sx, sy, ex, ey); EmbossBox2(sx-1,sy-1, ex+1,ey+1, 1, C_HI, C_LO); cpack(0); strcpy(naam, ima->file_name); naam[11] = 0; glRasterPos2i(sx+32-fmgetstrwidth(G.fonts, naam) / 2 , sy-16); fmprstr(naam); if ((ima) && (ima->pict) && (ima->pict->rect)){ if ( (ey > simasel->fesy) && (sy < simasel->feey)){ lrectwrite(sx, sy, ex-1, ey-1, ima->pict->rect); } } ima = ima->next; } if ((simasel->mode & 8) == 8) { /* if loep */ if (bitset(simasel->fase, IMS_KNOW_IMA) && (simasel->hilite_ima)) { ima = simasel->hilite_ima; glPixelZoom(2.0, 2.0); sx = ima->sx + (ima->ex - ima->sx)/2 - (ima->ex - ima->sx); sy = ima->sy + (ima->ey - ima->sy)/2 - (ima->ey - ima->sy); ex = sx + 2*(ima->ex - ima->sx); ey = sy + 2*(ima->ey - ima->sy); /* cpack(C_DERK); */ /* EmbossBox2(sx-8,sy-8, ex+8,ey+8, 1, C_HI, C_LO); */ /* glRecti(sx-7, sy-7, ex+7, ey+7); */ EmbossBox2(sx-1,sy-1, ex+1,ey+1, 0, C_HI, C_LO); lrectwrite(sx, sy, sx+ (ima->ex - ima->sx)-1, sy+ (ima->ey - ima->sy)-1, ima->pict->rect); glPixelZoom(1.0, 1.0); } } areaview(); /* reset viewgate */ } /* INFO */ if (simasel->infsx > 0){ cpack(C_DARK); glRecti(simasel->infsx, simasel->infsy, simasel->infex, simasel->infey); EmbossBox2(simasel->infsx, simasel->infsy, simasel->infex, simasel->infey,1, C_LO, C_HI); if ((info)&&(strlen(infostr) > 0)){ sx = curarea->winrct.xmin; sy = curarea->winrct.ymin; viewgate(simasel->infsx, simasel->infsy, simasel->infex, simasel->infey); fmsetfont(G.font); cpack(0xAAAAAA); glRasterPos2i(simasel->infsx+4, simasel->infsy+6); fmprstr(infostr); areaview(); /* reset viewgate */ } } } if (simasel->dnw > 8) DefBut(TEX, 1,"", simasel->dnsx, simasel->dnsy, simasel->dnw, simasel->dnh, simasel->dir, 0.0, (float)FILE_MAXFILE-1, 0, 0); if (curarea->winx > 16){ SetButShape(2); DefBut(BUT,4, "P", 8, curarea->winy-29, 20, 21, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); if(fsmenu) { DefBut(MENU|SHO,3, fsmenu, 8, curarea->winy-58, 20, 21, &simasel->fileselmenuitem, 0, 0, 0, 0); } } } void select_ima_files(SpaceImaSel *simasel) { short set_reset; short mval[2], oval[2]; set_reset = 1 - (simasel->hilite_ima->selected); getmouseco_areawin(mval); oval[0] = mval[0] + 1; while(get_mbut()&R_MOUSE) { getmouseco_areawin(mval); if ((oval[0] != mval[0]) || (oval[1] != mval[1])){ simasel->mx = mval[0]; simasel->my = mval[1]; calc_hilite(simasel); if (simasel->hilite_ima){ simasel->hilite_ima->selected = set_reset; curarea->windraw(); screen_swapbuffers(); } oval[0] = mval[0]; oval[1] = mval[1]; } } } void move_imadir_sli(SpaceImaSel *simasel) { short mval[2], oval[2], lval[2], fh; float rh; getmouseco_areawin(mval); if ((mval[0] > simasel->dirsli_sx) && (mval[0] < simasel->dirsli_ex) && (mval[1] > simasel->dirsli_ey - simasel->dirsli_h) && (mval[1] < simasel->dirsli_ey) ){ /* extactly in the slider */ fh = simasel->dirsli_ey - mval[1]; lval[1]=1;oval[1] = mval[1]; while(get_mbut()&L_MOUSE) { getmouseco_areawin(mval); if (mval[1] != lval[1]){ rh = (float)(simasel->dsey - mval[1] - fh - simasel->dssy) / (simasel->dsdh - simasel->dirsli_h); simasel->topdir = 1 + rh * (simasel->totaldirs - simasel->dirsli_lines); curarea->windraw(); EmbossBox2(simasel->dirsli_sx, simasel->dirsli_ey - simasel->dirsli_h, simasel->dirsli_ex, simasel->dirsli_ey,1, C_LO, C_HI); screen_swapbuffers(); lval[1] = mval[1]; } } }else{ if (mval[1] < simasel->dirsli_ey - simasel->dirsli_h) simasel->topdir += (simasel->dirsli_lines - 1); else simasel->topdir -= (simasel->dirsli_lines - 1); while(get_mbut()&L_MOUSE) { } } } void move_imafile_sli(SpaceImaSel *simasel) { short mval[2], cmy, smy, omy; short ssl, sdh, ssv; float rh; getmouseco_areawin(mval); cmy = mval[1]; if ((mval[0] > simasel->imasli_sx) && (mval[0] < simasel->imasli_ex) && (mval[1] > simasel->imasli_ey - simasel->imasli_h) && (mval[1] < simasel->imasli_ey) ){ ssv = simasel->fsey - simasel->imasli_ey - 2; while(get_mbut()&L_MOUSE) { getmouseco_areawin(mval); if (mval[1] != omy){ sdh = simasel->fsdh - simasel->imasli_h; ssl = cmy - mval[1] + ssv; if (ssl < 0) { ssl = 0; } if (ssl > sdh) { ssl = sdh; } simasel->image_slider = ssl / (float)sdh; curarea->windraw(); EmbossBox2(simasel->imasli_sx, simasel->imasli_ey - simasel->imasli_h, simasel->imasli_ex, simasel->imasli_ey,1, C_LO, C_HI); screen_swapbuffers(); omy = mval[1]; } } }else{ while(get_mbut()&L_MOUSE) { } } } void ima_select_all(SpaceImaSel *simasel) { OneSelectableIma *ima; int reselect = 0; ima = simasel->first_sel_ima; if (!ima) return; while(ima){ if (ima->selected == 1) reselect = 1; ima = ima->next; } ima = simasel->first_sel_ima; if (reselect == 1){ while(ima){ ima->selected = 0; ima = ima->next; } }else{ while(ima){ ima->selected = 1; ima = ima->next; } } } void pibplay(SpaceImaSel *simasel) { OneSelectableIma *ima; int sx= 8, sy= 8; ima = simasel->first_sel_ima; if (!ima) return ; sx = curarea->winrct.xmin + 8; sy = curarea->winrct.ymin + 8; while(!(get_mbut()&L_MOUSE)){ curarea->windraw(); lrectwrite(sx, sy, sx+ima->dw-1, sy+ima->dh-1, ima->pict->rect); ima = ima->next; if (!ima) ima = simasel->first_sel_ima; screen_swapbuffers(); } } /* ************** hoofdtekenfunktie ************** */ void drawimasel() /* hoofdtekenfunktie */ { SpaceImaSel *simasel; simasel= curarea->spacedata.first; /* ortho: xmin xmax, ymin, ymax! */ ortho2(0.0, (float)curarea->winx-1.0, 0.0, (float)curarea->winy-1.0); if (simasel->fase == 0){ checkdir(simasel->dir); clear_ima_dir(simasel); } if (!bitset(simasel->fase, IMS_KNOW_DIR)){ if(simasel->firstdir) free_ima_dir(simasel->firstdir); if(simasel->firstfile) free_ima_dir(simasel->firstfile); simasel->firstdir = 0; simasel->firstfile = 0; if (get_ima_dir(simasel->dir, IMS_DIR, &simasel->totaldirs, &simasel->firstdir) < 0){ /* error */ strcpy(simasel->dir, simasel->dor); get_ima_dir(simasel->dir, IMS_DIR, &simasel->totaldirs, &simasel->firstdir); } if (get_ima_dir(simasel->dir, IMS_FILE, &simasel->totalfiles, &simasel->firstfile) < 0){ /* error */ strcpy(simasel->file, simasel->fole); get_ima_dir(simasel->dir, IMS_FILE, &simasel->totalfiles, &simasel->firstfile); } simasel->topdir = 0; simasel->topfile = 0; simasel->fase |= IMS_KNOW_DIR; check_for_pib(simasel); strcpy(simasel->fole, simasel->file); strcpy(simasel->dor, simasel->dir); } if (!bitset(simasel->fase, IMS_FOUND_BIP)){ /* Make the first Bip file ever in this directory */ if ( !bitset(simasel->fase, IMS_KNOW_INF)){ if (!bitset(simasel->fase, IMS_DOTHE_INF)){ if(simasel->first_sel_ima) free_sel_ima(simasel->first_sel_ima); simasel->first_sel_ima = 0; simasel->fase |= IMS_DOTHE_INF; addafterqueue(curarea->win, AFTERIMASELIMA, 1); } } }else{ if (!bitset(simasel->fase, IMS_KNOW_BIP)){ addafterqueue(curarea->win, AFTERPIBREAD, 1); } } make_sima_area(simasel); calc_hilite(simasel); draw_sima_area(simasel); curarea->win_swap= WIN_BACK_OK; }