## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE)) # install.packages("BiocManager") # BiocManager::install("ndexr") # library(ndexr) ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # require(devtools) # install_github("frankkramer-lab/ndexr") # library(ndexr) ## ---- results='hide', warning=FALSE, message=FALSE---------------------------- ## load the library! library(ndexr) ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # ## login to the NDEx server # ndexcon = ndex_connect("username", "password") ## ---- echo=FALSE, results='hide', message=FALSE------------------------------- ## login to the NDEx server ndexcon = ndex_connect() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## search the networks for "EGFR" networks <- ndex_find_networks(ndexcon, "EGFR") ## UUID of the first search result networkId <- networks[1,'externalId'] ## get summary of the network networkSummary <- ndex_network_get_summary(ndexcon, networkId) ## get the entire network as RCX object rcx <- ndex_get_network(ndexcon, networkId) ## remove NDEx artefacts from network rcx <- rcx_asNewNetwork(rcx) ## do some fancy stuff with the network, then ## update the meta-data rcx <- rcx_updateMetaData(rcx) ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # ## upload network as a new network to the NDEx server # networkId <- ndex_create_network(ndexcon, rcx) # # ## do some other fancy stuff with the network, then # ## update the network on the server # networkId <- ndex_update_network(ndexcon, rcx) # # ## realize, you did bad things to the poor network, so better # ## delete it on the server # ndex_delete_network(ndexcon, networkId) ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # ## load the library # library(ndexr) # # ## connect anonymously # ndexcon = ndex_connect() # # ## log in with user name and password # ndexconUser = ndex_connect(username="username", password="password") # # ## specify the server # ndexconLocal = ndex_connect(username="username", # password="password", # host="localhost:8888/ndex/rest") # # ## manually change the api and connection configuration # ndexcon13 = ndex_connect(ndexConf=ndex_config$Version_1.3) ## ---- results = "hide", echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------- ndexcon = ndex_connect() ## ---- results = "hide"-------------------------------------------------------- ## list networks on server networks <- ndex_find_networks(ndexcon) ## same as previous networks <- ndex_find_networks(ndexcon, start=0, size=5) ## search for "EGFR" networksEgfr <- ndex_find_networks(ndexcon, searchString="EGFR") ## same as previous networksEgfr <- ndex_find_networks(ndexcon, "EGFR") ## same as previous networksOfUser <- ndex_find_networks(ndexcon, accountName="ndextutorials") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- names(networks) networks[,c('name','externalId')] ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## UUID of the first search result networkId <- networksOfUser[1,'externalId'] ## get network summary networkSummary <- ndex_network_get_summary(ndexcon, networkId) names(networkSummary) networkSummary[c('name','externalId')] ## get the entire network as RCX object rcx <- ndex_get_network(ndexcon, networkId) ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # ## create a new network on server # networkId <- ndex_create_network(ndexcon, rcx) # # ## update a network on server # networkId <- ndex_update_network(ndexcon, rcx) # # ## same as previous # networkId <- ndex_update_network(ndexcon, rcx, networkId) ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # ## deletes the network from the server # ndex_delete_network(ndexcon, networkId) ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # ## load the library! # library(ndexr) # # ## login to the NDEx server # ndexcon = ndex_connect() # # ## retrieve pathways of user "nci-pid" # networks_pid <- ndex_find_networks(ndexcon, accountName="nci-pid") # # ## list retrieved network information # networks_pid[,"name"] # # ## show information on the first pathways listed # networks_pid[1,] # # ## retrieve network data # mynetwork = ndex_get_network(ndexcon, networks_pid[1,"externalId"]) # # ## convert into R graph format # mygraph = rcx_toRCXgraph(mynetwork) # # ## show graph information # mygraph # # ## use readable node names instead of IDs and plot the graph # V(mygraph)[as.character(mynetwork$nodes[,"@id"])]$name = mynetwork$nodes[,"n"] # plot(mygraph) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- str(rcx, max.level = 2) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- rcx[["nodes"]][1:5,] rcx[["edges"]][1:5,] ## ---- warning=FALSE, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------- # ## convert RCX to JSON # json <- RCX::toCX(rcx) # # ## ...and back # rcx <- RCX::parseJSON(json) # # ## convert RCX to RCXgraph # rcxgraph <- RCX::toIgraph(rcx) # # ## ...and back # rcx <- RCX::fromIgraph(rcxgraph) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- newRcx <- RCX::createRCX(RCX::createNodes()) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- rcx <- RCX::updateMetaData(rcx) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## get meta-data for a network metadata = ndex_network_get_metadata(ndexcon, networkId) names(metadata) metadata[c('name','elementCount')] ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## get aspect "nodeCitations" for the network networkAttibutes = ndex_network_get_aspect(ndexcon, networkId, "networkAttributes") networkAttibutes ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # ndex_network_update_profile(ndexcon, networkId, name="My network", version="1.3") # ndex_network_update_profile(ndexcon, networkId, description="Nothing to see here") ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # ## show all user who have permission to a network # permissions = ndex_network_get_permission(ndexcon, networkId, 'user') # # ## show all groups who have permission to a network # permissions = ndex_network_get_permission(ndexcon, networkId, 'group') # # ## show all users with write access to a network # permissions = ndex_network_get_permission(ndexcon, networkId, 'user', 'WRITE') # # ## grant an user permission to a network # ndex_network_update_permission(ndexcon, networkId, user=someUserUuid, 'READ') # # ## change the permission of an user to the network # ndex_network_update_permission(ndexcon, networkId, user=someUserUuid, 'WRITE') # # ## withdraw the permission from an user # ndex_network_delete_permission(ndexcon, networkId, user=someUserUuid) ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # ndex_network_set_systemProperties(ndexcon, networkId, visibility="PUBLIC") # ndex_network_set_systemProperties(ndexcon, networkId, visibility="PRIVATE") ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # ndex_network_set_systemProperties(ndexcon, networkId, readOnly=TRUE) ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # ndex_network_set_systemProperties(ndexcon, networkId, showcase=TRUE) # ndex_network_set_systemProperties(ndexcon, networkId, showcase=FALSE) # # change more than one property simultaneously # ndex_network_set_systemProperties(ndexcon, networkId, readOnly=TRUE, visibility="PUBLIC", showcase=TRUE) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- provenance = ndex_network_get_provenance(ndexcon, networkId) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- names(ndex_config) str(ndex_config, max.level = 3) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- names(ndex_config$Version_2.0) ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # mail: # description: "Causes a new password to be generated for ..." # url: "/user/#USERID#/password" # method: "PUT" # params: # user: # method: "replace" # tag: "#USERID#" # forgot: # method: "parameter" # tag: "forgot" # default: "true" ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copy an existing config custom_ndex_config = ndex_config$Version_2.0 # Change the host connection for a local NDEx server installation custom_ndex_config$connection$host ="localhost:8090" # Custom path to the REST api custom_ndex_config$connection$api ="/api/rest" # Change the REST path for the ndex_get_network function custom_ndex_config$api$network$get$url ="/custom/networks/#NETWORKID#" # Add some (default) parameters to the function custom_ndex_config$api$network$get$params$newParam = list(method="parameter", tag="someTag", default="someValue") ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # yamlToRConfig = function(yamlFile='R/ndex_api_config.yml', rScriptFile='R/ndex_api_config.r', defaultHeader=ndex_conf_header){ # yamlObj = yaml::yaml.load_file(yamlFile) # rCodeTxt = paste0(defaultHeader, listToRCode(yamlObj)) # outFile = file(rScriptFile) # writeLines(rCodeTxt, outFile) # close(outFile) # } # # yamlToRConfig()