--- title: "Introduction" author: "Shian Su" output: html_document vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Introduction} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) # preload to avoid loading messages library(NanoMethViz) exon_tibble <- get_exons_mus_musculus() ``` To install this package, run ```{r, eval = FALSE} if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("NanoMethViz") ``` ```{r} library(NanoMethViz) ``` To generate a methylation plot we need 3 components: * methylation data in tabix format * annotation of exons * annotation of samples The methylation information has been modified from the output of nanopolish/f5c. It has then been compressed and indexed using `bgzip()` and `indexTabix()` from the `Rsamtools` package. ```{r} # methylation data stored in tabix file methy <- system.file(package = "NanoMethViz", "methy_subset.tsv.bgz") # tabix is just a special gzipped tab-separated-values file read.table(gzfile(methy), col.names = methy_col_names(), nrows = 6) ``` The exon annotation was obtained from the Mus.musculus package, and joined into a single table. It is important that the chromosomes share the same convention as that found in the methylation data. ```{r} # helper function extracts exons from Mus.musculus package exon_tibble <- get_exons_mus_musculus() head(exon_tibble) ``` We will defined the sample annotation ourselves. It is important that the sample names match those found in the methylation data. ```{r} sample <- c( "B6Cast_Prom_1_bl6", "B6Cast_Prom_1_cast", "B6Cast_Prom_2_bl6", "B6Cast_Prom_2_cast", "B6Cast_Prom_3_bl6", "B6Cast_Prom_3_cast" ) group <- c( "bl6", "cast", "bl6", "cast", "bl6", "cast" ) sample_anno <- data.frame(sample, group, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) sample_anno ``` For convenience we assemble these three pieces of data into a single object. ```{r} nmeth_results <- NanoMethResult(methy, sample_anno, exon_tibble) ``` The genes we have available are * Peg3 * Meg3 * Impact * Xist * Brca1 * Brca2 For demonstrative purposes we will plot Peg3. ```{r} plot_gene(nmeth_results, "Peg3") ``` We can also load in some DMR results to highlight DMR regions. ```{r} # loading saved results from previous bsseq analysis bsseq_dmr <- read.table( system.file(package = "NanoMethViz", "dmr_subset.tsv.gz"), sep = "\t", header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) ``` ```{r} plot_gene(nmeth_results, "Peg3", anno_regions = bsseq_dmr) ``` Individual long reads can be visualised using the `spaghetti` argument. ```{r, warning = FALSE} # warnings have been turned off in this vignette, but this will generally # generate many warnings as the smoothing for many reads will fail plot_gene(nmeth_results, "Peg3", anno_regions = bsseq_dmr, spaghetti = TRUE) ``` Alternatively the individual read information can be represented by a heatmap. ```{r, warning = FALSE} plot_gene(nmeth_results, "Peg3", anno_regions = bsseq_dmr, heatmap = TRUE) ```