## ----setup, include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, comment = NA, fig.width = 6.25, fig.height = 5) library(ANCOMBC) library(tidyverse) library(mia) ## ----getPackage, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------- # if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) # install.packages("BiocManager") # BiocManager::install("ANCOMBC") ## ----load, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- # library(ANCOMBC) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data(atlas1006) # Subset to baseline tse = atlas1006[, atlas1006$time == 0] # Re-code the bmi group tse$bmi = recode(tse$bmi_group, obese = "obese", severeobese = "obese", morbidobese = "obese") # Subset to lean, overweight, and obese subjects tse = tse[, tse$bmi %in% c("lean", "overweight", "obese")] # Note that by default, levels of a categorical variable in R are sorted # alphabetically. In this case, the reference level for `bmi` will be # `lean`. To manually change the reference level, for instance, setting `obese` # as the reference level, use: tse$bmi = factor(tse$bmi, levels = c("obese", "overweight", "lean")) # You can verify the change by checking: # levels(sample_data(tse)$bmi) # Create the region variable tse$region = recode(as.character(tse$nationality), Scandinavia = "NE", UKIE = "NE", SouthEurope = "SE", CentralEurope = "CE", EasternEurope = "EE", .missing = "unknown") # Discard "EE" as it contains only 1 subject # Discard subjects with missing values of region tse = tse[, ! tse$region %in% c("EE", "unknown")] print(tse) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(123) out = ancom(data = tse, assay_name = "counts", tax_level = "Family", phyloseq = NULL, p_adj_method = "holm", prv_cut = 0.10, lib_cut = 1000, main_var = "bmi", adj_formula = "age + region", rand_formula = NULL, lme_control = NULL, struc_zero = TRUE, neg_lb = TRUE, alpha = 0.05, n_cl = 2) res = out$res # Similarly, if the main variable of interest is continuous, such as age, the # ancom model can be specified as # out = ancom(data = tse, assay_name = "counts", # tax_level = "Family", phyloseq = NULL, # p_adj_method = "holm", prv_cut = 0.10, lib_cut = 1000, # main_var = "age", adj_formula = "bmi + region", # rand_formula = NULL, lme_control = NULL, struc_zero = FALSE, # neg_lb = FALSE, alpha = 0.05, n_cl = 2) # ancom also supports importing data in phyloseq format # tse_alt = agglomerateByRank(tse, "Family") # pseq = makePhyloseqFromTreeSummarizedExperiment(tse_alt) # out = ancom(data = NULL, assay_name = NULL, # tax_level = "Family", phyloseq = pseq, # p_adj_method = "holm", prv_cut = 0.10, lib_cut = 1000, # main_var = "bmi", adj_formula = "age + region", # rand_formula = NULL, lme_control = NULL, struc_zero = TRUE, # neg_lb = TRUE, alpha = 0.05, n_cl = 2) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- q_val = out$q_data beta_val = out$beta_data # Only consider the effect sizes with the corresponding q-value less than alpha beta_val = beta_val * (q_val < 0.05) # Choose the maximum of beta's as the effect size beta_pos = apply(abs(beta_val), 2, which.max) beta_max = vapply(seq_along(beta_pos), function(i) beta_val[beta_pos[i], i], FUN.VALUE = double(1)) # Number of taxa except structural zeros n_taxa = ifelse(is.null(out$zero_ind), nrow(feature_table), sum(apply(out$zero_ind, 1, sum) == 0)) # Cutoff values for declaring differentially abundant taxa cut_off = 0.7 * (n_taxa - 1) df_fig_w = res %>% dplyr::mutate(beta = beta_max, direct = case_when( detected_0.7 == TRUE & beta > 0 ~ "Positive", detected_0.7 == TRUE & beta <= 0 ~ "Negative", TRUE ~ "Not Significant" )) %>% dplyr::arrange(W) df_fig_w$taxon_id = factor(df_fig_w$taxon_id, levels = df_fig_w$taxon_id) df_fig_w$W = replace(df_fig_w$W, is.infinite(df_fig_w$W), n_taxa - 1) df_fig_w$direct = factor(df_fig_w$direct, levels = c("Negative", "Positive", "Not Significant")) p_w = df_fig_w %>% ggplot(aes(x = taxon_id, y = W, color = direct)) + geom_point(size = 2, alpha = 0.6) + labs(x = "Taxon", y = "W") + scale_color_discrete(name = NULL) + geom_hline(yintercept = cut_off, linetype = "dotted", color = "blue", size = 1.5) + geom_text(aes(x = 2, y = cut_off + 0.5, label = "W[0.7]"), size = 5, vjust = -0.5, hjust = 0, color = "orange", parse = TRUE) + theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank()) p_w ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data(dietswap) tse = dietswap print(tse) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- set.seed(123) out = ancom(data = tse, assay_name = "counts", tax_level = "Family", phyloseq = NULL, p_adj_method = "holm", prv_cut = 0.10, lib_cut = 1000, main_var = "group", adj_formula = "nationality + timepoint", rand_formula = "~ timepoint | subject", lme_control = list(maxIter = 100, msMaxIter = 100, opt = "optim"), struc_zero = TRUE, neg_lb = TRUE, alpha = 0.05, n_cl = 2) res = out$res ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- q_val = out$q_data beta_val = out$beta_data # Only consider the effect sizes with the corresponding q-value less than alpha beta_val = beta_val * (q_val < 0.05) # Choose the maximum of beta's as the effect size beta_pos = apply(abs(beta_val), 2, which.max) beta_max = vapply(seq_along(beta_pos), function(i) beta_val[beta_pos[i], i], FUN.VALUE = double(1)) # Number of taxa except structural zeros n_taxa = ifelse(is.null(out$zero_ind), nrow(feature_table), sum(apply(out$zero_ind, 1, sum) == 0)) # Cutoff values for declaring differentially abundant taxa cut_off = 0.7 * (n_taxa - 1) df_fig_w = res %>% dplyr::mutate(beta = beta_max, direct = case_when( detected_0.7 == TRUE & beta > 0 ~ "Positive", detected_0.7 == TRUE & beta <= 0 ~ "Negative", TRUE ~ "Not Significant" )) %>% dplyr::arrange(W) df_fig_w$taxon_id = factor(df_fig_w$taxon_id, levels = df_fig_w$taxon_id) df_fig_w$W = replace(df_fig_w$W, is.infinite(df_fig_w$W), n_taxa - 1) df_fig_w$direct = factor(df_fig_w$direct, levels = c("Negative", "Positive", "Not Significant")) p_w = df_fig_w %>% ggplot(aes(x = taxon_id, y = W, color = direct)) + geom_point(size = 2, alpha = 0.6) + labs(x = "Taxon", y = "W") + scale_color_discrete(name = NULL) + geom_hline(yintercept = cut_off, linetype = "dotted", color = "blue", size = 1.5) + geom_text(aes(x = 2, y = cut_off + 0.5, label = "W[0.7]"), size = 5, vjust = -0.5, hjust = 0, color = "orange", parse = TRUE) + theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank()) p_w ## ----sessionInfo, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, comment = NA-------------- sessionInfo()