%% This BibTeX bibliography file in UTF-8 format was created using Papers. %% http://mekentosj.com/papers/ @article{anders, author = {Simon Anders}, journal = {Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)}, title = {Visualization of genomic data with the Hilbert curve}, abstract = {http://www.ebi.ac.uk/huber-srv/hilbert/.}, affiliation = {European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Hinxton, CB10 1SD, UK. sanders@fs.tum.de}, number = {10}, pages = {1231--5}, volume = {25}, year = {2009}, month = {May}, language = {eng}, keywords = {Computational Biology, Information Storage and Retrieval, Genomics, Genome, Internet, Software}, date-added = {2013-06-12 10:15:36 -0400}, date-modified = {2013-06-12 10:15:45 -0400}, doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btp152}, pii = {btp152}, pmid = {19297348}, URL = {http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/25/10/1231.long}, local-url = {file://localhost/Users/stvjc/Documents/Papers/2009/Anders/Bioinformatics%20(Oxford%20England)%202009%20Anders.pdf}, uri = {papers://C760FBA3-C68E-4E3E-8645-15A5D6D0F91F/Paper/p5181}, rating = {0} } %% This BibTeX bibliography file in UTF-8 format was created using Papers. %% http://mekentosj.com/papers/ @article{karch, author = {Peter V Kharchenko and Artyom A Alekseyenko and Yuri B Schwartz and Aki Minoda and Nicole C Riddle and Jason Ernst and Peter J Sabo and Erica Larschan and Andrey A Gorchakov and Tingting Gu and Daniela Linder-Basso and Annette Plachetka and Gregory Shanower and Michael Y Tolstorukov and Lovelace J Luquette and Ruibin Xi and Youngsook L Jung and Richard W Park and Eric P Bishop and Theresa P Canfield and Richard Sandstrom and Robert E Thurman and David M Macalpine and John A Stamatoyannopoulos and Manolis Kellis and Sarah C R Elgin and Mitzi I Kuroda and Vincenzo Pirrotta and Gary H Karpen and Peter J Park}, journal = {Nature}, title = {Comprehensive analysis of the chromatin landscape in Drosophila melanogaster}, abstract = {Chromatin is composed of DNA and a variety of modified histones and non-histone proteins, which have an impact on cell differentiation, gene regulation and other key cellular processes. Here we present a genome-wide chromatin landscape for Drosophila melanogaster based on eighteen histone modifications, summarized by nine prevalent combinatorial patterns. Integrative analysis with other data (non-histone chromatin proteins, DNase I hypersensitivity, GRO-Seq reads produced by engaged polymerase, short/long RNA products) reveals discrete characteristics of chromosomes, genes, regulatory elements and other functional domains. We find that active genes display distinct chromatin signatures that are correlated with disparate gene lengths, exon patterns, regulatory functions and genomic contexts. We also demonstrate a diversity of signatures among Polycomb targets that include a subset with paused polymerase. This systematic profiling and integrative analysis of chromatin signatures provides insights into how genomic elements are regulated, and will serve as a resource for future experimental investigations of genome structure and function.}, affiliation = {[1] Center for Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA [2] Children's Hospital Informatics Program, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA.}, pages = {}, year = {2010}, month = {Dec}, language = {ENG}, date-added = {2011-02-03 15:04:19 -0500}, date-modified = {2011-02-03 15:04:37 -0500}, doi = {10.1038/nature09725}, pii = {nature09725}, pmid = {21179089}, URL = {http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nature09725.html}, local-url = {file://localhost/Users/stvjc/Documents/Papers/2010/Kharchenko/Nature%202010%20Kharchenko.pdf}, uri = {papers://C760FBA3-C68E-4E3E-8645-15A5D6D0F91F/Paper/p2450}, read = {Yes}, rating = {0} }