--- start_date: 2010-06-07 instructors: - Martin Morgan - Patrick Aboyoun - Simon Anders - Nico Delhomme - Petra Schwalie - Charles Girardot - Paul Bertone - Wolfgang Huber autogenerated: true layout: course location: EMBL Heidelberg, Germany created_at: 2010-07-02 18:33:17.062425 Z title: Advanced RNA-Seq and ChiP-Seq data analysis url: http://www.embl.de/training/courses_conferences/course/2010/SEQ10-01/index.html tags: - intro - course - seattle description: The course covers data analysis of ChIP-Seq and RNA-Seq experiments including Alignment, data handling and visualisation, region identification, differential expression, data quality assessment, integrative bioinformatic and statistical analysis, using R/Bioconductor as well as other open source software tools. end_date: 2010-06-09