* [R / Bioconductor Packages for Short Read Analysis](BioconductorIntroduction.pdf) * [Short Read Alignment](rna_seq.pdf) * [ShortRead and Rsamtools for Input and Quality Assessment](ShortRead.pdf) * [IRanges, GenomicRanges, and Biostrings](GenomicRanges.pdf) * [GenomicFeatures and BSgenome](GenomicFeatures.pdf) * [Differential expression analysis for sequencing count data](DESeq.pdf) * [ChIP-seq data analysis with SWEMBL](Chip-seq.SWEMBL.pdf) * [MACS, CisGenome, SISSRs and other peak calling algorithms]( ChipSeq_June2010_Peak_Disco_public-version.pdf) * [Sensitivity, Specificity, ROC, Multiple testing, and Independent filtering]( 100609-multtestindepfilt-huber.pdf) * [Hilbert curves](100609-hilbertcurve-huber.pdf) * [Practical 1: Reading and Manipulating Short Reads](Practical-1-ShortRead.pdf) * [Practical 3: A ChIP-Seq Workflow](Practical-3-ChIPSeq.pdf) * [Practical 4: Finding Structural Variants in Short Read, Paired-end Sequence Data with R and Bioconductor](Practical-4-StructuralVariants.pdf) * [EMBL2010_0.0.11.tar.gz package](EMBL2010_0.0.11.tar.gz) - An R package containing slides and exercise material. Download, then install in R using `install.packages("EMBL2010_0.0.11.tar.gz", repos=NULL, type="source")`