# ==================================================================== # Environment variables used on the Bioconductor build machines to # control the behavior of R 4.1 for the BioC 3.13 builds # ==================================================================== # # BIOCONDUCTOR PACKAGE DEVELOPERS/MAINTAINERS: Please use the settings # below on your machine when working on the master branch of your # package. Also make sure to use a recent version of R 4.1. This # should allow you to reproduce any error or warning you see on the # Bioconductor build reports. The easiest way to use the settings # below is to add them to your .Renviron file. However, please note # that this will enable them for any R installation you have on your # system. To enable them for a particular R session only, put them # in a separate file (e.g. .Renviron.bioc, located in your home) and # start R with: # # R_ENVIRON_USER=~/.Renviron.bioc R # # or: # # R_ENVIRON_USER=~/.Renviron.bioc R CMD build ... # # or: # # R_ENVIRON_USER=~/.Renviron.bioc R CMD check ... # # Alternatively, if you have write access to the R_HOME folder, you # can put them in R_HOME/etc/Renviron.site #_R_CHECK_TIMINGS_="0" _R_CHECK_EXECUTABLES_=false _R_CHECK_EXECUTABLES_EXCLUSIONS_=false _R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_CONDITION_=package:_R_CHECK_PACKAGE_NAME_,abort,verbose _R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_LOGIC2_=package:_R_CHECK_PACKAGE_NAME_,abort,verbose _R_CHECK_S3_METHODS_NOT_REGISTERED_=true #_R_S3_METHOD_LOOKUP_BASEENV_AFTER_GLOBALENV_=true #_R_CLASS_MATRIX_ARRAY_=true R_DEFAULT_INTERNET_TIMEOUT=300 OMP_THREAD_LIMIT=2