--- title: "rGenomeTracksData" author: "Omar Elashkar" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{rGenomeTracksData} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` rGenomeTracksData is a collection of sample genomic and epigenomic data for demonstrating rGenomeTracks package. ## Data Source This data is provided by [pyGenomeTracks](https://github.com/deeptools/pyGenomeTracks) project. ## File types | Name | Type | |--------------------------------------------|-------------------------------| | bigwig2_X_2.5e6_3.5e6.bw | bigwig | | dm3_genes.bed.gz" | bed12 | | dm3_genes.bed4.gz" | bed4 | | dm3_genes.bed6.gz" | bed6 | | dm3_subset_BDGP5.78.gtf.gz" | gtf | | epilog.qcat.bgz" | qcat | | GSM3182416_E12DHL_WT_Hoxd11vp.bedgraph.gz" | bedGraph | | HoxD_cluster_regulatory_regions_mm10.bed" | bed | | Li_et_al_2015.cool | HDF5 compressed sparse (cool) | | Li_et_al_2015.h5 | HDF5 | | links2.links | bed links | | tad_classification.bed | bed | | test.arcs | bed links | | test2.narrowPeak | narrowPeak | ## Installation and loading of libraries ```{r install, eval = FALSE} if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") BiocManager::install("ObMiTi") ``` ```{r setup} # loading required libraries library(rGenomeTracksData) library(AnnotationHub) ``` ## Query AnnotationHub ```{r} ah <- AnnotationHub() query(ah, "rGenomeTracksData") ``` ## Fetch Data After saving the query object, you can access the file you want like that: ```{r} # locate the file you want for loading from the track bigwig_file <- ah[["AH95891"]] ``` The object is a path to the local directory to the downloaded file. ## Session Info ```{r session_info} sessionInfo() ```