# 1.7.2 ## Fix * Error in isoNetwork example code. # 1.7.2 ## Feature * Better looking for isoPlotNet function. * Improve docs for mm isomiR plot. Thanks to @mshadbolt. * Add option to remove ambiguos reads. * Add option to get other gene ID when retrieving miRNA targets. * Improve docs to explain better isoPlot figures. Thanks @mshadbolt. * Add mirna prediction using targetscan annotation package in BioC. ## Fixes * Fix examples for findTargets. * Error in names columns for isoNetwork analysis. * Remove sequences with Ns in add column. * Move correction functions to independent package scounts. # 1.7.1 ## Fixes * Use limma::voom when number of samples is high. Set up by user. * Fix error when table is empty after filtering bad hits. # 1.5.5 FIX o Migrate vignette to new BiocStyle o Remove unused function join_all o Use parameter not integer number o Using testthat for unit test # 1.5.4 FEATURES o Better documentation for isoCorrection function. Add proper authors and citation. # 1.5.3 FEATURES o Better colors for polar plot of isomiRs FIX o Fix notes during R CHECK for variables inside dplyr/ggplot functions o Use roxygen2 for NAMESPACE # 1.5.2 FIX o Remove TMB dependency # 1.5.1 FEATURES o Add new polar figure to plot all isomiRs at the same time o Add NLQO distribution to correct expression knowing sequencing bias [Argyropoulos et al, 2017] o Improve data documentation # 1.3.5 FEATURES o Add isomiRs naming to documentation o Add design to the object to get better usability o Remove non-template addition with C/G nucleotides by default (canonicalAdd) o Remove sequences with mutations and more than one miRNA hit # 1.3.4 FIXES o Fix removing false mutations from the raw files. Change sequences to correct the nucleotide at the specific position. FEATURES o Improve code to remove error sequencing from raw data o Improve code to show the raw data with isoSelect # 1.3.3 FIXES o Fix data with correct headers name # 1.3.2 OTHERS o Preparing migration to new isomiRs naming using mirTOP naming system # 1.3.1 OTHERS o Add option to IsomirDataSeqFromFiles to decide when to consider mutations as reals # 1.1.5 OTHERS o Suppress message from readr when reading o Add instruction of how to create DESeq2 object from ids one. # 1.1.4 OTHERS o Add mRNA-miRNA integration # 1.1.2 OTHERS o Update version dependecy for packages # 0.99.18 BUG FIXES o Avoid removing isomiRs with mutation and reference non-detected # 0.99.13 NEW FEATURES o Modify main class to have all the information in metadata o Improve docs with more information in return values o Add minimum data to test creation of main class