--- title: "Exploring a MgDb Object" author: "Nathan D. Olson" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Vignette Title} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- The MgDb Class in the metagenomeFeatures package includes the sequences and taxonomic information for a 16S database. The following vignette demonstrates the class methods for exploring and subsetting a `MgDb-class` object using the `demoMgDb` included in the `metagenomeFeatures` package. `MgDb-class` object with full databases are inseparte packages such as the `greengenes13.5MgDb` package. ## Demonstration `MgDb-class` Object ```{r} library(metagenomeFeatures) demoMgDb <- get_demoMgDb() demoMgDb ``` ## MgDb Methods taxa_keytypes ```{r} # taxa_keytypes(demoMgDb) ``` ```{r} # taxa_columns(demoMgDb) ``` ```{r} # head(taxa_keys(demoMgDb, keytype = c("Kingdom"))) ``` ## Select Methods Used to retrieve db entries for a specified taxanomic group or id list, can return either taxonomic, sequences information, or both. ### Selecting taxonomic information ```{r} # mgDb_select(demoMgDb, type = "taxa", # keys = c("Vibrio", "Salmonella"), # keytype = "Genus") ``` ### Selecting sequence information ```{r} # mgDb_select(demoMgDb, type = "seq", # keys = c("Vibrio", "Salmonella"), # keytype = "Genus") ``` ### Selecting all ```{r} # mgDb_select(demoMgDb, type = "all", # keys = c("Vibrio", "Salmonella"), # keytype = "Genus") ``` ```{r} sessionInfo() ```