\documentclass[shortnames,nojss,notitle,article]{jss} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsmath} %\VignetteIndexEntry{Rcpi Quick Reference Card} %\VignetteKeywords{protein sequence, drug discovery, molecular descriptor, molecular fingerprint, similarity, drug-target interaction} %\VignettePackage{Rcpi} % header and footer \usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancy} \fancyhead[LE]{\pkg{Rcpi} Quick Reference Card} \fancyhead[RO]{\pkg{Rcpi} Quick Reference Card} \fancyhead[RE]{} \fancyhead[LO]{} \cfoot{\thepage} \author{Nan Xiao\\Central South University \And Dongsheng Cao\\Central South University \And Qingsong Xu\\Central South University } \Plainauthor{Nan Xiao, Dongsheng Cao, Qingsong Xu} \title{\pkg{Rcpi} Quick Reference Card} \Plaintitle{Rcpi Quick Reference Card} \Shorttitle{\pkg{Rcpi} Quick Reference Card} \Address{ Nan Xiao \\ School of Mathematics and Statistics\\ Central South University\\ Changsha, Hunan, China\\ E-mail: \email{me@nanx.me}\\ URL: \url{http://nanx.me}\\ Dongsheng Cao\\ School of Pharmaceutical Sciences\\ Central South University\\ Changsha, Hunan, China\\ Qingsong Xu\\ School of Mathematics and Statistics\\ Central South University\\ Changsha, Hunan, China } % <>= Rcpi.version = '1.11.6' now.date = strftime(Sys.Date(), "%Y-%m-%d") @ % \begin{document} \SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE} \begin{center} \vspace*{\baselineskip} \rule{\textwidth}{1.6pt}\vspace*{-\baselineskip}\vspace*{2pt} \rule{\textwidth}{0.4pt}\\[2\baselineskip] {\LARGE \pkg{Rcpi} \ \textbf{Quick Reference Card}}\\[1.2\baselineskip] \rule{\textwidth}{0.4pt}\vspace*{-\baselineskip}\vspace{3.2pt} \rule{\textwidth}{1.6pt}\\[2\baselineskip] {\Large Nan Xiao, Dongsheng Cao, Qingsong Xu}\\[\baselineskip] {\large Package Version: \Sexpr{Rcpi.version}}\par {\large \Sexpr{now.date}}\par \vfill \begin{figure}[h] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth]{fig/logo-panel-text.pdf} \end{figure} % {\scshape Computational Biology and Drug Design Group} \\ % {\scshape Central South University, China}\par \end{center} \thispagestyle{empty} \clearpage \setcounter{page}{1} \phantom{} \vskip 1in \begin{table}[htbp] \centering \caption{Retrieving protein sequence data from various online databases} \footnotesize{ \begin{tabular}{p{120pt}p{260pt}} \addlinespace \toprule Function name & Function description\\ \midrule \code{getProt()} & Retrieve protein sequence in FASTA format or PDB format from various online databases\\ \code{getFASTAFromUniProt()} & Retrieve protein sequence in FASTA format from UniProt\\ \code{getFASTAFromKEGG()} & Retrieve protein sequence in FASTA format from KEGG\\ \code{getPDBFromRCSBPDB()} & Retrieve protein sequence in PDB Format from RCSB PDB\\ \code{getSeqFromUniProt()} & Retrieve protein sequence from UniProt\\ \code{getSeqFromKEGG()} & Retrieve protein sequence from KEGG\\ \code{getSeqFromRCSBPDB()} & Retrieve protein sequence from RCSB PDB\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} } \label{tab:dlprot} \end{table} \vskip 1in \begin{table}[htbp] \centering \caption{Retrieving drug molecular data from various online databases} \footnotesize{ \begin{tabular}{p{120pt}p{260pt}} \addlinespace \toprule Function name & Function description\\ \midrule \code{getDrug()} & Retrieve drug molecules in MOL format and SMILES format from various online databases\\ \code{getMolFromDrugBank()} & Retrieve drug molecules in MOL format from DrugBank\\ \code{getMolFromPubChem()} & Retrieve drug molecules in MOL format from PubChem\\ \code{getMolFromChEMBL()} & Retrieve drug molecules in MOL format from ChEMBL\\ \code{getMolFromKEGG()} & Retrieve drug molecules in MOL format from the KEGG\\ \code{getMolFromCAS()} & Retrieve drug molecules in InChI format from CAS\\ \code{getSmiFromDrugBank()} & Retrieve drug molecules in SMILES format from DrugBank\\ \code{getSmiFromPubChem()} & Retrieve drug molecules in SMILES format from PubChem\\ \code{getSmiFromChEMBL()} & Retrieve drug molecules in SMILES format from ChEMBL\\ \code{getSmiFromKEGG()} & Retrieve drug molecules in SMILES format from KEGG\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} } \label{tab:dldrug} \end{table} \begin{table}[htbp] \centering \caption{Calculating commonly used protein sequence derived descriptors} \scriptsize{ \begin{tabular}{p{100pt}p{180pt}p{120pt}} \addlinespace \toprule Function name & Descriptor name & Descriptor group\\ \midrule \code{extractProtAAC()} & Amino acid composition & Amino acid composition\\ \code{extractProtDC()} & Dipeptide composition & \\ \code{extractProtTC()} & Tripeptide composition & \\ \code{extractProtMoreauBroto()} & Normalized Moreau-Broto autocorrelation & Autocorrelation\\ \code{extractProtMoran()} & Moran autocorrelation & \\ \code{extractProtGeary()} & Geary autocorrelation & \\ \code{extractProtCTDC()} & Composition & CTD\\ \code{extractProtCTDT()} & Transition & \\ \code{extractProtCTDD()} & Distribution & \\ \code{extractProtCTriad()} & Conjoint Triad & Conjoint Triad\\ \code{extractProtSOCN()} & Sequence-order-coupling number & Quasi-sequence-order\\ \code{extractProtQSO()} & Quasi-sequence-order descriptors & \\ \code{extractProtPAAC()} & Pseudo-amino acid composition & Pseudo-amino acid composition\\ \code{extractProtAPAAC()} & Amphiphilic pseudo-amino acid composition & \\ \code{AAindex} & AAindex data of 544 physicochemical and biological properties for 20 amino acids & Dataset\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} } \label{tab:common} \end{table} \begin{table}[htbp] \centering \caption{Generating profile-based protein representations} \footnotesize{ \begin{tabular}{p{140pt}p{240pt}} \addlinespace \toprule Function name & Function description\\ \midrule \code{extractProtPSSM()} & Compute PSSM (Position-Specific Scoring Matrix) for given protein sequence or peptides\\ \code{extractProtPSSMFeature()} & Profile-based protein representation derived by PSSM\\ \code{extractProtPSSMAcc()} & Profile-based protein representation derived by PSSM and auto cross covariance (ACC)\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} } \label{tab:pssm} \end{table} \begin{table}[h] \centering \caption{Generating scales-based descriptors for proteochemometrics modeling} \scriptsize{ \begin{tabular}{p{100pt}p{180pt}p{130pt}} \addlinespace \toprule Function name & Descriptor class & Derived by\\ \midrule \code{extractPCMScales()} & Generalized scales-based descriptors derived by principal components analysis (PCA) & Principal components analysis\\ \code{extractPCMPropScales()} & Generalized scales-based descriptors derived by amino acid properties (AAindex) & \\ \code{extractPCMDescScales()} & Generalized scales-based descriptors derived by 2D and 3D molecular descriptors (Topological, WHIM, VHSE, etc.) & \\ \code{extractPCMFAScales()} & Generalized scales-based descriptors derived by factor analysis & Factor analysis\\ \code{extractPCMMDSScales()} & Generalized scales-based descriptors derived by multidimensional scaling (MDS) & Multidimensional scaling\\ \code{extractPCMBLOSUM()} & Generalized BLOSUM and PAM matrix-derived descriptors & Substitution matrix\\ \code{acc()} & Auto cross covariance (ACC) for generating scales-based descriptors of the same length & \\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} } \label{tab:pcm} \end{table} \begin{table}[htbp] \centering \caption{Pre-calculated molecular descriptor sets of the 20 amino acids in \pkg{Rcpi} for generating scales-based descriptors for proteochemometrics modeling. Note that the non-informative descriptors (like the descriptors have only one value across all the 20 amino acids) in these datasets have already been filtered out.} \footnotesize{ \begin{tabular}{llll} \addlinespace \toprule Dataset name & Dataset description & Dimensionality & Calculated by \\ \midrule \code{OptAA3d} & Optimized 20 amino acids & -- & MOE\\ \code{AA2DACOR} & 2D autocorrelations descriptors & 92 & Dragon \\ \code{AA3DMoRSE} & 3D-MoRSE descriptors & 160 & Dragon \\ \code{AAACF} & Atom-centred fragments descriptors & 6 & Dragon \\ \code{AABurden} & Burden Eigenvalues descriptors & 62 & Dragon \\ \code{AAConn} & Connectivity indices descriptors & 33 & Dragon \\ \code{AAConst} & Constitutional descriptors & 23 & Dragon \\ \code{AAEdgeAdj} & Edge adjacency indices descriptors & 97 & Dragon \\ \code{AAEigIdx} & Eigenvalue-based indices descriptors & 44 & Dragon \\ \code{AAFGC} & Functional group counts descriptors & 5 & Dragon \\ \code{AAGeom} & Geometrical descriptors & 41 & Dragon \\ \code{AAGETAWAY} & GETAWAY descriptors & 194 & Dragon \\ \code{AAInfo} & Information indices descriptors & 47 & Dragon \\ \code{AAMolProp} & Molecular properties descriptors & 12 & Dragon \\ \code{AARandic} & Randic molecular profiles descriptors & 41 & Dragon \\ \code{AARDF} & RDF descriptors & 82 & Dragon \\ \code{AATopo} & Topological descriptors & 78 & Dragon \\ \code{AATopoChg} & Topological charge indices descriptors & 15 & Dragon \\ \code{AAWalk} & Walk and path counts descriptors & 40 & Dragon \\ \code{AAWHIM} & WHIM descriptors & 99 & Dragon \\ \code{AACPSA} & CPSA descriptors & 41 & Accelrys Discovery Studio \\ \code{AADescAll} & All the 2D descriptors calculated by Dragon & 1171 & Dragon \\ \code{AAMOE2D} & All the 2D descriptors calculated by MOE & 148 & MOE \\ \code{AAMOE3D} & All the 3D descriptors calculated by MOE & 143 & MOE \\ \code{AABLOSUM45} & BLOSUM45 matrix for 20 amino acids & $20 \times 20$ & Biostrings\\ \code{AABLOSUM50} & BLOSUM50 matrix for 20 amino acids & $20 \times 20$ & Biostrings\\ \code{AABLOSUM62} & BLOSUM62 matrix for 20 amino acids & $20 \times 20$ & Biostrings\\ \code{AABLOSUM80} & BLOSUM80 matrix for 20 amino acids & $20 \times 20$ & Biostrings\\ \code{AABLOSUM100} & BLOSUM100 matrix for 20 amino acids & $20 \times 20$ & Biostrings\\ \code{AAPAM30} & PAM30 matrix for 20 amino acids & $20 \times 20$ & Biostrings\\ \code{AAPAM40} & PAM40 matrix for 20 amino acids & $20 \times 20$ & Biostrings\\ \code{AAPAM70} & PAM70 matrix for 20 amino acids & $20 \times 20$ & Biostrings\\ \code{AAPAM120} & PAM120 matrix for 20 amino acids & $20 \times 20$ & Biostrings\\ \code{AAPAM250} & PAM250 matrix for 20 amino acids & $20 \times 20$ & Biostrings\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} } \label{tab:pcmdata} \end{table} \begin{table}[htbp] \centering \caption{Molecular descriptors} \scriptsize{ \begin{tabular}{p{180pt}p{240pt}} \addlinespace \toprule Function name & Descriptor name \\ \midrule \code{extractDrugAIO()} & All the molecular descriptors in the \pkg{Rcpi} package\\ \code{extractDrugALOGP()} & Atom additive logP and molar refractivity values descriptor\\ \code{extractDrugAminoAcidCount()} & Number of amino acids\\ \code{extractDrugApol()} & Sum of the atomic polarizabilities\\ \code{extractDrugAromaticAtomsCount()} & Number of aromatic atoms\\ \code{extractDrugAromaticBondsCount()} & Number of aromatic bonds\\ \code{extractDrugAtomCount()} & Number of atom descriptor\\ \code{extractDrugAutocorrelationCharge()} & Moreau-Broto autocorrelation descriptors using partial charges\\ \code{extractDrugAutocorrelationMass()} & Moreau-Broto autocorrelation descriptors using atomic weight\\ \code{extractDrugAutocorrelationPolarizability()} & Moreau-Broto autocorrelation descriptors using polarizability\\ \code{extractDrugBCUT()} & BCUT, the eigenvalue based descriptor\\ \code{extractDrugBondCount()} & Number of bonds of a certain bond order\\ \code{extractDrugBPol()} & Sum of the absolute value of the difference between atomic polarizabilities of all bonded atoms in the molecule\\ \code{extractDrugCarbonTypes()} & Topological descriptor characterizing the carbon connectivity in terms of hybridization\\ \code{extractDrugChiChain()} & Kier \& Hall Chi chain indices of orders 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7\\ \code{extractDrugChiCluster()} & Kier \& Hall Chi cluster indices of orders 3, 4, 5 and 6\\ \code{extractDrugChiPath()} & Kier \& Hall Chi path indices of orders 0 to 7\\ \code{extractDrugChiPathCluster()} & Kier \& Hall Chi path cluster indices of orders 4, 5 and 6\\ \code{extractDrugCPSA()} & Descriptors combining surface area and partial charge information\\ \code{extractDrugDescOB()} & Molecular descriptors provided by OpenBabel\\ \code{extractDrugECI()} & Eccentric connectivity index descriptor\\ \code{extractDrugFMF()} & FMF descriptor\\ \code{extractDrugFragmentComplexity()} & Complexity of a system\\ \code{extractDrugGravitationalIndex()} & Mass distribution of the molecule\\ \code{extractDrugHBondAcceptorCount()} & Number of hydrogen bond acceptors\\ \code{extractDrugHBondDonorCount()} & Number of hydrogen bond donors\\ \code{extractDrugHybridizationRatio()} & Molecular complexity in terms of carbon hybridization states\\ \code{extractDrugIPMolecularLearning()} & Ionization potential\\ \code{extractDrugKappaShapeIndices()} & Kier \& Hall Kappa molecular shape indices\\ \code{extractDrugKierHallSmarts()} & Number of occurrences of the E-State fragments\\ \code{extractDrugLargestChain()} & Number of atoms in the largest chain\\ \code{extractDrugLargestPiSystem()} & Number of atoms in the largest Pi chain\\ \code{extractDrugLengthOverBreadth()} & Ratio of length to breadth descriptor\\ \code{extractDrugLongestAliphaticChain()} & Number of atoms in the longest aliphatic chain\\ \code{extractDrugMannholdLogP()} & LogP based on the number of carbons and hetero atoms\\ \code{extractDrugMDE()} & Molecular Distance Edge (MDE) descriptors for C, N and O\\ \code{extractDrugMomentOfInertia()} & Principal moments of inertia and ratios of the principal moments\\ \code{extractDrugPetitjeanNumber()} & Petitjean number of a molecule\\ \code{extractDrugPetitjeanShapeIndex()} & Petitjean shape indices\\ \code{extractDrugRotatableBondsCount()} & Number of non-rotatable bonds on a molecule\\ \code{extractDrugRuleOfFive()} & Number failures of the Lipinski's Rule Of Five\\ \code{extractDrugTPSA()} & Topological Polar Surface Area (TPSA)\\ \code{extractDrugVABC()} & Volume of a molecule\\ \code{extractDrugVAdjMa()} & Vertex adjacency information of a molecule\\ \code{extractDrugWeight()} & Total weight of atoms\\ \code{extractDrugWeightedPath()} & Weighted path (Molecular ID)\\ \code{extractDrugWHIM()} & Holistic descriptors described by Todeschini et al.\\ \code{extractDrugWienerNumbers()} & Wiener path number and wiener polarity number\\ \code{extractDrugXLogP()} & Prediction of logP based on the atom-type method called XLogP\\ \code{extractDrugZagrebIndex()} & Sum of the squared atom degrees of all heavy atoms\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} } \label{tab:drug} \end{table} \begin{table}[htbp] \centering \caption{Molecular fingerprints} \scriptsize{ \begin{tabular}{p{160pt}p{260pt}} \addlinespace \toprule Function name & Fingerprint type \\ \midrule \code{extractDrugStandard()} & Standard molecular fingerprints (in compact format)\\ \code{extractDrugStandardComplete()} & Standard molecular fingerprints (in complete format)\\ \code{extractDrugExtended()} & Extended molecular fingerprints (in compact format)\\ \code{extractDrugExtendedComplete()} & Extended molecular fingerprints (in complete format)\\ \code{extractDrugGraph()} & Graph molecular fingerprints (in compact format)\\ \code{extractDrugGraphComplete()} & Graph molecular fingerprints (in complete format)\\ \code{extractDrugHybridization()} & Hybridization molecular fingerprints (in compact format)\\ \code{extractDrugHybridizationComplete()} & Hybridization molecular fingerprints (in complete format)\\ \code{extractDrugMACCS()} & MACCS molecular fingerprints (in compact format)\\ \code{extractDrugMACCSComplete()} & MACCS molecular fingerprints (in complete format)\\ \code{extractDrugEstate()} & E-State molecular fingerprints (in compact format)\\ \code{extractDrugEstateComplete()} & E-State molecular fingerprints (in complete format)\\ \code{extractDrugPubChem()} & PubChem molecular fingerprints (in compact format)\\ \code{extractDrugPubChemComplete()} & PubChem molecular fingerprints (in complete format)\\ \code{extractDrugKR()} & KR (Klekota and Roth) molecular fingerprints (in compact format)\\ \code{extractDrugKRComplete()} & KR (Klekota and Roth) molecular fingerprints (in complete format)\\ \code{extractDrugShortestPath()} & Shortest Path molecular fingerprints (in compact format)\\ \code{extractDrugShortestPathComplete()} & Shortest Path molecular fingerprints (in complete format)\\ \code{extractDrugOBFP2()} & FP2 molecular fingerprints\\ \code{extractDrugOBFP3()} & FP3 molecular fingerprints\\ \code{extractDrugOBFP4()} & FP4 molecular fingerprints\\ \code{extractDrugOBMACCS()} & MACCS molecular fingerprints\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} } \label{tab:fp} \end{table} \begin{table}[htbp] \centering \caption{Protein-protein and compound-protein interation descriptors} \footnotesize{ \begin{tabular}{p{140pt}p{220pt}} \addlinespace \toprule Function name & Function description\\ \midrule \code{getPPI()} & Generating protein-protein interaction descriptors\\ \code{getCPI()} & Generating compound-protein interaction descriptors\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} } \label{tab:cpi} \end{table} \begin{table}[htbp] \centering \caption{Similarity and similarity searching} \footnotesize{ \begin{tabular}{p{140pt}p{220pt}} \addlinespace \toprule Function name & Function description\\ \midrule \code{calcDrugFPSim()} & Calculate drug molecule similarity derived by molecular fingerprints\\ \code{calcDrugMCSSim()} & Calculate drug molecule similarity derived by maximum common substructure search\\ \code{searchDrug()} & Parallelized drug molecule similarity search by molecular fingerprints similarity or maximum common substructure search\\ \code{calcTwoProtSeqSim()} & Similarity calculation based on sequence alignment for a pair of protein sequences\\ \code{calcParProtSeqSim()} & Parallellized protein sequence similarity calculation based on sequence alignment\\ \code{calcTwoProtGOSim()} & Similarity calculation based on Gene Ontology (GO) similarity between two proteins\\ \code{calcParProtGOSim()} & Protein similarity calculation based on Gene Ontology (GO) similarity\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} } \label{tab:sim} \end{table} \begin{table}[htbp] \centering \caption{Protein sequence data manipulation} \begin{tabular}{p{140pt}p{200pt}} \addlinespace \toprule Function name & Function description\\ \midrule \code{readFASTA()} & Read protein sequences in FASTA format\\ \code{readPDB()} & Read protein sequences in PDB format\\ \code{segProt()} & Protein sequence segmentation\\ \code{checkProt()} & Check if the protein sequence's amino acid types are the 20 default types\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \label{tab:miscprot} \end{table} \begin{table}[htbp] \centering \caption{Molecular data manipulation} \begin{tabular}{p{140pt}p{200pt}} \addlinespace \toprule Function name & Function description\\ \midrule \code{readMolFromSDF()} & Read molecules from SDF files and return parsed Java molecular object\\ \code{readMolFromSmi()} & Read molecules from SMILES files and return parsed Java molecular object or plain text list\\ \code{convMolFormat()} & Chemical file formats conversion\\ \bottomrule \end{tabular} \label{tab:miscdrug} \end{table} \clearpage \vspace*{-0.35cm} \end{document}