## ----setup, include=FALSE------------------------------------------------ knitr::opts_chunk$set(dpi = 300) knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache=FALSE) ## ---- echo = FALSE,hide=TRUE, message=FALSE,warning=FALSE---------------- devtools::load_all(".") ## ---- fig.width=6, fig.height=4, echo = FALSE, fig.align="center",hide=TRUE, message=FALSE,warning=FALSE---- library(png) library(grid) img <- readPNG("Moonlight_Pipeline.png") grid.raster(img) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- ## source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") ## biocLite("MoonlightR") ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- ## dataFilt <- getDataTCGA(cancerType = "LUAD", ## dataType = "Gene expression", ## directory = "data", ## nSample = 4) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- ## dataFilt <- getDataTCGA(cancerType = "BRCA", ## dataType = "Methylation", ## directory = "data",nSample = 4) ## ---- eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE------------------------------------------- knitr::kable(GEO_TCGAtab, digits = 2, caption = "Table with GEO data set matched to one of the 18 given TCGA cancer types ", row.names = TRUE) ## ---- eval = FALSE , echo = TRUE, results='hide', warning = FALSE, message = FALSE---- ## dataFilt <- getDataGEO(GEOobject = "GSE20347",platform = "GPL571") ## ---- eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE, results='hide', warning = FALSE, message = FALSE---- ## dataFilt <- getDataGEO(TCGAtumor = "ESCA") ## ---- eval = FALSE, message=FALSE, results='hide', warning=FALSE--------- ## dataDEGs <- DPA(dataFilt = dataFilt, ## dataType = "Gene expression") ## ---- eval = FALSE, echo = TRUE, hide=TRUE, results='hide', warning = FALSE, message = FALSE---- ## data(GEO_TCGAtab) ## DataAnalysisGEO<- "../GEO_dataset/" ## i<-5 ## ## cancer <- GEO_TCGAtab$Cancer[i] ## cancerGEO <- GEO_TCGAtab$Dataset[i] ## cancerPLT <-GEO_TCGAtab$Platform[i] ## fileCancerGEO <- paste0(cancer,"_GEO_",cancerGEO,"_",cancerPLT, ".RData") ## ## dataFilt <- getDataGEO(TCGAtumor = cancer) ## ## GEOdegs <- DPA(dataConsortium = "GEO", ## gset = dataFilt , ## colDescription = "title", ## samplesType = c(GEO_TCGAtab$GEO_Normal[i], ## GEO_TCGAtab$GEO_Tumor[i]), ## fdr.cut = 0.01, ## logFC.cut = 1, ## gsetFile = paste0(DataAnalysisGEO,fileCancerGEO)) ## ---- eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE------------------------------------------- library(TCGAbiolinks) TCGAVisualize_volcano(DEGsmatrix$logFC, DEGsmatrix$FDR, filename = "DEGs_volcano.png", x.cut = 7, y.cut = 10^-5, names = rownames(DEGsmatrix), color = c("black","red","dodgerblue3"), names.size = 2, xlab = " Gene expression fold change (Log2)", legend = "State", title = "Volcano plot (Normal NT vs Tumor TP)", width = 10) ## ---- fig.width=6, fig.height=4, echo = FALSE, fig.align="center",hide=TRUE, message=FALSE,warning=FALSE---- img <- readPNG("DEGs_volcano.png") grid.raster(img) ## ---- eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results='hide'--------------------------- data(DEGsmatrix) BPselected <- "apoptosis" BPannotations <- DiseaseList[[match(BPselected,names(DiseaseList))]]$ID dataLPA <- LPA(dataDEGs = DEGsmatrix[1:5,], BP = BPselected, BPlist = BPannotations) DiseaseListNew <- dataLPA names(DiseaseListNew) <- BPselected ## ---- eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results='hide'--------------------------- data(DEGsmatrix) dataFEA <- FEA(DEGsmatrix = DEGsmatrix) ## ---- eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, message=FALSE, results='hide', warning=FALSE---- plotFEA(dataFEA = dataFEA, additionalFilename = "_exampleVignette", height = 20, width = 10) ## ---- fig.width=6, fig.height=4, echo = FALSE, fig.align="center",hide=TRUE, message=FALSE,warning=FALSE---- img <- readPNG("FEAplot.png") grid.raster(img) ## ---- eval = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------- dataGRN <- GRN(TFs = rownames(DEGsmatrix)[1:100], normCounts = dataFilt, nGenesPerm = 10,kNearest = 3,nBoot = 10) ## ---- eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results='hide'--------------------------- data(dataGRN) data(DEGsmatrix) dataURA <- URA(dataGRN = dataGRN, DEGsmatrix = DEGsmatrix, BPname = NULL, nCores=2) ## ---- eval = TRUE-------------------------------------------------------- data(dataURA) dataDual <- PRA(dataURA = dataURA, BPname = c("apoptosis","proliferation of cells"), thres.role = 0) ## ---- eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results='hide', warning = FALSE, message = FALSE---- data(knownDriverGenes) data(dataGRN) plotNetworkHive(dataGRN, knownDriverGenes, 0.55) ## ----eval = TRUE,echo=TRUE,message=FALSE,warning=FALSE, results='hide'---- dataDEGs <- DPA(dataFilt = dataFilt, dataType = "Gene expression") dataFEA <- FEA(DEGsmatrix = dataDEGs) dataGRN <- GRN(TFs = rownames(dataDEGs)[1:100], DEGsmatrix = dataDEGs, DiffGenes = TRUE, normCounts = dataFilt) dataURA <- URA(dataGRN = dataGRN, DEGsmatrix = dataDEGs, BPname = c("apoptosis", "proliferation of cells")) dataDual <- PRA(dataURA = dataURA, BPname = c("apoptosis", "proliferation of cells"), thres.role = 0) CancerGenes <- list("TSG"=names(dataDual$TSG), "OCG"=names(dataDual$OCG)) ## ---- eval = TRUE,message=FALSE,warning=FALSE, results='hide'------------ plotURA(dataURA = dataURA[c(names(dataDual$TSG), names(dataDual$OCG)),, drop = FALSE], additionalFilename = "_exampleVignette") ## ---- fig.width=6, fig.height=4, echo = FALSE, fig.align="center",hide=TRUE, message=FALSE,warning=FALSE---- img <- readPNG("URAplot.png") grid.raster(img) ## ----eval = FALSE,echo=TRUE,message=FALSE,warning=FALSE------------------ ## cancerList <- c("BLCA","COAD","ESCA","HNSC","STAD") ## ## listMoonlight <- moonlight(cancerType = cancerList, ## dataType = "Gene expression", ## directory = "data", ## nSample = 10, ## nTF = 100, ## DiffGenes = TRUE, ## BPname = c("apoptosis","proliferation of cells")) ## save(listMoonlight, file = paste0("listMoonlight_ncancer4.Rdata")) ## ## ---- eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE, results='hide', warning = FALSE, message = FALSE---- plotCircos(listMoonlight = listMoonlight, additionalFilename = "_ncancer5") ## ---- fig.width=6, fig.height=4, echo = FALSE, fig.align="center",hide=TRUE, message=FALSE,warning=FALSE---- img <- readPNG("circos_ocg_tsg_ncancer5.png") grid.raster(img) ## ----eval = FALSE,echo=TRUE,message=FALSE,warning=FALSE------------------ ## ## listMoonlight <- NULL ## for (i in 1:4){ ## dataDual <- moonlight(cancerType = "BRCA", ## dataType = "Gene expression", ## directory = "data", ## nSample = 10, ## nTF = 5, ## DiffGenes = TRUE, ## BPname = c("apoptosis","proliferation of cells"), ## stage = i) ## listMoonlight <- c(listMoonlight, list(dataDual)) ## save(dataDual, file = paste0("dataDual_stage",as.roman(i), ".Rdata")) ## } ## names(listMoonlight) <- c("stage1", "stage2", "stage3", "stage4") ## ## # Prepare mutation data for stages ## ## mutation <- GDCquery_Maf(tumor = "BRCA") ## ## res.mutation <- NULL ## for(stage in 1:4){ ## ## curStage <- paste0("Stage ", as.roman(stage)) ## dataClin$tumor_stage <- toupper(dataClin$tumor_stage) ## dataClin$tumor_stage <- gsub("[ABCDEFGH]","",dataClin$tumor_stage) ## dataClin$tumor_stage <- gsub("ST","Stage",dataClin$tumor_stage) ## ## dataStg <- dataClin[dataClin$tumor_stage %in% curStage,] ## message(paste(curStage, "with", nrow(dataStg), "samples")) ## dataSmTP <- mutation$Tumor_Sample_Barcode ## ## dataStgC <- dataSmTP[substr(dataSmTP,1,12) %in% dataStg$bcr_patient_barcode] ## dataSmTP <- dataStgC ## ## info.mutation <- mutation[mutation$Tumor_Sample_Barcode %in% dataSmTP,] ## ## ind <- which(info.mutation[,"Consequence"]=="inframe_deletion") ## ind2 <- which(info.mutation[,"Consequence"]=="inframe_insertion") ## ind3 <- which(info.mutation[,"Consequence"]=="missense_variant") ## res.mutation <- c(res.mutation, list(info.mutation[c(ind, ind2, ind3),c(1,51)])) ## } ## names(res.mutation) <- c("stage1", "stage2", "stage3", "stage4") ## ## ## tmp <- NULL ## tmp <- c(tmp, list(listMoonlight[[1]][[1]])) ## tmp <- c(tmp, list(listMoonlight[[2]][[1]])) ## tmp <- c(tmp, list(listMoonlight[[3]][[1]])) ## tmp <- c(tmp, list(listMoonlight[[4]][[1]])) ## names(tmp) <- names(listMoonlight) ## ## mutation <- GDCquery_Maf(tumor = "BRCA") ## ## plotCircos(listMoonlight=listMoonlight,listMutation=res.mutation, additionalFilename="proc2_wmutation", intensityColDual=0.2,fontSize = 2) ## ---- fig.width=6, fig.height=4, echo = FALSE, fig.align="center",hide=TRUE, message=FALSE,warning=FALSE---- img <- readPNG("circos_ocg_tsg_stages.png") grid.raster(img) ## ----sessionInfo--------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()