## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- ## source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") ## biocLite("CAMERA") ## biocLite("xcms") ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- ## install.packages("devtools") ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- ## library("devtools") ## install_github("vanmooylipidomics/LOBSTAHS") ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- ## ## install dataset 'PtH2O2lipids' ## ## see LOBSTAHS documentation for examples ## ## install_github("vanmooylipidomics/PtH2O2lipids") ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- ## system(paste("msconvert Exactive_data.raw --mzXML --filter \"peakPicking true 1-\" -o mzXML_ms1_two_mode -v")) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- ## system(paste("msconvert mzXML_ms1_two_mode/Exactive_data.mzXML --mzXML --filter \"polarity positive\" -o mzXML_ms1_pos_mode -v")) ## system(paste("msconvert mzXML_ms1_two_mode/Exactive_data.mzXML --mzXML --filter \"polarity negative\" -o mzXML_ms1_neg_mode -v")) ## ---- warning = FALSE, message = FALSE----------------------------------- library(PtH2O2lipids) ptH2O2lipids$xsAnnotate@xcmsSet ## ---- warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, eval = FALSE--------------------- ## library(xcms) ## library(CAMERA) ## library(LOBSTAHS) ## ## # first, a necessary workaround to avoid a import error; see ## # https://support.bioconductor.org/p/69414/ ## ## imports = parent.env(getNamespace("CAMERA")) ## unlockBinding("groups", imports) ## imports[["groups"]] = xcms::groups ## lockBinding("groups", imports) ## ## # create annotated xset using wrapper annotate(), allowing us to perform all ## # CAMERA tasks at once ## ## xsA = annotate(ptH2O2lipids$xsAnnotate@xcmsSet, ## ## quick=FALSE, ## sample=NA, # use all samples ## nSlaves=1, # set to number of available cores or processors if ## # > 1 ## ## # group FWHM settings (defaults) ## ## sigma=6, ## perfwhm=0.6, ## ## # groupCorr settings (defaults) ## ## cor_eic_th=0.75, ## graphMethod="hcs", ## pval=0.05, ## calcCiS=TRUE, ## calcIso=TRUE, ## calcCaS=FALSE, ## ## # findIsotopes settings ## ## maxcharge=4, ## maxiso=4, ## minfrac=0.5, ## ## # adduct annotation settings ## ## psg_list=NULL, ## rules=NULL, ## polarity="positive", # the PtH2O2lipids xcmsSet contains ## # positive-mode data ## multiplier=3, ## max_peaks=100, ## ## # common to multiple tasks ## ## intval="into", ## ppm=2.5, ## mzabs=0.0015 ## ## ) ## #> Start grouping after retention time. ## #> Created 113 pseudospectra. ## #> Generating peak matrix! ## #> Run isotope peak annotation ## #> % finished: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ## #> Found isotopes: 5692 ## #> Start grouping after correlation. ## #> Generating EIC's .. ## #> ## #> Calculating peak correlations in 113 Groups... ## #> % finished: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ## #> ## #> Calculating isotope assignments in 113 Groups... ## #> % finished: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ## #> Calculating graph cross linking in 113 Groups... ## #> % finished: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ## #> New number of ps-groups: 5080 ## #> xsAnnotate has now 5080 groups, instead of 113 ## #> Generating peak matrix for peak annotation! ## #> ## #> Calculating possible adducts in 5080 Groups... ## #> % finished: 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 ## ---- warning = FALSE, message = FALSE----------------------------------- library(LOBSTAHS) data(default.LOBdbase) default.LOBdbase$positive # default positive mode database default.LOBdbase$negative # default negative mode database ## ---- warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, eval = FALSE--------------------- ## data(default.acylRanges) ## data(default.oxyRanges) ## data(default.componentCompTable) ## data(default.adductHierarchies) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- ## LOBdb = generateLOBdbase(polarity = c("positive","negative"), gen.csv = FALSE, ## component.defs = NULL, AIH.defs = NULL, acyl.ranges = NULL, ## oxy.ranges = NULL) ## ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- ## data(default.rt.windows) ## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------- ## myPtH2O2LOBSet = doLOBscreen(ptH2O2lipids$xsAnnotate, polarity = "positive", ## database = NULL, remove.iso = TRUE, ## rt.restrict = TRUE, rt.windows = NULL, ## exclude.oddFA = TRUE, match.ppm = 2.5) ## ---- warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, eval = FALSE--------------------- ## ptH2O2lipids$LOBSet ## #> A positive polarity "LOBSet" containing LC-MS peak data. Compound assignments and adduct ion hierarchy screening annotations applied to 16 samples using the "LOBSTAHS" package. ## #> ## #> Individual peaks: 21869 ## #> Peak groups: 1595 ## #> Compound assignments: 1969 ## #> m/z range: 551.425088845409-1269.09515435315 ## #> ## #> Peak groups having possible regisomers: 556 ## #> Peak groups having possible structural functional isomers: 375 ## #> Peak groups having isobars indistinguishable within ppm matching tolerance: 84 ## #> ## #> Restrictions applied prior to conducting adduct ion hierarchy screening: remove.iso, rt.restrict, exclude.oddFA ## #> ## #> Match tolerance used for database assignments: 2.5 ppm ## #> ## #> Memory usage: 1.26 MB ## ---- warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, eval = FALSE--------------------- ## LOBscreen_diagnostics(ptH2O2lipids$LOBSet) ## #> peakgroups peaks assignments parent_compounds ## #> initial 18314 251545 NA NA ## #> post_remove_iso 12146 163938 NA NA ## #> initial_assignments 5077 67862 15929 14076 ## #> post_rt_restrict 4451 60070 13504 11779 ## #> post_exclude_oddFA 3871 52337 7458 6283 ## #> post_AIHscreen 1595 21869 2056 1969 ## ---- warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, eval = FALSE--------------------- ## LOBisoID_diagnostics(ptH2O2lipids$LOBSet) ## #> peakgroups parent_compounds assignments features ## #> C3r_regio.iso 556 352 750 7591 ## #> C3f_funct.struct.iso 375 577 752 5057 ## #> C3c_isobars 84 162 195 1137