CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.7 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o Add figure to vignette describing the effect of the "circ_chrom"-option when genomic regions are used as input CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.6 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o Add figure to vignette describing the FWER calculation for the hypergeometric test. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.5 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o The new option 'gene_len' creates random sets for the FWER of the hypergeometric test dependent on the gene lengths. o In addition to explicitly naming the candidate genes, it is now possible to define entire genomic regions as candidate and background regions. The names of the 'genes' vector have to be of the form 'chr:start-stop' to use this option. o The background regions by default are independent. But using the option 'circ_chrom = TRUE', background regions on the same chromosome as the candidate region are used and random candidate regions are allowed to overlap multiple background regions. SIGNIFICANT USER-LEVEL CHANGES o cutoff-quantiles are now computed using all protein coding genes and not just input candidate and background genes. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.4 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o functions get_name, get_superstructures and get_sampled_substructures now also accept structure-IDs without the "Allen:"-prefix as input (like data are provided in ABAData-package). CHANGES IN VERSION 1.3.3 ------------------------ BUG FIXES o fixed error in get_expression(..., dataset="5_stages")- message ("returning log2(RPKM)" to "returning RPKM").